Published at 11th of October 2021 10:45:52 AM

Chapter 837: 837

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Huimaita was silent for a while and suddenly fried the pot.

"How could it be! Is this boy the king of the yuan court? Tease me?"

"Li Xuan Huang is stupid!"

"What's the matter? The magic power is not good?"

"Are you kidding me? We came all the way to be fools?"

"Do you really dare to let this boy be the heavenly king of Yuanting? He only half steps into the territory of Daozu. The sword emperor can shock him to death with a sneeze."

"Not necessarily. What if the sword emperor treats him as his son?"

The creatures talked one after another, making the Huimai tower fall into noise again.

Zhou Tanhua slowly closed her eyes and entered the state of epiphany. The aura and Taoist power of respecting the emperor's divine pulse rushed towards him.

This scene made Li xuanhuang's face ugly.

Nanmu Tian always heard from Zhou Xuanji and asked, "what's going on?"

Zhou Xuanji glanced at him and shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know the situation.

Such is the case.

The supreme chooses Zhou Tanhua. Is it because Zhou Tanhua is his reincarnation?

But Zhou's mysterious as like as two peas, the soul of Zhou's flower is pure, just like the new soul. After all, he has been in the soul pool and has a deep understanding of the soul.

"That's wonderful."

Wang buao muttered to himself and looked at Zhou Tanhua with a strange look.

The handsome monk beside Li xuanhuang narrowed his eyes and deeply remembered the face of Epiphyllum next week.

The ancestor of the world of mortals snorted coldly: "everyone, everyone sees this boy's cultivation. Won't you really let him be the heavenly king of the yuan court? Isn't this a joke between the sword emperor and the supreme darkness?"

His words caused other supreme pulse masters to nod.

In their opinion, the heavenly king of the yuan court had better be themselves, and the second can only be one of the supreme pulse masters. Otherwise, they can't command the Kunlun yuan court and bring hope to the Kunlun yuan court.

Zhou Xuanji said, "the child is really not qualified to be the heavenly king of the yuan court. You can find someone else. However, I hope your predecessors don't disturb him. If he can become stronger, it will be lucky for the yuan court."

Hearing the speech, the faces of the supreme pulse masters changed.

It's a good thing that Zhou Xuanji can give them the steps, but they are jealous to see Zhou Tanhua get the supreme opportunity.

Li xuanhuang sighed and said in a loud voice, "the person chosen by the supreme is gifted, but at present, he can't grow up. We have to be responsible for the Kunlun Yuanting. Now, let's vote for the heavenly king of the Yuanting, and choose from the pulse masters we stand up."

"Remember, this is not to choose the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master will return soon. You choose the strong one who leads you to resist the sword emperor. Strength and ambition are the most important. Those who are strong but have no courage are by no means the heavenly king of Yuanting!"


if i can 't do it , who can!

Although Li xuanhuang didn't speak frankly, all creatures could hear the firmness in his tone, as if he wanted to burn jade and stone with the sword emperor.

Nanmutian snorted, "yes! Like me, I have faced the sword emperor and escaped from him. I have experience in dealing with the sword emperor!"

His voice penetrated the pulse tower, and Zhou Xuanji was speechless.

What a shame!

The ancestor of the world of mortals followed and said, "I am not afraid of the sword emperor! I think all the pulse masters who dare to stand up now are fearless people who are not afraid of the sword emperor. The Supreme Lord of the world of mortals has an inextricable relationship with our God pulse of the world of mortals. She will help me, no, help Kunlun Yuanting!"

Li xuanhuang and Nan Mutian's eyelids jumped at the same time.

Other supreme pulse masters spoke one after another and spoke out their advantages. They all showed determination and let the pulse masters on the pulse tower discuss it.

Zhou Xuanji was the most relaxed, and most of his attention focused on the light column next to him.

Zhou Tanhua is still accepting inheritance, and his accomplishments are rising day by day. He has begun to breed Taoist flowers and fruits. Once the flowers bloom, he is the real Taoist ancestor.

Zhou Xiaoxuan stood by, waiting nervously with a look of expectation.

She also saw that this is inheritance, and it is also the supreme inheritance!

She asked in a low voice, "father, how powerful will Epiphyllum become?"

In her memory, Zhou Xuanji's breakthrough speed is a myth. When she was sensible, Zhou Xuanji was still wandering in the world. In the yuan court of Kunlun, their age gap was like brothers and sisters.

If Zhou Epiphyllum can also be like Zhou Xuanji, the emperor's sword God vein will really rise!

Zhou Xuanji replied, "wait patiently. How powerful it is is is not something you can fully see right now."

Although he is looking forward to it, he must pretend not to care.

Only in this way can other pulse masters find fault in public.

In this way, all pulse owners began to vote.

Say the name of the heavenly king of Yuanting directly. There is no need for others to count the votes. All the creatures present have advanced cultivation and can easily write down their names.

A famous pulse master began to say his name, starting from the outermost seat, circle by circle inward.

Li xuanhuang has the greatest voice, followed by the ancestors of the world of mortals.

Nanmu Tianyi's voice was far less than the two in front, which made him look gloomy, his mood was so bad that he even wanted to leave on the spot.

When it was Zhou Xuanji's turn, many eyes fell on him.

He smiled and said, "nanmu Tianyi."

Nanmutian next to him smiled reluctantly at his speech.

Up to now, nanmu Tianyi has no hope.

The final result is not in suspense.

Li xuanhuang was elected the heavenly king of Yuanting.

He said in a loud voice: "I won't say much nonsense. The current Kunlun Yuanting is in deep water. I need you to gather the strong people above their God vessel ancestors to the emperor's God vessel. You don't have to think about it. As long as you gather to a certain number, I will personally lead the army to conquer the sword emperor!"

"After the war, as long as we are still alive, you can go back, and my position as king of the yuan court will disappear at that time!"

His tone was serious and could not be refuted.

The pulse owners immediately stirred up, but no one dared to stand up and question.

Nanmu Tianyi and the mortal ancestor almost blew up, but they couldn't say anything.

"Tut Tut, the heavenly king of Yuanting, I think it's a joke!"

Just then, a cold laughter fell from the sky, startling everyone to look up.

Sword emperor!

Dressed in black, with his hands around his chest, he looked down at the Huimai tower.


All the creatures immediately got up and were ready to fight.

Zhou Xuanji's face was expressionless and said, "this guy is there!"

"Father, what should we do?" Zhou Xiaoxuan asked in a low voice, looking at Zhou Epiphyllum with anxiety.

When the sword emperor comes, her brother is still passing on. How can this be good?

Zhou Xuanji whispered, "don't panic. There are so many great powers here. What are you afraid of?"

As soon as the voice was bright, the sword emperor raised his hand and a black lightsaber appeared in his hand.


Li xuanhuang burst into a great momentum, burning yellow flames all over and taking off slowly.

The handsome monk flew up with him, with a faint golden light on his body surface, and his eyes were full of silver light to cover his pupils.

Other supreme pulse masters are also in the state of preparing for war and are murderous.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!