Published at 11th of October 2021 10:47:07 AM

Chapter 787: 787

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Qingjian day.

Jiang Xue sat on the edge of the cliff to practice, while others were distributed on the top of the mountain to practice together.

The reason for doing so is to prevent the enemy from sneaking in and sneaking attacks.

The atmosphere was silent and everyone's face was not good-looking.

Since Xianxiang flower was captured, Zhou Tanhua and Ying Zhuge also disappeared, which greatly reduced the morale of qingjiantian.

Xiao Jinghong, as the eldest disciple of Zhou Xuanji, glanced around and frowned.

The current situation is not optimistic. He wants to persuade the people around him, but he can't speak.

At this time, a black space crack appeared beside Jiang Xue.

"Be careful!"

Chang Xiyan quickly appeared beside Jiang Xue, picked her up and prepared to dodge.

The next second, she stared with surprise.

This is Zhou Xuanji.

Jiang Xue looked back subconsciously. As soon as she saw Zhou Xuanji, she was dull in an instant.

The others who were just about to get up were stunned.

They all felt like a dream and couldn't believe their eyes.

Zhou Xuanji went to Jiang Xue and pulled her into his arms.

"Luckily you're all right."

He whispered in her ear, and her eyes turned red.

She hugged him tightly and didn't speak.


North owl Wang Jian shouted excitedly and rushed over excitedly.

So did others. As soon as Zhou Xuanji came back, everyone swept away the decline.

"Master, you are back at last!"

"Father! Where have you been?"

"My God, I didn't dream?"

"Great, master. We'll be at ease with you."

"Young master Tanhua and the immortal world Master have been caught. You have to find them!"

Listening to the people's words, Zhou Xuanji looked calm and didn't answer immediately.

He let go of Jiang Xue, looked at everyone and said, "I'm back. No one can harm you in the future."

He asked everyone to tell him what had happened before.

The people were full of gossip, which made Zhou Xuanji's head big.

Zhou Xiaoxuan quickly stopped the crowd, and then she told the story.

After speaking for half an hour, Zhou Xuanji realized that this time had happened.

It has been 327 years since he left Kunlun Yuanting.

The evil dry divine pulse can no longer withstand the pressure and is on the verge of collapse.

The demon emperor Zun went to the yuan court to negotiate, but he didn't come back for more than ten years, which made the people of Xie Qian's divine veins panic. Fortunately, the attack of each divine vein has slowed down.

The reason is that the gods who attack the evil and dry gods have new goals.

At present, the yuan court of Kunlun is in chaos. The supreme divine pulse is fighting inside, and the super divine pulse is also fighting inside. The lower divine pulse is like a soldier, working for the super divine pulse.

"The red figure... What does it have to do with the one I met in the two boundary passage?"

Zhou Xuanji frowned and thought to himself.

He still remembered the red figure he met in the channel between the two circles.

Zhou Xiaoxuan came up and asked, "father, what are your plans next?"

She looked forward to it. She hadn't seen it for more than 300 years. She was curious about how strong Zhou Xuanji had become.

Not only she, but also others looked at Zhou Xuanji with expectant eyes.

In their hearts, Zhou Xuanji is definitely the most powerful existence of talent, even in Kunlun Yuanting.

"Kill the guys outside first."

Zhou Xuanji said calmly. With that, his eyes coagulated and directly cast the shadow of Honghuang sword.

Tens of billions of sword shadows appeared in the cosmic space around the evil dry God vein, all shining with silver light.

The creatures practicing on their magic weapons looked up one after another. The number of creatures around the evil and dry divine veins exceeded one billion, from all divine veins.

But now, the creatures who stay here are generally not strong, and they can't help but panic in the face of the famine sword shadow.

Whew! Whew! Whew

Tens of billions of sword shadows stabbed down together, like a silver rainstorm, pouring down, containing the power of destroying the world.

Qingjian day.

Everyone saw Zhou Xuanji's eyes flashing purple, incomparably dignified.

They suddenly found that under Zhou Xuanji's white clothes, there was a faint silver thread at his neck, which was very divine.

Jiang Xue's eyes were full of brilliance. She was curious about what Zhou Xuanji had experienced.

They can see that Zhou Xuanji has been reborn.

If Zhou Xuanji was Tianjiao in the past, he is now a powerful generation like the demon emperor.

Zhou Xiaoxuan asked curiously, "father, what are you thinking?"

Before Zhou Xuanji answered, Chang Xiyan exclaimed.

"All the enemies outside are dead... How can... Those sword shadows..."

Her small mouth was wide open and her face looked incredible.

Hearing the speech, everyone was stunned.


Sword shadow

They all turned their heads and looked at Zhou Xuanji, shorting of breath.

When Zhou Xuanji's mouth was raised, the purple light in his eyes faded, and huge holy power, Taoist power and Hongli poured into his body, and instantly turned into his own Hongli.

He suddenly felt that he had broken through Yuanrong God King. After all, he absorbed so many accomplishments.

However, he suppressed the impulse of breakthrough, and too many cultivation forces poured into the world map.

He opened his mouth and said with a smile, "I have reached jiuhongtian cultivation. Not only that, my body has changed. Even if it is Yuanrong God, I am not afraid."

Xiao Jinghong held back his excitement and asked, "master, where have you been before?"

Zhou Xuanji didn't hide it. He told everything after he met nanmu Tianyi, but he didn't mention Shentang and shennianxing.

Every time he thought of the sisters, he felt heartache and strong remorse and guilt.

"Anti Kunlun..."

They were shocked and couldn't return to their senses for a long time.

Zhou Xiaoxuan, who was out of character, took the lead in holding Zhou Xuanji's right arm and said excitedly, "father, you are supreme in anti Kunlun. Doesn't that mean you can become supreme in the future?"

The others recovered and became excited.


Zhou Xuanji will become supreme!

Once he becomes supreme, the imperial sword court will rise to heaven.

Jiang Xue looked distressed and said, "you must have suffered a lot."

For them, it has only been more than 300 years, but for Zhou Xuanji, it may have been tens of thousands of years or even longer.

Ren rebelled and sighed, "this is indeed the only way for the supreme."

He is the reincarnation of fate, but now he can't see through Zhou Xuanji.

Facing Zhou Xuanji, his heart was filled with awe.

The awe was strange and made his hair stand on end.

Because he couldn't resist this awe.

Just as the way of heaven faces the road, we can only fear.

"Next, I'll find a way to find their mother and son. You stay in Qingjian day. I'll let my part stay here. I'll come back as soon as there's a situation."

Zhou Xuanji glanced at the crowd and said that he looked at Jiang Xue with an implied apology.

As soon as he came back, he was going to leave. He was sorry for her.

Jiang Xue nodded and said, "you must find them back and get together before you can be regarded as a family."

Zhou Xuanji nodded and was about to speak when he suddenly glanced at the horizon.

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