Published at 11th of October 2021 10:44:47 AM

Chapter 876: 876

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The voice of Fazu was still ringing, solemn and powerful.

All sentient beings are listening carefully and listening to Zhou Xuanji's growth experience. They are all boiling with blood and high morale.

Despite his current achievements, who could have thought that Zhou Xuanji would become the Supreme Master before?

Zhou Xuanji wrote an inspirational story with his own opportunity. For all sentient beings, this is a story that happened around them. It is very close and true.

Under this feeling, all living beings have an extreme sense of worship for Zhou Xuanji.

Even those Tianjiao who once hated or envied Zhou Xuanji had to sigh.

Fazu's speech lasted for a long time.

The rolling purple sea gathered on Zhou Xuanji's head. Countless purple Qi fell like light stars and quickly poured into his body to transform his muscles and bones.

Zhou Xuanji accepted the baptism of these purple Qi and smiled.


He could feel that his supreme divine power was changing, not just simply becoming stronger, but qualitatively.

In the dark, he saw countless figures coming from the purple sea, like a group of immortals falling, with great artistic conception.

Even Zhou Xuanji couldn't help immersing himself in it.

The little supreme suspended behind him and said excitedly, "here it is! Here it is! The great supreme is also known as the Supreme Master of the court world. Every 100 million years, only one Supreme Master of the court world can be born in one court world!"

"If you're later, I'm afraid you'll have to wait 100 million years. This is still a special case. Generally speaking, the Supreme Master has to be in the number of one billion years!"

Zhou Xuanji didn't care. His eyes focused on the purple sea and his expression was calm.

The shadows of the supreme gods penetrated into his mind. In an instant, his consciousness exploded, and purple circles flew out of his body, wrapped around him and circled quickly.

"The origin of war is determined, indestructible, indelible, and will turns God..."

"The origin of time, the past and the future are all close at hand, reversing time and space and respecting your own heart..."

"The origin of the square and the circle, the star Luo Dou turns, the ten thousand boundaries are square, the vertical plane is round, and the square and the circle are one..."

"The source of change, incarnation of all things, compliance with all sources, one change, one source, one grace..."


Different majestic voices exploded in Zhou Xuanji's mind, one after another.


He heard the voices of little supreme, Kong Sheng supreme, dark supreme and Wu daytime supreme.

The supreme masters are talking about their original rules with one voice.

At first, Zhou Xuanji only felt very noisy, but soon he fell into a state of epiphany.

Supreme Court master!

Dominate the court world, and all three thousand source rules are used by it!

At the same time, the rules of the ten thousand boundaries of the Kunlun yuan court rushed towards the supreme plane.

After assimilation, the Taoist forces that had penetrated into Zhou Xuanji's body were transformed into the supreme divine force, and then spilled out of the supreme plane along all his pores, fell into the Kunlun Yuanting, and became a new rule.

This is a kind of creation, which uses the transformation of rules to control the Kunlun Yuanting.

"When the supreme throne officially begins, the sword emperor will transform into the supreme. All living beings should wish together!"

Fazu's voice soared, like thunder, bombing the ears of all living beings.

Countless Golden Lotus fell down along the supreme plane and sprinkled on all divine veins.

Led by Kunlun Yuanting, the aura of the great world of the heavens caused a sensation and began to soar.

The spirit is boiling and the Taoist power is increasing!

All creatures were surprised and shouted the name of the sword emperor.

"Sword emperor!"

"Long live the sword emperor!"

"Supreme sword emperor!"

"Sword emperor! Sword emperor!"

The creatures of each divine vein are shouting the name of the sword emperor and gathering together, as if to overturn the sky of each divine vein.

Three thousand source rules are manifesting to celebrate the sword emperor.

This day will be the most jubilant day in nearly 100 million years.


At the border of Kunlun Yuanting, in the void, the demon emperor and Zhou penalty looked up at the great figure of Zhou Xuanji and remained silent for a long time.

long time.

The demon emperor looked complex and murmured, "he really succeeded."

At this moment, his heart was full of regret.

If he had been desperate to cultivate Zhou Xuanji instead of for the God of war of the yuan court, perhaps his current situation would be different, and the evil dry God vein might still exist, or even more powerful.

After all, even the emperor's sword Divine vein still exists, and its potential is increasing day by day!

"It's no use regretting. This court has no place for us. We'd better retreat."

Zhou Fei shook his head and said that he was more calm than the demon emperor.

It's done. It's better to plan for the future than regret here.

The demon emperor nodded and they turned around.

He took out a scroll inlaid with ruby and waved it forward.

Space fluctuated, a crack appeared, and the two stepped into it successively.

The crack disappeared as if it had never appeared.

The other side.

The demon emperor and Zhou penalty shuttle through the dark void. A light ball is suspended above their heads, just like a small sun, shining on the void within a hundred feet, and being vigilant around them.

"When we leave Kunlun Yuanting, we have to be careful. There are many unknown beings lurking in the dark. You may be swallowed by them if you can't see them clearly."

Zhou Fu reminded him that he took out a sword and was ready to fight at any time.

It's not the first time for him to come outside Kunlun Yuanting. He's afraid every time he comes.

The demon emperor did not answer, but his eyes were very sharp and alert.

The two moved forward at full speed.

I don't know how long it's been.

There is a light ahead.

Zhou Fei took a long breath and said, "I'm finally leaving this damn ghost land. There's..."

Before they finished, hundreds of feet away, they were surrounded by terrible shadows like dragons in the darkness in all directions.

They were so frightened that they stopped immediately.

"What are these?"

The demon emperor was frightened and shouted. The smell of these shadows was very terrible, which made him creepy.

Zhou Fei gritted his teeth and replied, "I don't know! Damn..."

He felt that his luck was really bad. He was besieged as soon as he came out.

"Are you from Kunlun Yuanting?"

A cold voice came from above, startling them to look up.

There is no existence in the endless darkness.

"Who are you!"

Zhou Fei asked loudly, his voice trembling, obviously scared. He was pretending to be calm.

"Take this seat to find Kunlun Yuanting, or you will die here!"

The cold voice sounded again, freezing the killing intention of the soul, locking the demon emperor and Zhou punishment, so that they didn't dare to refuse at all.


Supreme plane.

Zhou Xuanji is still enjoying the supreme inheritance. His accomplishments have been qualitatively changed by the supreme preaching and supreme divine power of all generations.

In terms of his own supreme power, he is more than ten times stronger than before.

The supreme inheritance is not a kind of enlightenment, but a kind of traction, which hooks his supreme divine power for transformation.

He is getting closer and closer to the true supreme.

"Relax your body and let your absolutely aggressive body reach a free state. Don't deduct it!"

The little supreme voice floated from behind, and Zhou Xuanji immediately followed suit.

At the next moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the growth rate of supreme divine power began to accelerate!

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