Published at 31st of May 2024 06:02:48 AM

Chapter 117: 115 The old story.

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When I returned to King's Landing, I couldn't get any information from him. Apparently, it was discovered under the dark clouds, and a crusader will soon emerge from King's Landing. That's all I've heard.

Although I know that it is no longer a matter of a blender like me being involved, I can't help but feel the toothlessness. At that time, Arnold visited me, who was cleaning up alone in the blending room.

As he entered the concourse, he lowered his head heavily towards me.

"I'm late to thank you. Thank you for saving Elvira."

"No, that's... good. Really."

I sincerely agree. Arnold stared at my face, telling me to bite.

And then I noticed that there was a neighborhood in front of him. I haven't had a chance to talk to him since I got back to King's Landing, but he seems to be busy again. But I could take it for granted. After all, he intends to accompany the brave man on his journey.

Especially if you plan to travel, I think you should be careful about your physical condition.

"... when I first met you."

Suddenly, Arnold murmured.

When I first met him, Arnold appeared. Looking back like this, you're getting a lot bigger - what a parent. I was nine when I met him, so I've been dating him for six years. When I realized it, I came a long way.

At that time, I had no idea we were going to talk about the past like this.

I didn't like you.

Arnold's words, which were spilled with a smaller voice than usual, were not surprising. It was obvious from his old attitude, and he wasn't trying to hide it himself.

Arnold keeps talking to himself without worrying about my reaction.

"Even though I spare no effort to study while I'm asleep, you will become a disciple of Bertha, who I could not be, and you will do anything with a lovely face. It irritated my feelings of inferiority. I was jealous."

I thought Arnold was a cheeky little boy at the time, but now that I know what happened to him at the time, I think my nobility would have been uncomfortable for him.

Arnold was studying hard to find a cure for her sister, who suffered from difficulty. In the meantime, if a girl who is relying on her talent shows up - even if she gets angry, there's no help.

"But at the same time, you were a light of hope for me.... with your talent, I might be able to save Elvira."

I laugh ambiguously because I'm ashamed to be called hope and I can only overestimate it.

The confession that he disliked me at the time was within the scope of assumptions, but he didn't think it was a hope.

"I'm not alone. Rather, I've done less... thanks to Arnold, Mercedes, Master, and many others."

Arnold shook his head quietly at my words.

"But without the spirit's drinking water, without the prototype, I don't know what would have happened. The people of Lustu came to me because they found the spirit's drinking water in the first place. Without Ampere, the consequences would have been worse."

I was told to look straight into my eyes. Certainly the existence of spiritual drinking water was great, but when it was said this way, shame preceded happiness.

I was the first to divert my attention from the entanglement.

"Ah, ahaha, it's kinda shining."

Silence comes at the end of my words.

I did my best on Elvira, but I didn't think I could help her. Rather, I couldn't find spiritual drinking water on my own, and it was a prototype. With the power of many people and the sacrifices of the past, there is this success. Never forget that alone.

Arnold took a big breath, exhaled small, and then opened his mouth again.

"The Demon King took a lot of things from many people because of his self-destructive illness. I can't forgive you. That's why I want to accompany Lord Lukash on his journey to destroy the Devil King."

"... yes"

It seems that Arnold has decided to accompany Elvira on her journey. "Last Brave" changes the party members, but I wonder what happens to other people I haven't met yet.

Lukash, Diona, Vake, and Arnold. It's already a well-balanced party, but it's still better to have a lot of friends. Do we ever meet on the road?

"Mr. Caspere has already given me permission. You can leave anytime you want."

He's already talked to me. All we have to do is wait for Lukash.

Arnold will undoubtedly be a great force. When I was young, Lukash and I had a bad relationship, but it seemed like we had a good relationship at some point, and it's not a bad relationship. I'm sure we can build on each other and be good friends.

I'm going back to Arnold. And I lowered my head.

"Thank you for your help with Lukash."

Oh, and Arnold nodded forcefully. The anxiety of childhood familiarity on an unknown journey is endless, but I'm relieved that he's still here. And Vake and Diona. I'm sure it'll be all right. I have to believe that.

At the end of the conversation, Arnold thought he was leaving - and stopped at the entrance. And look back.


Tilt your neck. I don't know what the blessing is for. Did I do anything to be congratulated?

Arnold smiled bitterly when he saw me not coming.

"Birthday. It must be too much."

That's how I looked at the calendar hanging on the wall. - It's true. When my birthday passed while I was busy with Elvira.

Sometimes it drags back memories of the previous life, and I'm not really aware of my birthday. Well, I was sixteen sometime.

"... ah. I completely forgot."

To be honest, Arnold deepens his bitter smile.

"I'd like to thank you again. Let me know if you need anything.... before you leave."

With that in mind, it was time for Arnold to leave.

I glanced at the door he had left for a while, and then I looked at the calendar again. I don't care so much that I was sixteen sometime. Rather, my birthday has passed, which means that Lukash's birthday is coming soon.

(Lukash is almost sixteen years old.....)

Lukash was sixteen when he left. It was almost time for my seventeenth birthday, so I left about a year early.

Believe in the brave and continue to formulate healing medicines in King's Landing. That's what I can do in the future. So I'm going to sit here and wait for Lukash and the others. The heroes will be greeted with a smile by the children who have completed their journey.

--A few days later, Lukash returned from the village of Eme to King's Landing. A few more days later, the Austrian state officially announced the departure of the Demon King Crusaders - the brave men - throughout the country.

The name of the brave man entrusted with the future of this world is Lukash Kamil. A young man whose golden hair and blue eyes will soon be sixteen.

His left eye was engraved with a crest of bravery.

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