Published at 31st of May 2024 06:02:38 AM

Chapter 125: Chapter 122.

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-- since I found out that I could communicate with a group of brave men who were traveling, I've been in regular contact with them.

This morning, it seemed that Diona had contacted me, and as soon as I woke up, I was approached by Gina-san. I hurriedly prepared myself and looked into the surface of the water in the bowl with Elvira and saw Diona with a gentle smile on her face.

''Laura-sama, Elvira-sama, good morning.''

Good morning, Diona.

Good morning!

In the past few days, Elvira has missed Diona a lot. She was secretly comforted by the interaction between the two of them, who would have been friends on the same journey if it was The Last Brave.

After the morning greetings, Diona bowed her head slightly.

''Thanks to the recovery medicine Laura-sama gave me yesterday, I was saved.''

No, no, I'm glad you helped.

I don't understand the principle, but I'm honestly glad to be told that this vessel - the recovery potion that I give them every time through the mixing pot in this world - was useful.

For the past few days, the brave group seemed to have been attacking the cave where the demons were said to be springing up. The fact that my recovery pills were useful means that perhaps they had defeated the boss yesterday and had settled down.

''Did you manage to get to the cave where the demon springs up?''

It's not just that, in fact, there seems to have been a spirit living in that cave for a long time. As a result of the spirit being sealed off by the demon king, it became a den of demons. ...... When the spirit was released, the demons stopped appearing.

For some reason, I was relieved when Diona told me the same story as the one I knew from "The Last Brave". Did the spirit share its power with the heroes? That power would be useful in defeating the Demon King.

Good, he smiled and looked at Elvira, and then waited for Diona's next words.

''So, that spirit told me that .......''

--Huh, and a figure appeared behind Diona from the side. And the figure opens its mouth as if to take over Diona's words.

''It seems that in order to seal the Demon King, you need a holy sword.''

Big brother!

It was Arnolt who appeared. Had he been invited by Elvira's voice?

Looking at Arnolt, who sat down next to Diona, I decided that he was going to join the conversation firmly and not just pass by, so I bowed my head lightly and greeted him in the morning.

''Good morning, Arnolt-san,''

Following me, Elvira smiled and said, "Good morning! He greeted her. Arnolt smiled a little and replied, "Oh, good morning.

Diona doesn't interrupt our exchange and watches gently before opening her mouth again.

''Yes, so the Holy Sword seems to be resting in the Holy Land--''

At that moment, a face peeked out from the side. Probably with her face quite close to the water's surface, the person's face covered about two-thirds of the screen, and no matter how well-defined the girl's face was, she couldn't help but "wow" at the oppressive feeling.

There is only one person in the current party members who would do this to me. The one who peeked her face from the side was a brown-haired girl - Marta.

'I heard that you need the spirits' permission to enter the Holy Land! Look at this, don't you think it's a beautiful stone? It's called a spirit stone, it'll sell for a lot of money.

Marta wound up talking quickly and with an intensity that didn't seem early in the morning and showed us a beautiful green gemstone. The gemstone - a spirit stone - glowed mysteriously from within, and we could tell at once that it was no ordinary gemstone.

I was about to ask Diona, pitying her as she sidestepped one explanation after another, but before I could do so, Arnolt let out a low growl.

'...... Hey, Murcia. Why do you have it?

"What? I borrowed it from my brave sama's luggage.

"Go get it back now.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I'm sure it is. It's a big deal, after all.

It's not a good match, as you can imagine, although it's lively, when Marta opens her mouth again.

''I'm still sleeping, that's fine. And this spirit stone seems to be a sign that the spirits have given permission, and it can be the key to enter the Holy Land!

(Okay, that's another royal road: ......)

The story is getting more and more connected. In "The Last Brave", he received the spirits' power directly and used it to defeat the Demon King, but in this world, the Demon King will be defeated with the "Holy Sword" that only those who have the spirits' permission can obtain.

In other words, he would ask the spirits in each area, receive a spirit stone, head to the Holy Land, and obtain the Holy Sword. And then he'll head to the Demon King's side with it - that's how it seems to work.

If that's the case, the first thing I'm interested in is the number of spirit stones I need.

''How many spirit stones do you need in total?''

"Hmm? Let's see... ...... How old are you?

It's also typical of Marta that she doesn't remember the details. It was Diona who laughed and supplemented me with a giggle.

''I heard there are five of them, including the spirit stone Marta-san has right now.

"Yeah, yeah, so four more to go!

Five in all. I'd say that's a fair number for a collection. Not too many, not too few, is that it?

I nodded my head in agreement and asked the question again.

''Have you been told where you're headed next?

'Yes. I think I'm going to Girne.

I searched my memory for the name of the place that came out of Diona's mouth - a city that had a volcano, as I recall. There must have been a majestic fire spirit there.

