Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:25 AM

Chapter 736: 736

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The grey robed old man was frightened by Zhou's eyes and quickly bowed his head.

He couldn't help muttering in his heart, "if you don't kill him, why do you catch him so recklessly? It's like revenge."

A message suddenly occurred to him.

Zhou and Zhou are as like as two peas.

Are they brothers?

Zhou Fu continued to absorb the power of countless divine moons and said, "catching Zhou Xuanji is one of them. The other is to find a way to stink the evil and dry divine veins to me. It's best to draw out their hatred with other divine veins."

When he mentioned the evil dry divine pulse, his eyes twinkled with cold light, revealing the killing intention of hard work and unforgettable memory.

"Lord, what's your holiday with the evil dry God pulse?"

The grey robed old man asked curiously. It turned out that Zhou punishment was not for Zhou Xuanji, but for the evil dry divine pulse.

This is a super divine pulse. It's too difficult to deal with.

Even though Zhou's punishment has great powers, it is still not against the demon emperor in his eyes, and it is not even a grade.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Get out."

Zhou Fei said impatiently, and the old man in grey robe had to leave.

Then he closed his eyes and absorbed the power of the God moon.


After breaking through the territory of Taoist ancestors, Zhou Xuanji began to rest for a period of time. He took Zhou Xiaoxuan and Jiang Xue in the Sanfeng Qilin car to visit the giant cities of the evil and dry God vein, which was majestic and made countless creatures remember that the Sanfeng Qilin car was Zhou Xuanji's exclusive mount.

Sanfeng Qilin car definitely deserves the identity of Xuanji last week. Looking at the evil dry divine vein, only those in power who have lived for countless years have such a face.

At the same time, the news about Zhou Xuanji's direct breakthrough to the twelve pin flowers of Taoist ancestors also followed, causing a sensation in the evil dry God vein, and then spread to the Kunlun yuan court.

Zhou Xuanji proved with his actions what is the eighteen star Tianjiao.

In the next few years, he didn't practice much, but played with his wife and daughter.

Xianxianghua has been busy practicing.

Six years passed in a hurry.

Zhou Xuanji returned to qingjiantian and resumed their cultivation.

Changxiyan suddenly found him and said respectfully, "the emperor has news for you."

As he danced his sword, he asked, "what's the news?"

After so many years, he still keeps the habit of practicing white crane sword.

Although the white crane sword technique is simple, it can exercise his mind because of its simplicity.

"Zhou Fu created the black sword court and threatened to destroy the evil dry God vein."

Chang Xiyan said, looking strange.

Black sword court!

She already knew the existence of the imperial sword court, so she thought Zhou punishment was to imitate Zhou Xuanji to the end?

Zhou Xuanji was also speechless. There was something wrong with this guy.

But how did he know the existence of the imperial sword court?

Was this guy watching me a long time ago?

The more Zhou Xuanji thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

"Not only that, the black sword court also colluded with other super divine veins hostile to the evil dry divine vein to find out the evil things done by the evil dry divine vein. Soon the Kunlun yuan court will shake. You'd better not go out."

Chang Xiyan continued. Speaking of this, she had some palpitations.

What exactly is the origin of Zhou punishment? It can calculate the evil dry divine pulse.

Zhou Xuanji narrowed his eyes and asked, "evil? In addition to the elimination, are the super gods still fighting in the Kunlun yuan court?"

Kunlun Yuanting is strictly guarded. Who dares to fight?

Chang Xiyan shook her head and said, "it seems so, but the Supreme Master doesn't show his face. There must be a dark place in Kunlun Yuanting. It's not that there hasn't been an internal fight before."

She has read a lot of history and understands that this is the necessity of history.

Every time the yuan court of Kunlun is in chaos, it is the period of supreme alternation.

She didn't know whether it would be now, but one thing she knew was that Zhou Xuanji was in big trouble.

"Well, I'm just ready to practice."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. Zhou's punishment became more and more serious. He had to pay attention to this guy.

Zhou penalty

What the hell do you want?

In order to kill him, even destroy the evil dry God vein?

In my opinion, it is much less difficult to kill him than to destroy the evil dry God vein.

Chang Xiyan finally told: "master, in this evil dry God vein, you can't believe anyone except the emperor. After all, you were bought by the Emperor himself. He has no reason to harm you, but others may hinder you."

Zhou Xuanji nodded. How could he not understand this truth.

After Chang Xiyan left, Zhou Xuanji didn't think much and began to practice.


In this year, xianxianghua had a meteorite.

She was distressed about it.

She doesn't want to have children so early, which will affect her practice.

Huanglian claimed that she could take care of her children, but even so, she was still a little unhappy.

Inside, Zhou Xuanji sat side by side with her at the bedside, while Jiang Xue and Zhou Xiaoxuan sat on the nearby chairs.

"Aunt Xian, did you give me a brother or a sister?"

She was so excited that she finally had a family member she could bully.

Jiang Xue covered her mouth and said with a smile, "do you want a brother or a sister?"

The Zhou Xuanji family has always been very harmonious. There has been almost no quarrel. At most, Zhou Xiaoxuan is naughty.

Xianxianghua is very gentle and generous to Jiang Xue and Zhou Xiaoxuan. She will never refuse.

Jiang Xue is also very sensible. The two women can guide each other in practice.

"Younger brothers and sisters are OK. You must be my little attendant."

Zhou Xiaoxuan smiled and couldn't help laughing.

Xianxianghua didn't feel much about her children. She was kind to Zhou Xiaoxuan because of Zhou Xuanji. Later, she felt that Zhou Xiaoxuan was very similar to her and became closer and closer.

She was a little upset about her upcoming child.

Unspeakable feeling, as if there was more trouble.

Nothing is invincible.

Her concern is getting more and more, which means that she is getting farther and farther away from her original self.

Seeing her displeasure, Zhou Xuanji comforted her, "come on, what are you afraid of when so many people help you raise children? Don't you want to leave me an heir? Then I'll find another woman."

"You dare!"

Jiang Xue, Xian Xianghua and Zhou Xiaoxuan spoke in unison. Zhou Xuanji was stunned.

What's going on?

So serious?

Zhou Xiaoxuan hummed, "father, don't pinch flowers to make trouble!"

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help laughing.

It seems that the three women have already colluded to prevent him from looking for other women.

Then he led the topic to the child's name.

Various names appear.

Zhou Zhishui, Zhou Tianjiao, Zhou Huang, Zhou lingting, etc.

After talking for a long time, they didn't come up with a decision.

This matter can only be put aside for a while. Zhou Xuanji left and was ready to continue his cultivation.

It's good for Jiang Xue and them to take care of the children.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

The fairy wanted to spend ten years pregnant, but the child didn't come out.

Her stomach was only slightly swollen and very strange. Zhou Xuanji could feel the child's vitality. Although she was smaller than a normal child, she had strong vitality.

This son is becoming stronger with the help of the holy power of Xianxiang flower.

This also affected the cultivation of Xianxiang flower, so she became more and more upset and even wanted to get rid of the child.

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