Published at 31st of May 2024 06:02:44 AM

Chapter 120: 118 Future measures

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--Treasure Hunter Malta's arm was huge. Using multiple knives skillfully, the monster is defeated one after the other without hesitation. Sometimes she steps into deep woods and caves in search of treasure, saying she was used to fighting monsters when she joined them at Last Brave.

If Malta and the Knights Chevalier's deputy, Oliver, fought together, they'd be on their way. The monsters fell one after the other - the moment Oliver's sword pierced the belly of the monster who was speaking, the remaining monsters literally wrapped their tails and ran away.

I remember this situation. That was when Arnold and I visited Platonovena, the northern kingdom. The monsters who attacked Platonovena also defeated the language-speaking monster (boss) and the other monsters retreated.

"Oh, I'm running away... because I defeated the leader? Oh, no. Shh, look for something....."

Malta began to examine the bodies of the defeated monsters as she murmured in an unbalanced and bright voice. I will strip the fur and replace it with money. She did a good job at Last Brave, too.

Driven by a nostalgic feeling, he looked behind Malta and returned to me ha-ha. The monster may attack me again as it stands.

Looking back at Oliver, he asked.

"Wherever I am...."

"That's right... for now, let's go to the garrison. Marta! I'd like to thank you again, so would you like to join me?

As Oliver judged, I and Malta then took him for a temporary evacuation to the Knights Chevalier's Fralia garrison. The garrison was naturally in a hurry after being attacked by monsters.

"What about the monsters in the city?

"Probably retreated. I'm currently splitting up and looking around. We've evacuated the city."

As far as I can tell from other members of the Regiment's report to Oliver, it seems that the monster is no longer visible in the city. I was relieved.

At the same time, the idea that the monsters were after me, not this city, became stronger, and I trembled unexpectedly. Does the Demon King instruct his subordinates to target me as the person who remembered his face and inflicted pain on him during that experiment? I don't want to believe it, but it's highly probable from the words released by the monster.

I wonder if they've been watching me all this time. The kingdom has stronger boundaries than Flaria, and there are many Knights. So I couldn't do it, but this unexpected opportunity for the monsters to travel to the Fralia branch led to an ambush.

As I imagined - Iris and Basilio's faces passed by unexpectedly. They were running in front of me and probably safe. You may not find me in the shelter and be worried about me.

I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm afraid I opened my mouth.

"Um, I'd like to tell Iris and Mr. Basilio that we're okay...."

"I see. Ask the soldiers to leave a message."

Oliver nodded with a gentle smile to reassure me rather than a disgusting face. It was only natural because he was a twin, but his expression resembled that of Mr Mercedes.

After that, Oliver keeps busy giving instructions everywhere. I sat on the same sofa as Malta and gazed at it. As soon as the instructions came to an end, Ms. Oliver sat at the other side of the table and slowly opened her mouth.

"Thank you again, Marta."

"It's okay, people have to help each other ~. So, yes!

Ahah, while laughing, Malta reached out to Oliver. Oliver stared at Malta's hand in front of her and tilted her neck.

"... how about this hand?

"Since you saved me, you're paying me back, right?

- Yeah, it's Malta I know.

She was affectionate and helpful, but she was getting paid for her help because she couldn't see the money. Some characters called her a money keeper, but her obsession with money was a childhood trauma, and the fact is revealed at a mid-career event.

Before I knew Malta's past, I loved her for her money, but she was bright and somewhere I didn't hate her.

Malta smiles funny with Mr. Vake who is confused, and I laugh without thinking. And to thank her, I took the prototype out of multiple bags. I was interested and I wonder if you could help me with this.

"I don't know if this will be a thank you... but if you don't mind, go ahead."

"What is this?

"The poison I just threw at the monster. It's very effective against monsters."

Malta brightens her eyes and receives a prototype. The prototype was then viewed from the right to the left and from the top to the bottom so as to be transparent to the indoor lighting.

"Yes! How do you make this?

Speaking of which, I remember you telling me how to make it.

Not that there are secrets that no one can tell, but I still hesitate to teach the Red Others - even if they will become irresistible companions to Lukash in the future, but at this point the Red Others - about the power of the heroes, such as spiritual drinking water.

I muddy the scene with a bitter smile.

"Er... please don't do this."

"Ah, what's a goosebump?

Well, that's it.

“I” know that Malta has a lot of communication and some tough parts, but nevertheless people didn't really hate it, and they knew the line that should not be crossed. I was hoping you wouldn't step in any further.

Well then, what do you think? Oh, hey, then why was Laura chased by a monster? You obviously wanted Laura, didn't you?

When I was pushed by the other one, I was pushed by the painful point, deepening the bitterness.

I tilt my head slightly. I don't know, and there was a little wrinkle between the eyebrows as expressed throughout the body.

"I don't really understand that either... maybe."

"Well, for whatever reason, why don't you put on an escort? So, how are you feeling? I can stand up quite a bit."

Her suggestion spills a smile.

