Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:20 AM

Chapter 779: 779

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Seeing Zhou Xuanji moved, Shentang couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

God turned his head and looked at him.

"Nothing, just guessed a possibility. Move on."

Zhou Xuanji shook his head and looked calm.

The little Supreme Master snickered aside, looking a little treacherous.

They went to the wooden house. The wooden house was small. It was estimated that there was only one room in it. There was a garden in front of the door. There were no trees. Only some flowers and plants were planted. There was no wind, but it could shake slightly.

Zhou Xuanji looked at the wooden door and hesitated.

"Hey, the Supreme Master, don't you come out to see me?"

The little Supreme Master said carelessly, listening to God Tang and God Nianxing look at each other.

They wondered, did the little supreme know the supreme today?

They were too nervous to speak. After all, there lived the Supreme Master.


The wooden door suddenly opened. It was dark inside and couldn't see anything.

A figure came out slowly.

Shentang and shennianxing stared with incredible expression.


God almost screamed, covered it quickly, then looked at Zhou Xuanji, and then looked at the Supreme Master.

The Supreme Master is Zhou Xuanji!

Wearing a pure black robe, with natural hair, a smile on his face and deep eyes, he seems to see through all the true meaning of the world.

Zhou Xuanji was not shocked, but his eyes were complex.

The Supreme Master also looked at him carefully and showed satisfaction.

The little Supreme Master said, "I guessed it would be like this. Sure enough."

Zhou Xuanji looked at him and asked, "what do you mean? Why did you guess so?"

The little Supreme Master smiled and said, "I was the same. I came here uneasily. I found that the Supreme Master was me. Later, I realized that everything has its own cause and effect. At each stage, people who are qualified to break out of anti Kunlun are the supreme body in anti Kunlun, which involves time cause and effect. It is difficult to understand."

Zhou Xuanji was still confused and didn't understand the true meaning.

Shentang and shennianxing are still in a state of shock.

The Supreme Master smiled and said, "frankly, if it were not for the supreme reflexion, the ectopic face would not live long here. Each Supreme Master will encounter his own reflexion, which is a test for you and for us."

With a wave of his right hand, a rocking chair appeared behind him. He sat down and began to shake, just like the leisurely posture of an old man.

He said leisurely: "Kunlun Yuanting and anti Kunlun have been mysteries since ancient times. Speaking, it is most likely to have something to do with the mortal God. Only the mortal God is unique in the two planes."

The little Supreme Master nodded and said with a smile, "if his two mortal girls can live forever, they may be strong enough to cross the world."

As soon as he said this, Zhou Xuanji couldn't help looking at Shentang and shennianxing.

It seems that the girl in red and bald who met at the beginning is not a God.

Why can the mortal God exist only?

Were the rules of the two worlds created by the mortal God?

Zhou Xuanji didn't think about it, but asked, "can you put me back?"

The top priority is to go out early. What are the two boundary rules, but it doesn't matter to him.

He can't understand. To understand, he has to reach the supreme state.

The supreme one glanced at him and smiled mysteriously.

"If you want to leave, you have to rely on yourself, not on me."

The Supreme Master said meaningfully, and the little Supreme Master laughed. Their smiles fell into Zhou Xuanji's eyes, which was so treacherous.

Zhou Xuanji asked, "how can I leave?"

The Supreme Master shook his head, shook his body and said with a smile, "it's not urgent. I want to ask you, how do you feel when you come here? How do you compare with anti Kunlun?"

The two creatures of Kunlun Yuanting think that the other is anti Kunlun, down to ordinary creatures and up to supreme beings.

Zhou Xuanji replied, "it's like hell without anger."

Shentang and shennianxing nodded with each other.

From small to large, they rarely left the mortal God pulse, because the elders said that it was too dangerous outside, thus limiting the actions of the younger generation.

"Do you know why?"

The Supreme Master asked with a smile, making Zhou Xuanji look in the mirror.

He as like as two peas last week, and he has met two people who are exactly alike to him.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and asked, "should I ask you this question?"

Supreme is not just the strongest.

He has to have his own responsibilities and responsibilities.

"You should have a dark period against Kunlun. We Kunlun Yuanting have just experienced it. If I hadn't been born, dominated the supreme list and suppressed all divine veins, this Kunlun Yuanting would be more like hell than it is now."

The Supreme Master said with a smile.

Zhou Xuanji sighed, "since you are with me, you should understand my mood now?"

The Supreme Master nodded and the smile began to fade.

Zhou Xuanji keenly caught it. He immediately asked, "do you have a family?"

The Supreme Master was expressionless and said, "no, the strongest way is lonely. Only by being alone can you concentrate."

Zhou Xuanji's heart sank.

When he came to anti Kunlun, he thought of many kinds of scenes to get together with his family, but he didn't think so.

They're dead?

Looking at the calm supreme, he inexplicably felt that he was watching his heart die.

The two fell silent.

God looked at them suspiciously and didn't know what they were thinking.

Shentang was thoughtful and seemed to think of something. He looked at Zhou Xuanji with pity.

"Well, just say it."

The little Supreme Master broke the silence, smiled meaningfully, and looked forward to Zhou Xuanji's eyes.

Zhou Xuanji looked at him and asked with his eyes.

"Very simple, that is to prove your strength and will to become the supreme to the supreme. As long as you pass, he will open the channels of the two worlds. Entering the channels of the two worlds requires at least the strength of Yuanrong God King, plus the anti mixing magic power to stabilize the channels of the two worlds."

The little Supreme Master said, staring at Zhou Xuanji.

It's all here, smelly boy. Don't let me down.

Zhou Xuanji looked at the Supreme Master and said, "is that so?"

The Supreme Master nodded and said with a smile, "I'll sit here. If you can make me stand up, even if you win."

With a wave of his right hand, God Tang and God picked up the stars and moved hundreds of feet away. An aperture appeared out of thin air to isolate them.

Zhou Xuanji directly performed the melting sword technique. He held the small supreme sword in his left hand and Yu tianmingyue in his right hand. With the double swords in his hand, his momentum broke out and shook the sea of clouds.

The Supreme Master raised his eyebrow and said with a smile, "melting swordsmanship is good. It seems that you have a lot of swords, all of which are extraordinary."

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were cold and showed the shadow of the boundless sword. Billions of people appeared above out of thin air and killed the supreme one violently.

As soon as these sword shadows touched the Supreme Master and the wooden house, they disappeared out of thin air and turned into smoke.

Zhou Xuanji came to the supreme master one step, took his sword and cut it. With a bang, he was directly bounced away by the invisible force.

"It seems that your cultivation is not enough."

The Supreme Master smiled and looked a little contemptuous.

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