Published at 11th of October 2021 10:48:19 AM

Chapter 740: 740

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Finally, fairy wanted to give her son the name Zhou Tanhua.


Son's name.

Zhou Yun machine wanted to make complaints about it. He could see that he wanted to be so excited. He could not refuse.

The most important thing is that Jiang Xue also feels very good.

Although the flower is very feminine, Epiphyllum is the flower of hell. It has great momentum.

For the idea of the two women, Zhou Xuanji could only mourn for his son.

"Well, if he doesn't like it in the future, he can change his name."

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and laughed, then took his son out of the attic.

Zhou Epiphyllum has strong vitality. He absorbs an unknown amount of nutrition in xianxianghua's stomach. He'll be fine if he's hungry for a while.

He took Zhou Tanhua all over qingjiantian and let everyone see Zhou Tanhua.

From then on, qingjiantian ushered in another little master.

Zhou Xiaoxuan is most excited and likes his brother very much. So Zhou Xuanji gives Zhou Tanhua to her and asks her to bring it.

Zhou Xuanji returned to xianxianghua and passed on the magic power he had just learned to her.

Xianxianghua is very excited about this.

She has never been in contact with such magical powers before. It is absolutely the happiest thing for her to become stronger.

Zhou Xuanji didn't ignore Jiang Xue and was also helping her practice.

Although Jiang Xue didn't fix her mind to kill God's eyes, with the help of Zhou Xuanji, her cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

She has begun to attack the realm of stepping on the road.

Qing Jiantian regained calm again.

Zhou Xiaoxuan took Zhou Tanhua to play around. Although the boy was just born, he was lively and could fly independently.

His strength is extremely terrible. Ordinary Hunyuan Luo Tian strong people may not be able to bear his strength.

This boy is more exaggerated than Nezha.

Fortunately, he is not as violent as Nezha.

In a twinkling of an eye, half a year has passed.

The demon emperor suddenly asked him to go to the emperor hall.

When he came to the emperor hall, Zhou Xuanji saw a man besides the demon emperor.

This man is wearing a purple black robe, a dragon crown and a jade tree facing the wind. His temperament is elegant but dignified.

Zhou Xuanji knew him. His name was Wei Yi. His accomplishments exceeded jiuhongtian. He was one of the rulers of the evil dry God vein.

Wei Yi nodded at him with a smile on his face. Zhou Xuanji also nodded in response to show courtesy.

"I called you here today to give you a task. You will go to a universe with Wei Yi. That universe is controlled by a supreme divine vein. Your goal is to destroy that universe."

The demon emperor stared at Zhou Xuanji and ordered, his eyes full of expectation.

It's time for this sword to come out of its sheath!

Zhou Xuanji squints, supreme divine pulse?

Is the evil dry divine pulse so crazy?

Even the top ten divine veins dare to provoke?

Although he was puzzled, he expected more. He also wanted to try his strength.

"Wei Yi, this mission can't stop him, okay?"

The demon emperor looked at Wei Yi and said meaningfully.

Wei Yi smiled and nodded to understand what he meant.

Although Zhou Xuanji cannot be stopped, his life must be protected.

Otherwise, the demon emperor would not ask him for help.

"Well, you can start now."

The demon emperor waved and said, Wei Yi and Zhou Xuanji immediately disappeared in place.

Then they came to the space-time channel.

They chatted as they moved on.

Talking about the past of the evil dry divine vein and the supreme divine vein.

This supreme divine pulse is called the mortal divine pulse.

The mortal divine vein is an ancient divine vein that creates the Qi of the mortal world.

His ancestor was one of the ancestors who created rules. He established the existence of the gas of the world of mortals. After countless years, the gas of the world of mortals covered all sentient beings and became one of the high-level rules to contact all sentient beings.

Because of this great contribution, the supreme masters of all dynasties will not embarrass the mortal God pulse.

Because of this, the mortal God pulse became extremely arrogant and bullied creatures everywhere.

They robbed the universe. They cultivate talents who do not belong to the Kunlun yuan court here. They want to establish forces outside the Kunlun yuan court. They have a bad heart.

"The supreme one doesn't care about this?"

Zhou Xuanji asked curiously, looking strange.

Recently, the Supreme Master hasn't appeared in the yuan court of Kunlun.

Wei Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know. I've heard a rumor."

He paused and said mysteriously, "the Supreme Master may have fallen or left. Now there are no dragons in Kunlun Yuanting, so the divine veins are more and more restless."

The supreme fell?

Zhou Xuanji frowned. His first reaction was not to believe it.

"If he is gone, can the Kunlun Yuanting remain stable?"

He asked suspiciously that the order of Kunlun Yuanting is still very stable, at least there is no internal dispute.

Any contradiction is solved outside the Kunlun Yuanting.

Wei Yi said with a smile: "the supreme men are still very loyal, especially the God of war of the yuan court. When he falls, the yuan court of Kunlun will really be in chaos. He has an excellent relationship with the emperor. The reason why the emperor wants to move the pulse of the world of mortals is for him."

"The mortal God pulse believes that the position of the God of war of the yuan court should be replaced. The emperor took the risk to fight the mortal God pulse just when he oppressed the God of war of the yuan court."

Zhou Xuanji suddenly realized.

He had guessed the relationship between the war god of Yuanting and the demon emperor before.

It's true.

While they were chatting, a wild laugh came from the front:

"Zhou Xuanji, you finally shouldn't shrink your head. You don't want to escape today!"

Zhou penalty!

Zhou Xuanji and Wei Yi stopped immediately.

Instead of panic, they showed a joking expression.

Zhou Fei came with a grey robed old man in the air. His face was excited as if he saw prey.

"Come with me and leave Kunlun Yuanting. You are not my opponent!"

Zhou Fei smiled contemptuously. He glanced at Wei Yi and didn't pay attention to Wei Yi at all.

Strong light burst out in Zhou Xuanji's eyes, and the fluctuating space-time channel was momentarily static.

Zhou's face changed and he was shocked to find that he couldn't move.

The grey robed old man next to him was also frightened.

"What's going on... That's... Killing God's eyes!"

The grey robed old man stared at Zhou Xuanji in horror.

Wei Yi's eyes turned and glanced at Zhou Xuanji, revealing the color of expectation.

Everything was still, but Zhou Xuanji could move.

He stepped to Zhou's body, took out his proud mortal sword, put the tip of the sword against Zhou's body, and asked, "can you escape now?"

Zhou Fei was sweating profusely and said in a trembling voice, "calm down and kill God's eyes... How can you be so quick..."

He desperately wanted to use his magic power and found that he couldn't break free.

An unimaginable force imprisons time and space.

In Zhou Xuanji's eyes, he was like a reptile that could be crushed to death at any time.

"Before you die, tell me your origin."

Zhou Xuanji asked with indifferent eyes.

He was in control of the terrible power to kill God's eyes. He felt that Zhou could be punished to death with one thought.

No wonder the demon emperor said he could sweep jiuhongtian.

The perfect mind killing eye was so powerful that Zhou Xuanji was surprised.

Zhou Jing clenched his teeth and said, "if I say so, you'll let me go?"


Zhou Xuanji stabbed his sword into his throat. He didn't pierce it, but let the tip of the sword drop three centimeters.

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