Published at 11th of October 2021 11:04:38 AM

Chapter 97: 97

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Despite the power of the ancient sword emperor, Zhou Xuanji's speed can't catch up with the black emperor of Tibetan cattle.

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle ran wildly with all his strength. One person and one demon crossed the mountains and forests, and the speed fell into a stalemate.

"He was seriously injured. I don't believe he won't stop!"

Zhou Xuanji's eyes were cold and he thought so.

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle wants to kill him. Naturally, he can't let go.

At the same time, he wanted to make the matter big, frighten the demon family's power, and make it dare not mess around again.

All the way to attack hundreds of miles.

The speed of Tibetan cattle black emperor began to decline, and the distance between Zhou Xuanji and him was shortening.


The bloody sword suddenly came and stabbed the black emperor of Tibetan cattle in the back.

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle roared with pain.

He was proud: "can you hurt the king's skin and flesh?"

The next second, his expression became scary.

Because he felt the bloody sword sucking his blood!

He was shocked and forced the bloody sword out of his body.

The bloody sword quickly flew into Zhou Xuanji's body. In an instant, Zhou Xuanji felt that his physical strength was restored to its heyday.

Worthy of being a cow demon!

Blood thick, so cool!

Zhou Xuanji's eyes twinkled, and then he kept throwing a bloody sword.

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle began to hide, but he must hit once every three times. After all, he couldn't look behind for fear of slowing down.

In this way, the blood of Tibetan cattle black emperor is less and less.

But he didn't despair.

Because there is a demon country ahead!

As long as he enters the demon country, he will have a glimmer of life.

He scolded angrily in his heart: "the emperor of the Quran demon pit me! He also said that the name of Zhou Jian is not true! Your mother's is to cover up your son!"

He immediately hated the Quran demon emperor.

Even hate Zhou Xuanji.

Zhou Xuanji also noticed the evil spirit coming from the front.

He once heard Zhao Congjian mention that there is a demon country nearby, with hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers. The strongest monster has reached the fifth level of cultivation, which is comparable to the human spirit spring.

He didn't stop and went on.

The fifth order demon king has been ignored by him.


The black emperor of Tibetan cattle rushed unstoppably into the woods, knocked down trees and dust, looked down from high altitude, as if to divide the woods in two.

Zhou Xuanji skimmed over the forest.

He asked in his heart, "sword spirit, how long can the power of the ancient sword emperor last?"

Although the black emperor of Tibetan cattle was seriously injured, he could not kill him without the power of the ancient sword emperor.

"It depends on the degree of the sword master's sword technique. It can last at least half a incense burning time."

Jianling's words relieved Zhou Xuanji.

Looking at the speed of the Tibetan cattle black emperor, it is estimated that it will slow down soon.

He clenched the emperor's sword and prepared to use his flying sword.

The bloody sword and thunder sword flew away one after another, forcing the black emperor of Zang Niu to avoid around.

Ten miles away, on a wasteland, there is a city with high mountains on the left and right.

There are countless sharp spears made of white bones and three huge animal heads above the city gate. A famous demon soldier stands on the city wall and makes trouble.

At the moment, dozens of demon soldiers escorted four prison cars to the city gate.

Seventy or eighty people were held in these prison cars, all curled up and scared.

"You can have another big meal today!"

"Hahaha, I have a crush on that woman. We'll play together and eat again."

"There are many people who have left the border of Dazhou recently. I don't know what happened."

"Whatever happens, it's good for us!"

"These people have cultivation and taste delicious."

The demon soldiers laughed wantonly, and their words made the imprisoned people more desperate.


The wasteland suddenly shook, and everyone and the demon soldiers turned to look.

Including the demon soldiers on the city wall.

I saw a strong black bull with a shoulder height of five feet galloping. It seemed that it could break all the obstacles in front of me.

"The king is the black emperor of Tibetan cattle! Open the gate to the king quickly!"

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle burst out and shouted in an urgent tone. At the moment, he was covered with blood and roared blood all the way.

