Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:46 AM

Chapter 761: 761

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"The Qi of red dust covers the universe and becomes one of the basic elements of the universe. Any existence will produce spirit as long as it develops for a long time. The woman in red just now is the God of red dust."

Wei Yifei went to Zhou Xuanji and explained with a smile.

Zhou Xuanji asked suspiciously, "in this way, the mortal God should be very strong. Just now the woman didn't have any cultivation breath, just like ordinary people."

Wei Yi nodded and said, "the greatest treasure of the world of mortals is so powerful that it can cut everything, and the God of mortals bred by the gas of the world of mortals is naturally stronger. However, a supreme suppressed the rules of the world of mortals a long time ago, so that the future gods of the world of mortals can not give full play to their real strength. The worst thing is that they have become the cultivation herbs of great powers."

"They are transformed by the Qi of the world of mortals, so they can be used to cultivate the magical powers of the world of mortals and the most precious treasures of the world of mortals."

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help but sympathize. In this way, the birth of every mortal God represents a tragedy.

All powers want them.

Of course, sympathy was compassion, and he had no other emotions.

After all, he doesn't know the mortal God.

"Why is the mortal God hiding here?"

Zhou Xuanji continued to ask, logically speaking, the mortal God should be far away from the Kunlun Yuanting.

Wei Yi smiled and said, "she probably wanted to save Dao Hu. Dao Hu adopted a mortal God as an adopted daughter. The girl was eager to save her father, so she came in the dark period. Unfortunately, her breath is very sensitive to those powers."

Zhou Xuanji picked his eyebrows, and Daohu adopted the mortal God?

Think about it carefully. He doesn't know much about Daohu. He hasn't really known Daohu about his position.

Zhou Xuanji had another question. He asked, "isn't the God of the world of mortals protected by the pulse of the God of the world of mortals?"

Logically speaking, they belong to the same vein, and the mortal God vein is the supreme god vein. How can they not protect the mortal God?

Wei Yi shook his head and said, "the last supreme of the mortal God vein is the mortal God, so they are restricted by the other nine Supreme God veins and can no longer accept the mortal God. The mortal supreme was so powerful that later generations covered up her history in order to suppress the mortal God vein."

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help being interested in the supreme mortal.

In addition to the little supreme, the mortal supreme is the second supreme name he heard.

He looked at Wei Yi and said, "what can I do for you? We met as soon as we separated. What a coincidence."

He can see that Wei Yi definitely has another purpose.

Wei Yi smiled and said, "before, I had to play in the evil dry God vein. I know who robbed jianxincao. I'll take you."

Zhou Xuanji nodded and went back to Sanfeng Qilin car to let Wei Yi lead the way.

Wei Yi glanced at the Sanfeng Qilin car with envy. He didn't dare to get on the car. This is Zhou Xuanji's exclusive mount, which represents his identity. The demon emperor once told him to see the Sanfeng Qilin car as if he were himself.

Then he turned and flew away.

Sanfeng Qilin car followed.

Inside the carriage, Zhou Xuanji began to examine Wei Yi.

What the hell does this guy want?

Are you really persuaded by Zhou Jing to betray the evil dry God vein?

However, Wei Yi is still loyal to the demon emperor. With the ability of the demon emperor, how can he not be aware that he will rebel?

Half an hour later.

They came to the edge of Kunlun Yuanting, where countless meteorites were suspended, as well as many broken buildings and magic weapons.

"The sundries of the yuan court in Kunlun will float to the edge, and the guy who steals the sword heart grass will hide here."

Wei Yi said in a tone full of ridicule.

Zhou Xuanji replied, "help me bring jianxincao."

Wei Yi looked back. The boy didn't come out of the car. It seemed that he was afraid of him.

He shook his head and smiled and acted immediately.

At the same time, Zhou Xuanji glanced around with his mind.

Under his gaze, Wei Yi quickly found a man hiding in the inner space of the meteorite. After a burst of coercion and inducement, the man handed over a ring.

Wei Yi did not embarrass him, and the man fled quickly.

"So smooth?"

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and always felt something wrong.

Wei Yi flew towards Sanfeng Qilin car. He threw the ring into the car and was photographed by Zhou Xuanji.

While playing with the ring, Zhou Xuanji asked, "what are your plans next?"

As soon as the voice fell, a joking laughter came:

"The plan is to go with me!"

Zhou penalty!

This haunting guy appears again!

He appeared next to Wei Yi and looked at the Sanfeng Qilin car with a smile, looking at the prey.

"Zhou Xuanji, this time you are a turtle in a jar. You can't escape."

Zhou Fei jokingly said with a wave of his right hand, the surrounding universe was suddenly swallowed up by darkness, and all the surrounding gravel and magic weapon fragments burst out all kinds of light, which turned into a colorful prison net to block this space.

Zhou Xuanji walked out of the car, and the purple dome star dust clothes were windless and automatic.

He calmly looked at Zhou penalty and asked, "why do you always pay so much attention to me? The last defeat was not bad enough?"

The last move to suppress yunei made Zhou lose and beg for mercy. The boy came to ask for trouble again. He's really tired of living.

"I really want to invite you to join the black sword court. As long as you come, I'll let you be the vice president."

Zhou Fei smiled, but his smile was very provocative, which can also be said to be a owe.

Zhou Xuanji said, "black sword court? Isn't this imitating my imperial sword court?"

What does this boy have to do with him? He has to do everything, even his face and body.

Zhou penalty raised his mouth and said, "I like imitation very much..."


A sapphire arm pierced his chest and made his words stop suddenly.

He looked back in amazement and saw Wei Yi appear behind him.

At the moment, Wei Yi's body surface turned into sapphire, and his face was extremely cold, just like an ancient god.

"How dare you betray me!"

Zhou was furious and his words were full of killing intention.

Zhou Xuanji couldn't help guessing. Did Wei Yi pretend to cooperate with Zhou penalty and dig a pit to let this guy jump.

Wei Yi sneered: "what is betrayal? What have you given me? You think I'm a soul moving old devil and have no brain?"

As soon as he drew his right hand, he directly exploded Zhou's body, and the palm took his soul with the trend.

Zhou Xuanji stood on the pedal and quietly watched the scene.

Zhou's soul suddenly exploded, turned into a plume of black gas and circled wantonly.

"In that case, I'll let you die!"

Zhou Jing screamed bitterly. Two black lights came out of thin air and targeted Wei Yi.

Wei Yi put his arms across his chest and burst out blue light to resist all the attacks of Zhou penalty.

Zhou Xuanji didn't make a move and watched them fight.

Somehow, he always thought the two were acting.

The battle looks like a big formation, but it doesn't cause substantive damage.

Zhou Fu's proud move magic power was not displayed.

There's a hole!

Zhou Xuanji's mind moved. The Sanfeng Qilin car quickly reversed and flew away towards the rear.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!