Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:51 AM

Chapter 719: 719

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Top ten thousand?

Zhou Xuanji narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, "pure strength?"

If he is more qualified, he must be the first, otherwise the demon emperor would not value him so much.

In terms of strength, it's too difficult to reach the top ten thousand.

The demon emperor nodded gently and said, "you should be able to do it?"

It's all for that.

If he can't even reach the top ten thousand, what face does he have to compete for the position of pulse master or even higher?

"Try your best."

Zhou Xuanji replied that there was still a hundred years left, enough for him to take big strides to become stronger.

The demon emperor stopped talking and focused on the song and dance performance in front of him.

The banquet of super divine pulse was even more wonderful than Zhou Xuanji imagined.

In addition to singing and dancing, there are also various magical performances and wonderful creative performances. In the middle of the period, all senior executives began to tell about their recent interesting stories, most of which are related to the pattern of Kunlun Yuanting.

Zhou Xuanji listened quietly and learned a lot about the super divine veins.

For example, when two divine veins seem to be hostile, they actually wear a pair of underpants, and the two vein owners are brothers.

For example, when a pulse master becomes possessed, he is actually designed to take away his wife and daughter, and his heart collapses.

There are all kinds of things, and some are even absurd.

The banquet showed Zhou Xuanji the intelligence ability of the evil dry divine vein.

Almost all divine veins have their spies. Under such circumstances, evil and dry divine veins can be said to be invincible.

There is a divine vein that wants to join hands against the evil dry divine vein. All correspondence is intercepted by the evil dry divine vein. It will be a nightmare waiting for them.

The party lasted a long time.

At the end of the banquet, the demon Emperor didn't ask Zhou Xuanji to stay.

Instead, other people in power found him one after another, talked to him and made good friends with him.

Zhou Xuanji didn't show up. He was polite, neither humble nor arrogant, calm and generous, which made the people in power look at him with new eyes.

Who would hate such a polite Tianjiao if he didn't have a grudge against him?

In this way, Zhou Xuanji made friends with many people and was officially integrated into the evil dry God vein.

Seeing that Zhou Xuanji was so easy to get along with, these people promised to ask them for help if they were in trouble or wanted anything.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and agreed. After chatting for a while, they left one after another.

Returning to qingjiantian, Zhou Xiaoxuan immediately found him and asked about the banquet process of Xie Qian's divine vein.

Zhou Xuanji didn't hide it and told all the things that happened.

After hearing this, Zhou Xiaoxuan sighed, "emperor Zun really treats you as a son."


Zhou Xuanji patted her on the head and didn't have a good way: "do you want to recognize grandpa so much?"

Besides cultivation, this girl is so stupid that she scolds herself.

"Practice well!"

Zhou Xuanji glared at her, then turned and walked to the hillside of his cultivation and began to absorb Taoist power.

After the banquet, the story of Zhou Xuanji sitting next to the demon emperor spread, and the whole evil dry God vein was boiling.

In addition, the news that Zhou Xuanji was going to participate in the Tianjiao ranking war spread, making the evil dry God vein more lively.

All creatures are looking forward to Zhou Xuanji's performance, while those Tianjiao want to step on Zhou Xuanji.

If they were better than Zhou Xuanji, wouldn't they be able to replace Zhou Xuanji?

Of course, the smart Tianjiao was thinking about how to deliberately lose to Zhou Xuanji without being found, so as to please Zhou Xuanji.

Winning Zhou Xuanji is equal to beating the demon emperor's face.

Unfortunately, the Tianjiao who thinks the demon emperor is fair and just still accounts for the vast majority.

Time passes year by year.

Thirty years later.

Zhou Xuanji finally broke through to the later stage of the Taoist priest.

The number of his divine swords has also exceeded 3000.

As long as he breaks through the Taoist ancestral realm, he can get Ruyi Shunxin divine sword and make a wish to get a Yao gold basket.

After the breakthrough, he found Ying Zhuge again and had a duel.

This time, Ying Zhuge was extremely shocked.

It's just a small realm. Why does this boy feel like he's making progress by leaps and bounds?

After the competition, Zhou Xuanji found the crazy Jue God again.

The strength of kuanjue God had just returned to the state of Taoist ancestors, and Zhou Xuanji beat him without fighting back.

"How could it be! You took the wrong medicine?"

Crazy absolute being exclaimed in amazement and looked flustered.

If he was overtaken by Zhou Xuanji, wouldn't he be very sad in the future?

Now he can occasionally fight with Zhou Xuanji. If he doesn't have this value in the future, won't he end up as a slave?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, Leng couldn't beat Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji also knew that his strength had reached the realm of Taoism.

Nangong Jiayin never left. After learning that Zhou Xuanji's rapid progress, she was also very moved.

Eighteen star Tianjiao is too strong, isn't it?

Stimulated by Zhou Xuanji, everyone in Qingjian day is practicing hard.


Kunlun Yuanting border.

A figure flew in, impressively against the life of the reincarnation of fate.

Looking at the purple fog sea ahead, he took a long breath and murmured, "is it finally coming?"

His eyes showed a burning color. He immediately accelerated and rushed into the purple sea.


A huge fist flew in front of him and directly knocked him out.

Ren almost burst to death against his life. He gritted his teeth, looked flustered and said, "who?"

It was a terrible blow, which made him numb and painful.

The virtual realm God slowly stepped out of the purple sea. His face was expressionless and said, "Kunlun Yuanting, no spirit can enter!"

Ren disobeyed his life without fear, but was pleasantly surprised.

He finally found Kunlun Yuanting!

He immediately knelt down in the void and said, "please let me in. I'm the fate rule of the universe, and I'm not a spirit."

As soon as he said this, the virtual realm God couldn't help looking at him carefully.

The incarnation of fate, this identity is indeed qualified to enter the Kunlun Yuanting.

"You have to worship the divine pulse before entering the Kunlun Yuanting. Does the divine pulse recommend you?"

Xujing God asked in a businesslike way, and suddenly felt that this son could be cultivated.

The thirteen emperors of the virtual world under him are too weak and need fresh blood.

"No, sir, can you take me?"

Ren asked respectfully against life. He could see through what the virtual world God thought at a glance.

If the virtual realm God doesn't like him, he will bombard him directly. There's no need to talk nonsense at all.

The virtual environment God pondered, "OK, first go with me to register your identity and test your qualification."

Ren was surprised and saluted again.

Then, he followed the virtual realm God to fly into the Kunlun yuan court.

Along the way, Ren counter life asked curiously, "what's your identity? What's your name?"

"Call me the virtual realm God. The thirteen emperors of the virtual realm are my men. You should have seen it?"

The empty realm God replied indifferently, and Ren's face changed greatly.

Is the thirteen emperors of the virtual realm under the virtual realm God?

He immediately felt himself in a den of thieves.

He came here naturally because he had a fight with the thirteen emperors of the virtual world.

It's over

Ren countered his life and said his previous experience again.

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