Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:50 AM

Chapter 759: 759

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"Then you can't keep this figure all the time. Aren't you afraid you won't find a daughter-in-law in the future?"

Zhou Xuanji joked that Zhou Epiphyllum turned red.

He said awkwardly, "father, I'm still young and don't want this."

In just a few years, the boy changed from lively and naughty to introverted and intelligent.

Zhou Xuanji looked at him with emotion.

Sure enough, the dragon begets the dragon and the Phoenix begets the Phoenix.

"Father, what else can I do for you?"

Zhou Tanhua asked skillfully, listening to Zhou Xuanji's eyebrows.

The boy has really changed.

I drove him away.

He asked curiously, "don't you want to ask me about the cultivation method?"

Zhou Tanhua shook her head and said, "the world Fu Tu holy skill is very exquisite, and there is a lot of room for progress. I want to practice it."

Zhou Xuanji looked at him again.

Not arrogant and impatient, very patient, totally unlike children of this age.

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and smiled and disappeared in place.

Since his son is fine and dislikes his interference, he is too lazy to take care of it.

Just now he swept it with his mind. Zhou Tanhua did not have any problem, nor did he have any trace of being taken away. His soul was still pure and familiar.

Back to qingjiantian, he continued to practice.

The transformation of Zhou Epiphyllum became a good story of Qing Jiantian, and even spread to the imperial sword court.

Nearly 100 million disciples of the imperial sword court knew that Zhou Xuanji had another son, who was superior to the holy land as soon as he practiced.

The imperial sword court is located in the twenty-four Xuanqing lotus. For them, the Kunlun yuan court is the upper boundary. The goal of everyone's cultivation is to break through the Holy Land and fly to the Qing sword heaven.

Over the years, people have come to qingjiantian.

Zhou Xuanji didn't register their identity, so they don't need to participate in the elimination.

Even in the dark ages, the elimination continues.

The middle and lower divine veins still dare not mess around. Only the super divine veins and the supreme divine veins dare to act recklessly.

Zhou Xuanji had just practiced for half a year, and his peace was broken again.

The demon emperor sent a message to him and asked him to go to the emperor hall.

When he came to the emperor's hall, he saw thousands of figures standing. Everyone kept quiet and dared not make noise.

Under the wave of the demon emperor, Zhou Xuanji came to the front and attracted everyone's attention.

Up to now, the people of the evil dry God vein are very familiar with Zhou Xuanji, and most people give him a kind look or nod to greet him.

Zhou Xuanji went to Wei Yi and waited quietly.

As usual, Wei Yiyi was calm and silent.

When everyone came together, the demon emperor said, "the red earth God vein has completely fought against our evil dry God vein. I need you to go out and kill the creatures of the red earth God vein. Don't worry, because they will also kill you."

No one was shocked.

The two sides' Divine pulse was originally a desperate hostile relationship. Coupled with the previous Holy Ghost, the two sides completely collapsed and were ready to go to war regardless of everything.

"Will there be other divine veins to besiege us?"

Someone asked with a dignified expression.

The demon emperor looked at him and said, "yes, not only us, but also the mortal God pulse is facing this situation."

There is no real alliance in Kunlun Yuanting.

For the sake of interests, even the iron relationship will collapse in an instant.

"You clean up. You have to go out this month and you can't come back in a hundred years."

The demon emperor continued to command, and everyone agreed in unison.

Then he ordered several things to pay attention to and let everyone leave.

This time, he didn't leave Zhou Xuanji.

After walking out of the Imperial Hall, Wei Yifei went to Zhou Xuanji and said, "next is your stage. Are you ready?"

His eyes were full of expectation, and he believed that Zhou Xuanji could kill the four sides with his mind.

Zhou Xuanji nodded, and he was looking forward to it.

"By the way, the innocent divine vein was forced by a few heavenly kings, the divine vein collapsed, and countless sword heart grasses were lost. If you are lucky, you can collect them."

Wei Yi said with a smile. When he mentioned it, he looked happy.

Zhou Xuanji asked curiously, "loss? What's wrong?"

Wei Yi nodded and said with a gloating smile: "there is an old ancestor of the innocent divine vein, whose strength exceeds that of the yuan Rong divine monarch. He taught the little heavenly monarch a lesson. Now the little heavenly monarch is seriously injured and will not appear again in a short time. The great God can be afraid of the Revenge of the Tianyi divine vein and has fled the Kunlun yuan court."

Zhou Xuanji was stunned. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He suddenly wanted to laugh at the thought of shaotianjun's arrogant and cold look.

Fortunately, he refused, otherwise he would be affected.

Besides, he didn't have the strength of the little king of heaven, and he was close to death.

After a few words, they parted.

Back to qingjiantian, Zhou Xuanji told xianxianghua and others about it, and then he left in a Sanfeng Qilin car.

Along the way, Sanfeng Qilin attracted countless eyes.

How can we not attract people's attention when the five mounts of jiuhongtian cultivation run together?

After leaving the evil dry divine pulse, Zhou Xuanji rushed to the innocent divine pulse.

He wanted to see if he could find the sword grass.

At the same time, the news that he left the evil dry God vein spread.

But there are many people on the list staring at him and trying to use him as a stepping stone.


Qing Jiantian.

Zhou Tanhua, who was practicing, suddenly opened her eyes and said, "who?"

A figure rose on the lake, impressively Zhou penalty.

He stared at Zhou Tanhua and said, "how did you notice me?"

He pretended to be calm, but there was a trace of fear in the bottom of his eyes.

Because Zhou Epiphyllum's eyes have turned purple, and there is a faint purple awn shining, which may shoot out at any time.

"To be aware is to be aware. Do you need to ask why?"

Zhou Tanhua replied that although he was still young, he had guessed the identity of the other party.

He remembered that Zhou Xiaoxuan as like as two peas, and one of them was exactly the same as their father, and also directed at their father.

Lord of the black sword court, Zhou Fu.

Zhou Jingyi listened and narrowed his eyes.

This boy is so mysterious when he is so young. How can he talk when he grows up?

"Do you want to be strong? I can foresee your future. I can make you supreme."

Zhou Fu bewitched him. He didn't get close to Zhou Tanhua. They kept a safe distance.

Zhou Tanhua shook her head and said, "I just want to practice myself. My father will become the supreme."

He looked very serious, as if he were telling a fact.

"What about you? You are divine and intelligent. You should have a goal in mind?"

Zhou asked, flashing a killing opportunity in his eyes.

He saw the future change again.

This boy will be a great threat in the future.

"I just want to practice well now. Let's go. You're not your own. You can't hurt me."

Zhou Tanhua stared at him and said softly.

Zhou Jing was silent and thoughtful.

He found that he had underestimated Zhou Tanhua.

It's just the man's son. It's really not easy.

Zhou Tanhua's eyes burst into purple light. He hummed, "if you don't go again, don't blame me for being impolite. Also, don't think about the supreme position. It must be my father's."

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