Published at 31st of May 2024 06:03:04 AM

Chapter 109: 107 Childhood Care and Seniors

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- A few hours after Arnold drank the prototype. Fortunately, there was no particular anomaly in his body. But that's only a story at this stage, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

I think of Elvira, a few hours where my breath gets stuck. That definitely took away my strength.

Ha, a certain sigh echoes into the out-of-the-box room. It was when I coughed lightly to fix it in a hurry. Lukersch, sitting next to me, peered into my face.

"Laura, you look pale. Why don't you lie down?


Hiraki, and see how Arnold is doing. He's been leaning down for a long time now to think of something.

I made the healing pills for him first when something happened, but in case something went wrong with his body while he was resting - I don't think so, he's going to be able to fall asleep.

Though I think so, I also knew my body was complaining of tiredness.

"If you're talking about Mr. Arnold, I'll take a look. Let's rent a bed."

It was found in the corner of his sight that Diona stood up in the words of Lukersch. She approaches me as she is and speaks gently, "Let's go".

Diona pulled my hand and stood up. He then turns his back on Lukersch as he walks straight out toward the room. - At that moment, Lukersch's hands were attached to his shoulders.

"Take care of yourself, too, Laura."

- Laura “too."

I found that the word was said to Arnold earlier, "Take care of yourself".

Looking back. Lukersch lowered his eyebrow root and had a grin similar to a bitter laugh.

- Heh, and consciousness surfaced. It was a refreshing awakening.

Wake up your body without dragging your drowsiness. And I looked around, but there was no clock in the guest seat, and I approached the window trying to figure out the approximate time at the height of the day. Then - I realized the day was tilting out. Apparently, he slept a lot better.

I get myself together and then I go down to the living room. There was no sign of Lukersch or Arnold, and Diona was alone, doing some work in the kitchen.

She comes running over when she realizes what I look like.

"Dear Laura, how are you?

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm perfectly fine now."

If I answered with a smile, Diona breathed in relief. I seem to have worried you.

Look around looking for the Lukersches. It was then. There was some loud noise coming from the outside.

"What about Lukersch and Mr. Arnold?

"Looks like we're having a magic class outside."

class on magic, I leaned my neck towards the word, but I have to be sure before that.

"Um, how is Mr. Arnold..."

"Looks fine"

"Good," I said, relieved Diona, who replied with a fluffy smile. I'm curious about what you're doing with Lukersch out there, but that's fine if there's no abnormality in your body anyway.

- Unexpectedly, the nostrils tickled with a sweet scent. Speaking of which, I recall Diona standing in the kitchen earlier.

"Are you made of something?

"Cookies and tea to bring to Master Lukersch"

I see, I'm convinced that this sweet fragrance was cookie ingredient.

Hiya, and a peek at the kitchen over Diona's shoulder. To see the cookware lined up, probably still in the process of making it.

"I'll help you"

With that said, Diona laughed with great pleasure.

I helped my mother quite a bit when I was at home, but since I came out to King's Capital, self-catering has been tight in time, and it's been a long time since I've stood in the kitchen. I was a little anxious to see if I could help well - etc., but apparently I could almost do it already.

The job I was entrusted with is to mould out the cookie fabric. Carefully unmolded one by one, it kind of makes me remember my childhood and have fun.

- And then I lean my neck, seemingly smelling the herb I'm used to sniffing from the cookie dough. Once I stopped my hand and stared at the dough, I could see what seemed like a crushed herb ingredient.

"Herbs, are you mixing them up?

"Yes, Leanhardt said it would be good for your health by doing this. It also refreshes the taste."

Well, I'm impressed you didn't have that idea. I'm going to tell my mother next time too - and, uh, stopped moving on Mr. Leanhardt's name, which came out of Diona's mouth.

She used to make cookies with her brother, he said. But today. I heard Sieg and Leon said Iris said they were clumsy and couldn't make cookies. Well, I was wondering who my brother taught Diona how to make cookies.

"Did Mr. Leanhardt teach you?

If you ask, Diona covered her mouth with her hands. To see that reaction, my mouth seems to have slipped.

Diona gave a look like she chewed up a bitter bug during the bundle - but, heh, loosens her expression. And he answered with a blown out grin somewhere.

"Yes, Leannhardt is our brother."

"The colors of the eyes are the same. Just a ladder, please."

"Yes, it is. I already told you, Iris is here today."

He was right about the hypothesis he made every once in a while. Amber eyes are not characteristic of the appearance of the people of Lustu, and Diona and the others seem to have been somewhat peculiar today.

Although I was convinced, I wonder if there's any reason why I was hiding this fact. Maybe I should have flushed it out without poking it.

"Sorry, that was a stepped in story, wasn't it?"

"No, because when you come to our city, even if you don't like it, you'll know. We're all half-brothers."

Diona's expression is very calm, perhaps thinking of her face today, even as she learns to catch on to the verses of words. It was clear that they were close today.