In fact, her proposal was worthy of consideration. We cannot rely on Lukash, who are busy fighting demon kings. The monsters get stronger and the Knights of Chevalier are short of manpower to protect them. In that context, it seemed to me that asking her to escort her when she actually stood up was one solution.

But now that you've met Marta Murcia, a treasure hunter in the world, you might want her to accompany you on the “Journey of the Brave.”

And sadly, there are some tough things to pay for a guard.

I'm afraid of rewards.

I see. But Laura, that uniform belongs to the King's Concoctor, right? That means you have the money!

"I'll consider it."

Smiling and saying so, Malta sharpened her lips to the point that it was not funny.

"Eh. But aren't we supposed to work out real problems and countermeasures? You could get caught in the middle of another monster attack, or you could die in the worst way."

Malta was right. Now that we know the monsters are targeting us, we need to devise a countermeasure. I only want to avoid involving people around me.

I have a headache when I think about the future. I wanted to wait for my childhood friends to return while making a healing medicine, but won't that come true?

"... the Knights of Chevalier will protect Laura."

"Is that realistic?"

"But even though I'm short of people in the fight against monsters....."

I noticed it there. The fact that I'm being targeted may mean that Elvira is also being targeted.

I stood up in a hurry and appealed to Mr Oliver.

"Elvira may be in the same situation! We need to get in touch!

"It's okay, the beacon is already flying. I'm still in King's Landing with Mel, so it should be safe."

Oliver seemed to have acted well ahead of me. His smile relieves him from sitting on the sofa again.

I was not attacked when I was in King's Landing. After all, can the King's City be seen as safe at this stage? But the monsters must be aiming for the timing of the attack. If I or Elvira were in the King's City, it would be no wonder when the King's City was attacked.

The more I think about it, the more I get stuck. Anyway, once I returned to King's Landing, I wondered if I should discuss future measures with Caspere, and I remembered Caspere's tired expression when he ordered me to travel to the Fralia branch.

Mr Caspere will surely advise me to return to King's Landing and defend myself. But who will prescribe the healing medicine for me at this Fralia branch? I can't help but notice that even a shortage of people can cause even more trouble.

"Should I return to King's Landing as well? But I was ordered to travel to get some medicine for my recovery...."

"Laura's life is more important than such an order. I'll talk to you, so let's get back to King's Landing."

Oliver sat down and said, "I'll write you a letter." Looking at the splendid back that separates me, I breathe because I don't know how many times today.

To be honest, this development was unexpected. When Lukash left, I thought I could only wait for the return of the heroes as a side character - just a blender. I didn't expect you to get caught in this way.

Laura, how old are you?

Malta, sitting next to me, asked unexpectedly. "Wow," he answers suddenly.

"Fifteen... not fifteen, sixteen"

"Ahaah, you're one less than Atashi. It's tough, people who work for the state."

If you say so, you can only smile bitterly "Ahahah". If you look at Malta, where people travel and live around the world in a leisurely way, the professions that belong to a country like mine look very cramped.

Malta put her hand on her chin for a moment to reflect - she opened her mouth with a smile, flashing a good idea.

"You know, what if I rely on you to do something brave?


"Sama, the brave man who traveled to defeat the Demon King! I don't know, but aren't you strong against monsters?

What Malta said was straightforward, correct, and that's why I couldn't nod honestly.

I thought it would be best to rely on Lukash and Arnold. But I don't want to worry too much about them carrying the fate of the world. It is difficult to identify where they are now as they travel on a daily basis.

If you don't tell her, she'll be mad at you for saying, "Why did you keep quiet?" But when I put myself and the world on a scale, the scale leans towards the latter.

Let's think about something better than relying on Lukash and the others. If you can't find a better idea, you might have to rely on them.

"But it will be hard just to defeat the Demon King."

I wonder. I wonder if you can help me, Samar the Brave. "

In Malta's words, I recall a scene with "Last Brave".

It was when I visited a village that had been attacked by a monster and completely collapsed. Why didn't you help me? There was a girl crawling at the brave man.

When I saw the scene, I felt sorry for the girl, but I also thought that it was impossible to help everyone. I'm not talking about sacrificing. However, no matter how brave they are, it is impossible to realistically think about protecting all the people of the world from the hands of monsters.

I was slightly excited to say that the appearance of my childhood friends who would still work desperately came to mind.

"It's not that you won't help me... it's just that it's hard to help everyone."

Unexpectedly, the tone became rough, but Malta nodded "Well, that's right."

"If you help me one way or the other, I won't be able to kill you. We need to do what we can to get the brave Sama to focus on the demon king crusade."

Why didn't you help me?

On this journey, Lukash may or may not be able to say something like that. Kind childhood familiarity will take the word head-on, hurt and trouble you.

(... that's hard.)

For example, if my parents were killed by a monster, and after everything was over, a young man came to the village saying he was a brave man, perhaps he would throw such a word at me. I know how the girl feels. But from the standpoint of being a brave childhood friend, I don't want him to get hurt any more than necessary.

Brave men are not gods. Just a little special power, just a human being.

Please let his friends support him so that his childhood acquaintance does not break his heart. I prayed.

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