Published at 31st of May 2024 06:05:28 AM

Chapter 21: 21 A new goal

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“ What I remember is a voice boiling in joy.

The Cavaliers of Vake are back! “ That ’ s what someone shouted.

♪ I breathe relief in that voice - where my memory is broken.

The next time I woke up, I was put to bed.

Wake up. First, look around as much as you can while you're depressed. Then the familiar hindsight jumped into my sight.

"Mr. Arnold...?

Are you awake?

The man who looks back at my voice - Arnold. He slowly approached my pillow.

As far as I can confirm, this doesn't seem to be my room. Is it the infirmary of the castle?

"When I got home, I was down in the mixing room. Although there was nothing abnormal about her body, she was just asleep."

♪ My consciousness came a little clearer to that explanation.

“ Perhaps when Vake returned safely, hearing the voices of the boiling people in the mixing room that the demonic crusade was over, the thread of tension was cut off with putz. I couldn't stand the tiredness and drowsiness that attacked me, I fell asleep to lose my mind, something like that?

“ I don ’ t know how much I slept. But maybe Arnold came home from the battlefield, found me sleeping in the mixing room and brought me here.

Yes, Arnold was asked by Mr. Oliver to be on the front line.

“ I was hazy. And get up unexpectedly. I developed mild glare because it was sudden, but I don't have time for such a thing.

“ I heard that Vake returned - I guess that means he returned on his own feet - but is his right eye safe when he is injured?

"Um, what about Mr. Vake?!?

"I've lost my right eye vision, but I'm alive. I'll be perfectly at rest for a while."

“ I lost my vision of my right eye.

“ Really? ” she buried her body in the bed again and muttered.

― ― If I had advanced in advance, would Veik have never lost sight of his right eye?

“ Maybe in this fight, I had a feeling. But that was only uncertain, and you wouldn't hear me where my little girl said there was no clapping. And most importantly - I hesitated to make a difference with "Last Brave" with my own hands.

What now? I thought Laura might be the difference. It seems so now. But unlike me as a terminal, Vake is a key character. I feared that if his fate changed, the impact it would have on the future would be much greater as well.

"Thank you for your hard work"

"No, no..."

“ Shake it first.

“ I don ’ t know if this path was the right one or the wrong one. At least another step closer to "Last Brave," I'm sure.

“ I glanced toward Arnold. While he drops his gaze on the floor, the haunting air is calmer than usual. No, maybe Arnold's tired, too. - Because he must have fought demons directly on the front line.

“ Why did you choose the way of a cook while having such strong magic that the Knights depended on you?

The question swelled and swelled in me, and I finally couldn't contain it.

"Mr. Arnold, may I ask you one thing?"

“ To my words, Arnold sat down in the chair on his pillow. Because of that behavior, I was probably allowed to ask questions.

"Why did you want to be a conditioner? It's very powerful, isn't it?

“ For a moment, Arnold stopped moving.

I wonder why you called it - you remembered when Oliver called you. Sure, I don't know if you convinced me that if I heard that word, I could find out - it's all just my imagination - Arnold nodded one person and then opened his mouth.

"Even with magic, I had no talent for healing magic at all. I was good at attack magic."

I looked at him unexpectedly. And wake your body up again.

"... but if that's all you need to do with offensive magic... no, I'm sorry. I heard you step in."

“ I tried to eat it down for a moment, but I rethink and shut my mouth. Me and Arnold aren't close enough to take another step.

“ Silence for a while. Awkward. It was Arnold himself who broke that, surprisingly.

"... I told you I have a sister"

"Huh? 'Eh... Elvira, right?"

“ To the word sister that came out of Arnold ’ s mouth,

“ Elvira Rocco, Arnold ’ s sister and "Last Brave ” key character. Years later, she also embarks on another journey to save the world.

“ I stared at Arnold ’ s face and waited for the next word. The side I stared at was a sinking face.

"Elvira has autopsy."

♪ To that word, I breathe.

- 'Autologous disease.

It's a fantasy world-specific illness in which the magic that he possesses hurts his own body for some reason. Not only has the tissue in the body been damaged by magic, but the symptoms of sudden ignition of parts of the body have also been confirmed. And at the end of the day, every patient is burned to death by a burning flame from within.

And more importantly, one in every million people suffering from this disease is said to be a very rare disease - it's called a difficult disease.

“ I just did it a few times in the literature, too, and I don ’ t know the details. Yet why do you remember the basic information - it may also have to do with unnatural cheat memory - is because you were greatly shocked by the peculiar symptoms of the disease. And most importantly, autopsy was a disease that did not appear in "Last Brave," and was deeply engraved in my memory with horror as to whether there was such a horrible disease in this world.

- Elvira suffers from autopsy?

“ There shouldn ’ t have been such a setting. Instead of being sick, I wasn't even set to say I was weak.

From her childhood, she remembered being told that her little body had too much magic and was in trouble when she acted vibrantly.

"I wanted to cure that. But I didn't have the gift of healing magic. That's why I chose the conditioner's path. That's all."

"Oh, really..."

“ But from Arnold ’ s serious look, I don ’ t even think he ’ s lying.

“ My head is awakening more and more to the unexpected differences with the “ last brave ”. Considering why the hell - I got to one hypothesis.

“ I wonder if the setting that Elvira had autopsy disappeared with a character named Arnold.

