Published at 11th of October 2021 10:46:55 AM

Chapter 795: 795

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"Don't be nervous. Now the nanmu pulse master is already his own."

Zhou Xuanji smiled mysteriously. When shuttling through the plane, he had warned Zhou Tanhua not to talk about their communication with the supreme mortal.

After nanmu Tianyi compromised, Zhou Xuanji had a big plan in mind.

Zhou Tanhua was stunned. Are you alone?

You should know that nanmu Tianyi is the biggest enemy of the evil dry God vein in the past 300 years. Although nanmu Tianyi has not personally done it, all living beings of the evil dry God vein understand that the person who commands the Tianyi God vein to attack the evil dry God vein is nanmu Tianyi.

How did he become one of his own?

Nanmu Tianyi was very deep in the city. He immediately saw what he was thinking, so he said with a smile: "it was a misunderstanding before, and no one will attack the evil dry God vein in the future."

Zhou Tanhua was thoughtful.

How did Zhou Xuanji persuade nanmu Tianyi?

"Well, you go back first. If you have trouble in the future, I'll find you."

Zhou Xuanji looked at nanmu Tianyi and smiled.

Hearing the speech, nanmutian nodded, turned his right hand, took out a jade pendant, handed it to Zhou Xuanji, and said, "this jade communicates with me. You can contact me at any time through him."

He is the supreme pulse master. If he doesn't leave special contact means, it's very difficult for Zhou Xuanji to see him.

If you can't keep it, someone will stop Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji took the jade pendant and threw it into the supreme library.

Nanmu Tianyi didn't talk nonsense and disappeared in the original place out of thin air.

Zhou Tanhua asked curiously, "father, what's the matter between you and him?"

Zhou Xuanji raised his mouth and said, "he thinks I have great hope to become the Supreme Master. For the future of Tianyi God, he gives up the festival and plans to support me."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Tanhua stared at him with an unbelievable look on her face.

What else?

Isn't Tianyi divine pulse the supreme divine pulse? There are countless Tianjiao in the pulse, and there is still a lack of supreme candidates?

Why does he feel so unreal?

"Father, we still have to be careful."

Zhou Tanhua reminded him that he was afraid that Zhou Xuanji would be deceived by nanmu Tianyi.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and said, "I've killed more enemies than you eat rice. Do you need to teach me?"

This sentence made Zhou Tanhua scratch her head and giggle with shame.

That's right.

If Zhou Xuanji had been so easily deceived, he would have died.

He heard xianxianghua say that Zhou Xuanji had been targeted by fate in the past. If it were him, he would have been desperate.

"Let's go."

Zhou Xuanji took out the Sanfeng Qilin car and said with a smile.

"Father, can you tell me where you have been in the past 300 years?"

"Of course, your father met nanmu Tianyi before..."

After the father and son got into the carriage, Sanfeng Qilin car flew towards Kunlun Yuanting.


Kunlun universe.


A golden bell bumps into a huge star and smashes it, like the big bang. The impact is visible to the naked eye, destroying the withered and decadent, sweeping the universe.

"Ha ha ha - is that all you can do?"

On the golden bell stood a man in gold, with white hair and a proud look.

There are all living creatures in all directions. The cultivation is the weakest. There are thousands of Hongtian cultivation.

Looking at such a rampant man in gold, they scolded one after another.

"Arrogant what!"

"Luo Xiang, if you don't have your father's baby, we'll blow you up!"

"It is impossible to be supreme by the supreme treasure!"

"Yes, are you so shameless?"

"Sure, who doesn't know that the emperor's divine pulse has survived by despicable means."

Facing the words of the creatures, the man in gold, known as Luo Xiang, was not angry at all, but laughed more rampantly.

Luo Xiang said with a contemptuous smile, "you're all going to die. You still say this!"

The voice fell, and the golden bell under his feet sounded a loud noise again, deafening.

A burst of golden light swept all directions and destroyed a famous creature. Both form and spirit were destroyed, and there was no place to bury him.

At this time, the Sanfeng Kirin car flew from the depths of the universe and was hit head-on by the golden Hongguang.

The carriage shook and two silver lights shot out, directly breaking the golden Hongguang. The Sanfeng Qilin car recovered its stability and continued to move forward.

Luo Xiang squinted and murmured, "this car... Is it the Sanfeng Kirin car of the evil dry God vein? Zhou Xuanji!"

He had heard about Zhou Xuanji for a long time. He wanted to challenge Zhou Xuanji before he was born. As a result, Zhou Xuanji disappeared and he had to change his goal.

Now Zhou Xuanji appeared, and he immediately became excited.

"Zhou Xuanji, stop! Fight with me!"

He shouted loudly and flew to Sanfeng Qilin in the golden bell.

Inside the car.

Zhou Tanhua was dazzled by Luo Xiang's roar. Fortunately, Zhou Xuanji protected his soul with Yuanrong divine power.

He frowned and asked, "what kind of cultivation is this person? I can make me..."

His accomplishments are not low. He has become a Taoist priest. He can be regarded as a mainstay in the ordinary divine vein.

Zhou Xuanji smiled and said, "it's all right."

He immediately got up and appeared on the roof of Sanfeng Qilin car. Looking at the huge golden bell, his eyes coagulated and directly suppressed yunei.

The space-time of the whole universe solidified.

As soon as Luo Xiang's face changed, two arms suddenly appeared behind his back, each bearing road seals to resist the suppression of yunei. Although the speed decreased, he still rushed towards Zhou Xuanji.


Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and smiled softly.

He didn't panic. Instead, he took out his broken sword for the rest of his life and cut it gently.

Great chaos!

Countless sword Qi appeared out of thin air and flooded Luo Xiang from all directions.

When! When! When

The huge golden bell was blasted by the sword Qi to produce a continuous deafening sound. Luo Xiang urged yuan Rong's divine power to create a mask to resist the sword Qi.

He was stunned to find that his Yuanrong divine power was absorbed by the sword Qi.

"What magic power is this?"

He dared not take it lightly any more. His body turned into a beam of light and jumped up like a sharp arrow to kill Zhou Xuanji.

In the process of galloping, his body shook and turned into countless residual shadows. He passed through the sword Qi with the power of a snare and pressed against Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji raised his sword a little and showed his anti mixing magic power.

Luo Xiang only felt a flower in front of him. Zhou Xuanji and Sanfeng Qilin disappeared out of thin air. There was only sword Qi in front of him. He immediately stared. What's the matter?

Zhou Tanhua in the carriage was also stunned.

From his perspective, Luo Xiang instantly changed direction and rushed towards the rear.

Very strange.

Zhou Xuanji threw his sword at the corner of his mouth and killed the empty hole instantly!


Luo Xiang's chest was pierced, and he looked down in horror.

"What's going on?"

When he looked back, the Golden Bell and countless swords were behind him. At this moment, his world outlook collapsed.

Zhou Xuanji raised his hand and sucked it to show all things to return to the yuan.

Luo Xiang flew towards him uncontrollably.

Seeing Luo Xiang was about to be caught by him, a black light came and took him away.

"He's mine!"

A cold voice came. Zhou Xuanji turned his head and saw a figure at the other end of the galaxy, looking at them from a distance.

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