Published at 11th of October 2021 10:42:48 AM

Chapter 941: 941

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"You dare!"

The pudgy old man was angry when he saw that Gu Tianlin was hurt.

He was furious, and his eyes wanted to tear Gu Tianlin to pieces.

There was no figure behind Gu Tianlin, but the withered claw on his chest really existed.

"What the hell is it?"

Gu Tianlin looked back in horror and found that there was no one behind him.

His heart jumped wildly, and he quickly broke out his supreme power and moved away.

But when he appeared again, the withered claw was still hanging on his chest.

The withered claw suddenly turned its head, and five sharp nails pierced into his skin and flesh to absorb his supreme divine power.

Gu Tianlin grabbed the withered claw and wanted to pull it out, but he couldn't do it at all.

He began to pull hard. No matter how hard he tried, the withered claw seemed to have the same root as his body and could not be pulled off.

The pudgy old man came to him and said in a deep voice, "don't move!"

While talking, the pudgy old man leaned out and pointed on the withered claw.

Bursts of black light came out along his right hand, like a phantom, drilling into the dry claw.

In an instant, the withered claws were directly crushed and scattered with the wind.


The pudgy old man shouted in a deep voice. He grabbed Gu Tianlin's shoulder and threw it away. Gu Tianlin was directly thrown out and quickly disappeared into the strong light at the end of the world.

Then the pudgy old man turned and his white hair fluttered.

His eyes were sharp, and his face returned to youth at a speed visible to the naked eye.


In front of the mysterious gate, Zhou Xuanji moved and practiced his sword on the white jade ground. Every time he appeared, he would leave a lot of residual shadows, which was very spectacular.

His posture is like a white crane, which is the first set of swordsmanship he learned.

White crane sword technique.

This sword technique is simple, but Zhou Xuanji chooses the white crane sword technique every time he practices his sword.

The road is simple. Simple sword techniques can always harden the heart of the road.

Now Zhou Xuanji can adapt to the pressure here.

But he didn't think it was enough.

He wanted to see if he could break the space with his flesh.

As for the big door, open it at last.

What if there are unimaginable dangers in it?

Zhou Xuanji didn't want to take any more risks. Anyway, Kunlun Yuanting was in the depths of his soul, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

"How high has your physical strength reached? I'm curious. I really hope a strong opponent will jump out at this time."

The voice of the little supreme came from the little supreme sword and joked.

Zhou Xuanji raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I want to."

He had never been in one place for such a long time except for the two boundary passages.

He is very confident and looks forward to his strength.

He continued to practice his sword.

After practicing the white crane sword technique 100000 times again, Zhou Xuanji just rested.

He lies on the ground and meets the edge beads to fly out and cover him, which can make him relax wholeheartedly.

He looked at the beads with a dignified expression.

Now, he still can't control fengyuanzhu.

But when he wants to meet the edge bead, the edge bead will appear.

This feeling was so terrible when he calmed down that he shuddered.

The little Supreme Soul floated out and looked at fengyuanzhu, but he only looked at it.

"Don't look, you forgot before?"

The little Supreme Master reminded them that once they were addicted to meeting fate beads. When he recalled it, he had lingering palpitations.

Zhou Xuanji calmly replied, "don't worry, I know."

Now he won't be so easy.

He found that the color of the beads had changed.

The surface is crystal clear and glowing red, but the inside is sometimes shining silver and sometimes purple, which is very dazzling.

"What the hell are you?"

Zhou Xuanji murmured that even though he was strong, he still couldn't see through fengyuanzhu.

At this time.

The majestic fog clouds in the sky began to roll, faster and faster, forming a huge vortex.

He looked intently and suddenly sat up.

The little supreme looked up and changed his face.

"No, I'm a crow mouth."

The little Supreme Master murmured with a confused face. When his mouth smelled so bad, the enemy would come.

When they looked intently, they saw a stone man suspended in the vortex, a hundred feet high, a God General in armor. Even if it was just a stone statue, it was extremely dignified.

Holding a long gun, he looked down at Zhou Xuanji and the little supreme.

"Who! Give me your name!"

The little Supreme Master shouted loudly, shaking the sky.

The stone man didn't answer, but raised his long gun and stabbed down.


A strong wind fell from the sky, so that Zhou Xuanji almost lay down again.

He certainly couldn't resist it before, but now he's tense all over and stands up in the strong wind.

The clouds were swept away and turned into all kinds of shocking shapes.

Zhou Xuanji held the little supreme sword and cut it into the sky.

A silver sword Qi rocked up, broke the sky and hit the stone man head-on.

An invisible air shield wrapped the stone man to resist Zhou Xuanji's sword Qi.

Zhou Xuanji soared up, broke through the air hood and hit his shoulder on the belly of the stone man.

A loud bang!

The stone man was instantly crushed and turned into a white fog.

The little Supreme Master was stunned. At the moment when Zhou Xuanji jumped up just now, he felt that his soul would explode.

How strong is this boy's flesh?

Zhou Xuanji didn't relax. He turned around and ran away again.


The stone man just appeared and was smashed by Zhou Xuanji again.

Zhou Xuanji began to collide back and forth, and was smashed by him whenever the stone man recovered.

Over and over again, the smell of the stone man became weaker and weaker.

In the end, it completely disappeared and ceased to exist.

When Zhou Xuanji returned to the ground, he was stunned to find that Fengyuan bead was still in the air. It was absorbing the powder left by the stone man.

"Is this stone man also transformed by some force?"

Zhou Xuanji was thoughtful.

According to his guess, Fengyuan bead can absorb all forces, especially when powerful forces appear, it will appear automatically.

The little Supreme Master touched his chin and said, "it should be, but the stone man came too suddenly. Will there be any danger behind him?"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of footsteps came from all directions.

They turned and looked. The voice came from those clouds, as if thousands of troops were approaching.

"Shouldn't..." the little Supreme Master stammered.

Before he finished, a hundred Zhang stone man stepped out from the clouds in all directions. They all held long guns and aimed at Zhou Xuanji and him.

Zhou Xuanji's face was also dignified. He was not afraid of a stone man, but if there were tens of thousands or even more, how could he win?

The strength of the stone man is still very strong. He hit it so many times before he completely destroyed it.

"Or run away."

The little Supreme Master suggested. He glanced away and his eyelids jumped wildly.

There are at least 100000 in this battle.

If they rush up, Zhou Xuanji's strong body will be destroyed.

Zhou Xuanji immediately turned around. He came to the gate, pressed the door with both hands and began to push hard.

Boom! Boom! Boom

Those stone men rushed one after another and rushed unstoppably towards Zhou Xuanji, shaking the ground violently.

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