“ One of her past episodes was the setting that she had autopsy. And as a means of solving that problem, my brother Arnold was born. My brother had to be a good magician and conditioner to solve the problems my sister had.

“ But for some reason, that setting for Elvira disappeared. As a result, Arnold, who was deeply involved in its loss, also eventually became a lost character due to capacity relationships, etc. -

“ It ’ s a hypothesis assembled in my head, but I don ’ t think it ’ s an impossible story. But in the unlikely event that this hypothesis was true, then why are the lost settings and characters alive in this world, and that's the most mysterious thing.

- Yeah, yeah. It's probably Arnold, not me Laura, who's the most "last brave" in the world I live in right now. Just because there's an “ex” makes an eye for that difference, but Arnold doesn't have an "ex” in the first place.

I'm counting on you, too.


"Development of special effects for autologous diseases"

♪ Where I was thinking, the words that flew rhythmically for Arnold were pounding, pounding, pounding.

― ― Development of special effects for autologous diseases?

“ We have yet to find a way to treat autologous diseases. However, it is not a disease that leads immediately to death, and even if it develops in childhood, it is assumed that 10 or 20 years can be lived from past cases. Was the longest living patient nearly 40?

Difficult disease, but autologous disease progresses slowly. At first, the disease, which was causing inflammation of organs similar to the symptoms of small burns and colds, progresses steadily over a long period of time and eventually burns the body out of the interior. Patients who lost their lives due to autopsy say they won't even have bones left.

- Yes, if it were, there should still have been plenty of time. But if the patient is Elvira, it's not a story.

The time limit is less than three years.

♪ My memory doesn't work.

“ Elvira travels with Lukersch. By that date, we have to make it. Elvira Rocco, a genius sorcerer, a fellow brave man, did not suffer from autopsy.

"I told you, he wants to borrow your talent"

“ That day ’ s thoughtful look of Arnold came back to his brain.

“ So I am convinced that this was what Arnold was saying. But on the other hand, my heart gradually began to carve out a loud beat.

- We don't have three more years left. By then, we have to somehow create a healing pill that will help Elvira's autopsy.

There was a whispering “I” who was given the character Arnold the mission of creating it. But that's just a “me” thought hypothesis.

3 years later, if Elvira stays ill - the fate of the world could change dramatically.

“ Maybe autopsy is the fate given to Elvira in this world. This may be the fate necessary for the future of this world. But...

If Elvira is no longer accompanied on the journey of world salvation because she suffers from the disease, it will be very different from the journey of the brave men who know "I”. Even if you can't accompany him while he's sick, that's the same.

“ When Lukersch travels, I want to make as little difference as possible from the “ last brave ”. That is to say, the safety of Lukersch and his companions and the future of this world are guaranteed. If I follow the path of knowing, my people will not lose their lives as one, and the world will also be saved from the threat of the Demon King.

― ― Isn't it an exaggerated expression or something, with one end of the fate of the world on Arnold and on my shoulders?

"but I'll do my best"

“ Even as I suddenly learned to faint at the heavy pressure that had hit my shoulders, the voices that squeezed out so hard were plundering.

“ Anxiety pushes me like a wave.

“ One in every million people has a difficult disease for which no cure has been established. Because it is very rare and the number of patients is very low in the first place, many of the materials left behind are also obscure. If it had appeared in "Last Brave," the cure might have been found in the game, too, but autopsy doesn't appear during the making.

♪ But still, we have to do it.

“ Because of my anxiety, I felt a lot of breathlessness that clogged my chest. Trying to do something about it, holding your chest down with your hands...

"By the way, what are you doing down there today?"

“ Suddenly I tilt my neck at the question Arnold threw at me by changing the winding air.

“ I was confused by a sudden and forceful change of subject. But I feel like Arnold cares about making the heavily sunken air a little soothing, and I decide to get on that topic, even though I'm not sure.

♪ Downstairs today? I'm an only child.

♪ The moment I tried to answer that,

"I would have told you...... that was almost 5 years ago?

- I'm glad it didn't come sooner.

“ I managed to swallow the words that came out to my throat.

“ Yes, it was. When I first met Arnold, there was a lie about trying to find out how to talk about Elvira. I think I might be able to do it soon.

"Ah, ah! That's... embarrassing, but my mistake..."

“ I listen to my parents' stories about having a child in the next house, and I even eat excuses to the effect that I made a mistake when I was young. Then Arnold sighed in dismay. But the look was soft, so - only in the Arnold ratio, but - it wouldn't be so damaging to trust.

“ When Arnold finishes his conversation, he leaves the room. At that time, she said, "Still asleep," so she knocked her body down in bed again.

“ What I remember staring at the unfamiliar ceiling is still about Elvira.

- Autologous disease. Difficult disease for which no treatment has been established.

“ The time limit is three years away.

“ I hold my fist in the futon for a long time.

“ To avoid losing heroin, I sought to leave the village as a King ’ s formula. The goals set for that day are already being achieved. But today, a new goal was achieved.

Finding a way to cure Elvira's autopsy.

“ Now not for myself, but for Elvira. And for the future of this world.

“ In order to achieve that goal, we must first take adequate rest.

“ I thought so and closed my eyelids. Then the sleeper immediately attacked me - the moment my consciousness floated behind my brain far away was Elvira's lively smile, which I saw repeatedly in "Last Brave", and the gentle smile of the brave man responding to that smile.

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