"You guys are very close"

"Yes, I'm proud of you today."

The look on Diona's face when she said that was the best smile I've ever had.

I guess they're carrying something big today. That's obvious. That's why we can't help but hope that they have some calm time.

"Master Laura is here today..."

"I'm not here. Yeah, but if you insist, Lukersch might be nice."

If you laugh that way to expand the story, Diona makes her eyes shine.

"That's lovely"

I guess that's what you sincerely think, with a look I can tell.

- Then I helped make cookies while listening to Diona's story today.

Mr. Leanhardt is a brother and father to Mr. Diona, and that he was often scolded at an early age. But after scolding me, always, that you made me sneaky cookies.

That Mr. Sieg was the most serious today and that he dated me late for the special training in the power of light. Something scarier than Mr. Leanhardt when angry.

That Mr. Leon and I used to hang out in the mountains together at an early age. Yeah, I don't like seeing and scaring stories, about the night we slept in a bunch of bunnies in bed together.

That Iris is like a daughter to the Dionas. Sometimes they burn their hands more curiously than anyone else, but that they care like treasures.

- There was no end to Diona's story today, and her mouth never closed until the cookies were baked up. I was about to hammer and pinch my mouth to ask questions from time to time, but felt like we had some very peaceful time together.

Let them eat the most cookies filled with many memories of Diona. Refreshing sweetness spread in the mouth. The effects of the mixed herbs make your body warm. I've never eaten before, but I feel nostalgic somewhere, it was such a cookie.



Diona rejoices in a more shattered tone than usual. I was kind of happy about that, and the two of us laughed face-to-face.

Looks like a little tea party if you arrange a plate with cookies on it and a teacup made of tea on your desk. When I look at my desk satisfied even though I'm not doing a big job,

"That smells good"

The back door near the kitchen opened and Lukersch peeked into his face. Its cheeks are dirty with dirt.

Lukersch came running over when he saw me. And he peeks all the way into my face.

"Laura, are you okay?

"Yeah, thanks to you. Mr. Diona made us cookies, so let's all eat."

If I told him so, Lukersch laughed happily and headed toward the washroom. As I'm dropping that back off, I look back, noticing the footsteps approaching from behind. What stood there was Arnold looking down at this one with some difficult look on his face. I'm not pale.

"Mr. Arnold, how's your body?

"There are no abnormalities.... I'm sorry."

- I'm sorry. That's what Arnold said, and Arnold lay down his lid.

The words of apology would be against me for drinking the prototype and getting angry. He looked difficult, maybe because he was worried about how to cut it out.

Look up at Arnold. Arnold, lying down on his lid and still, looked kind of like a scolded young child.

"No, welcome. I'm sorry I made your voice absurd. I wish there were no abnormalities."

Arnold opens his eyes. His black eyes narrowed slightly, but without saying anything, he also turned toward the bathroom.

- It's the beginning of a small tea party, inviting Lukersch and Arnolt, who have completely cleansed themselves. I was able to share an unexpectedly peaceful time with the four of us for the cookies and tea Diona made for us.

"What were you two doing?

"Mr. Arnold was teaching me magic. I still don't like magic."

Apart from the power of the brave in "Last Brave," he is a brave man who could have used basic attack and healing magic, but he should not have been able to study magic yet in this world. Maybe Arnold will be the magic master for Lukersch - what a sneak thought.

"Crude sharpening, but your basic abilities are above average."

Arnold said so before mouthing his tea.

I'm surprised he honestly praised Lukersch. Arnold is not the kind of person who looks down on others, but still, from what I've been shown to be incompatible with scattered childhood tampering, I honestly had anxiety about these two mates.

Lukersch rejoiced at Arnold's words - not his, but Zito stared at him all the time.

"While you say that, Mr. Arnold will offset my magic with one hand, so I won't be confident."

"I haven't consolidated my magic with coarse sharpening. It's easy to offset."

Lukersch hoisting his eyeballs softly. But the look wasn't from the late hating Arnold, and I could speculate that his lose-loathing side glanced at him.

"For now, make it your goal to get me on one knee."

It was a provocative word, but the voice seemed somewhere fun. I guess Lukersch felt that too, he shows his teeth again and laughs.

"It's where I want it"

An unusual lukersch smile, like a prankster. I am relieved that my concern for that grin may have been a worry.

When I looked at Diona, she seemed to be looking at me again, too, with amber eyes and eyes tangled. Then Diona chuckles and says, "You're friends," whispering what only I can hear. I nod back at it and see how Arnold and Lukersch are doing again.

Without magic it was difficult for me to understand all the content of their conversation, but I was eager to engage in an argument.

(Sounds like fun, both of you)

They were staring at each other. It's an old story. Now we've grown with each other, we've got more to bear, and maybe that's why we've got more to share.

I started talking to Diona about not having any other love when I was told to go between the two of us. A terribly calm time, but now I was happy anyway.

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