All demon soldiers were stunned.

Among the demon families, the black emperor of Tibetan cattle is well-known, but some old monsters have heard of it.

At this time, they noticed that the black emperor of Tibetan cattle was followed!

It's Zhou Xuanji!

Ten people are standing on a high mountain on the left of the demon country.

They were all dressed in black at night, led by a middle-aged man with long gray hair, with two swords crossed behind his back.

"The black emperor of Tibetan cattle? Why is he here? Who is the man chasing him?"

The middle-aged man asked in surprise, frowning.

The man in black standing next to him trembled and shouted, "he has four swords! Is it Zhou Jianshen?"

Zhou Jianshen!

People's faces changed dramatically!

Not only him, but also the demon soldiers below guessed that it was Zhou Jianshen.

The most famous sword cultivation in the Zhou Dynasty today is Zhou Jianshen.

If it is the sword emperor of the great Zhou Dynasty, the black emperor of Tibetan cattle is dead.

Zhou Xuanji had seen the wall of the demon country. At this time, the speed of the Tibetan cattle black emperor was much lower than before.

When the black emperor of Tibetan cattle just escaped the thunder sword, Zhou Xuanji suddenly threw the split empty emperor sword!

Hundred miles flying sword!

The Amethyst sword erupted at a terrible speed!



The black emperor of Tibetan cattle stared with big eyes. His eyes were almost staring out. The sharp pain made him bite his tongue.

In an instant, he was about to faint. His two front hoofs collided and he fell to the ground.

Zhou Xuanji was stunned and looked embarrassed.

Because the Kaikong emperor's sword stabbed under the black emperor's tail, blood burst out. Even he himself felt cold in the backyard.

"Blunder... It will damage the reputation of Zhou Jianshen..."

Zhou Xuanji was embarrassed, but his face was expressionless. He quickly flew to the black emperor of Tibetan cattle.

The black emperor of Tibetan cattle has his head on the ground, his hind legs are stiff, and his buttocks are high. Only in this way can his pain be alleviated.

He felt the tumult in his body.

Life is better than death.

The emperor's sword glittered in the sun.

The whole plain fell silent.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the Tibetan cattle black emperor, all the demon soldiers were stunned, and even those imprisoned were petrified.

Zhou Xuanji holds the thunder sword and cuts it off with one sword!

Soul devouring and demon killing!

Lightning twines the sword Qi and cuts off the head of cangniu black emperor.

Blood gushed along the neck of the black emperor of Tibetan cattle, and the blood sprinkled on the earth!

Thunder and lightning ravaged the flesh of the black emperor of Tibetan cattle, making his vitality disappear rapidly.

A generation of demon king died so miserably.


With a move from Zhou Xuanji's right hand, the Kaikong emperor's sword flew out of the Tibetan cattle black emperor's body and brought out a row of blood. The Tibetan cattle black emperor's body followed and collapsed to the ground.

Looking at the disgusting object on the blade, Zhou Xuanji shook his right hand, threw it away, and then waved his sword again towards the Tibetan cow black emperor.

This is his habit.

In case the enemy pretends to die.

After confirming that the black emperor of Tibetan cattle had no vitality, he looked up at the demon country in front of him.

As soon as those demon soldiers saw his eyes, they were so frightened that they turned and ran away, even ignoring the prison car.

Zhou Xuanji flew away with his sword, wielded his sword in the rain and broke the four prison cars.

The rescued people all cried with joy, got out of the car, knelt down to Zhou Xuanji and shouted the name of Zhou Jianshen.

Zhou Xuanji ignored them and looked at the demon country ahead.

When his right hand turned, the Kaikong emperor's sword turned, the blade rotated, and the tip of the sword pointed forward.

He flung it.

The emperor's sword flew out with a bang!

The city gate exploded directly, and the walls on both sides were full of cracks, which would collapse at any time.

Such a terrible force stunned everyone and the demon.

What power is this?

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