'Apparently there's a famous volcano there called Avur Volcano, and there's a spirit at the top. Maybe the demons have already attacked it, like this one, but ......'

I seem to remember it still holding up in The Last Brave, but I doubt it will. Either way, the volcanic dungeon where I was "burned" by a demon was a moderate struggle. From my experience in my previous life, I'd better take a recovery potion that has the power to heal the burned state with me.

You have to be careful with your burns and such. "Be careful with those burns and such, okay?

"Thank you.

Marta finally pulled her face from in front of the water, and Diona and Arnolt were now firmly in sight.

But still, I didn't expect the three of them to be here. After coming this far, I'm starting to wonder about the two people who aren't here right now.

''Well, what about Luca and Veik-san?''

"I'm asleep. "I was up late last night practicing.

The corners of my mouth almost lifted at Arnolt's words, smiling.

The only thing that could have happened is that Arnolt was injured while defending Lukasz during the fight against the demons. That's why I'm in shock~. Hey, Arnolt.

My heart jumped at the fact that Marta revealed to me while grinning and poking Arnolt.

She should have known better than anyone else that it was a dangerous journey, even better than Lukács himself, but when she heard that someone was injured, she felt shamefully upset. It was the same for Elvira, who was sitting next to him, and she was speechless from worry when she heard that her brother was injured.

She couldn't help but stare at Arnolt to check if his body was injured. Then he swam his gaze for a moment, looking uncomfortable, and muttered, ''Don't worry about it.

''Even if it's an injury, it's only something that will heal quickly if you take a recovery pill. It's nothing to worry about.''

Although he says so, it's hard to be reassured that the sheltered Lukáš was shocked, and that he trained with Veik even after the big battle, and it's hard to be reassured that it's true honestly. Lukáš is a kind-hearted kid, but it's hard to believe that he would be that shocked by a mere cut, and it's hard to believe that it was a serious injury in its own right - but

"Good morning. ......

It was the voice of a sleepy childhood friend that pulled me out of the sea of thoughts. I still can't see him, but I know he's probably over there because the three people reflected in the water's surface looked to their right all at once.

''Oh, I was just talking to you and it's you yourself~''

A few seconds after Marta laughed, Lukáš slowly appeared, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His hair is a shaggy mess, his eyes are barely open, and to look at him, he looks like he's just woken up.

I couldn't help but say "Luka" to his sleepy profile. Then, a few seconds later, Lukasz turned to me. And.

"...... Huh, Laura?

Blinking with a snap, Lukáš was younger than usual, and I couldn't help but smile at him.

Lukáš's brain, which had just woken up, gradually grasped the situation and smiled a little shyly.

''Good morning, Laura.''

Good morning, Luca.

Diona gets up from her chair and gives Lukasz a seat. He thanks Diona for her 'thank you' and sits down in the middle seat.

I feel bad about having a long talk with my childhood friend, who is often making my eyes glaze over, but since I can talk to him, I broach the subject a bit.

''I heard you saved a genie-sama yesterday?''

'Oh, yes. But it's all thanks to everyone. I hurt Arnolt-san. ......'

Lukács dropped his gaze. Then, without a second thought, Arnolt, who was sitting next to him, gave an exaggerated sigh.

I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep well if you're that concerned about it. It's already done, don't drag it out.

His voice sounded soft, though it was a shushing word. Lukasz also sensed this, and soon, he raised his gaze and looked at Arnolt. Arnolt did not smile at that gaze, but he did not deflect it either.

I'm sure the distance between Lukasz and Arnolt, who must be steadily closing in on each other, is somewhat like a brotherhood. Elvira also somewhat happily overheard me saying, "You're good friends, aren't you? Perhaps she has seen her brother's loneliness more closely than anyone else, and that's why she's happy that the loneliness is fading.

After a few seconds, Lukáš's eyes turned to me.

''Are Laura and Elvira-chan okay?''

Yes, thanks to you. Hey, Elvira.


Elvira also nodded widely. Then Lukasz, as well as Arnolt, smiled softly, as if relieved.

''Take care, both of you.''

'Thank you, Luca and Arnolt, take care of yourselves. Please give Mr. Veik my regards at .......

He asked Veke, who was probably still asleep in his room, to take a message, and cut off the communication - not the right way to describe it, but I don't know of a more suitable way to describe it - and cut off the communication.

The brave group seemed to have found a clear purpose for their journey. To help the spirits in each place, receive the spirit stone, and eventually obtain the holy sword. I am relieved that we have found a clear path.

My own face is dimly reflected in the surface of the water where Lukács and the others had been reflected earlier. I slapped my face a few times to get my spirits up, and got up from my chair.

Today, let's do our best to make a recovery potion that has the potency to heal burns.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!