Published at 31st of May 2024 06:04:59 AM

Chapter 38: 38 Demon Will

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From that news, a few days. Arnold returned to the King's Capital with his face unchanged.

Mr. Emiliana left for Platonovena within the day of receiving the news. Mr. Alec is safe, but he's apparently suffering from such a serious illness that he can't move. I was thrilled for a moment when I heard that report, but I'm sure he's alive. That is enough, and life cannot be turned into anything.

After noon Arnold arrived in the King's Capital. He made a report to the great people on that foot he arrived, and it was around the evening when the sun began to set that I reunited with him.

- What a surprise, coming from him to the mixing room he gave me.

Don't think about the extra, I heard the door open in my ear, where I was nervous but indifferently conditioned. If you look back to be invited by the sound, Arnold stands there no different than usual.

No, to be precise, he wore some armor instead of his usual white coat. Compared to a white coat, it gives a sense of commonplace but vivid atmosphere, which, however, makes me remember to be somewhat unreliable if I consider it to be in front of a powerful demon. And one more thing. I wasn't wearing glasses.

"Mr. Arnold......!

It was his name that overflowed through his mouth.

I didn't react to that, but Arnold has taken a few steps over here.

It was safe. I don't see any noticeable scratches, either, thanks to the healing pills. I'm not even dragging my legs. - Safe.

I knew it, but when I make sure with my own eyes like this, I'm relieved again.

After I realized Arnold was safe, what came up behind my brain.

"A., Mr. Alec..."

Was my question as expected, or was my reply even brought in terminal terms?

"I've lost both legs, but I'm alive"

I lost both legs.

I should be happy to be safe, but the words shook my brains all over me.

Alec Platonovena, who appeared in "Last Brave," was a five-body satisfied, brave man. Because he remembered it, he was thrilled when he was notified of his safety and that he was suffering an injury that he couldn't even move.

Recovery pills can be fixed in an instant if they are quite an injury and leave no trace. Like Vake's right eye, there was nothing that could be done about the body's tissue itself dying, but it should have been able to heal to some extent if it had been a deep cut.

That didn't happen, and Alec is in a situation where he can't move.

- It was something you could guess if you went around thinking a little bit. But my brain, it refused.

"... were you listening to Emiliana"

I nod small at the words. Arnold was right, and all he did was depress a gavel of exhalation.

- Alec Platonovena, who lost both legs. That was nothing short of a "last brave" discrepancy.

It's an unexpected development. I never thought about it. I didn't expect the differences between the game and this world to reappear in these ways.

But I think. Mr. Alec was alive. Isn't that enough?

Perhaps by now, Mr. Emiliana would be happy to reunite with her fiancée. That beautiful sight floated behind my brain, and I breathed softly. It's okay, even in this world, they'll be happy.

I looked up at Arnold in front of me. The moment I had a proper eye, I remembered "it".

"There was a demon speaking human language..."

The fact that it was written in a letter from Mr. Alec. It was still drifting like a black beard in my chest.

Arnold, who had a slight eye on my words, immediately gave me a look like he had chewed up a bitter bug. But - although it remains that expression - Arnold had nothing particularly to lose, and he answered.

"Ah. Apparently the demon has instructed us to retreat. That's when he was declared to drop Platonovena.... so I was sure of the demon raid"

Apparently my guess was not wrong. Alec was declared at war that day by a human-speaking demon.

Was the demon one head out and stronger and fiercer than it was around, as set by "Last Brave"? Has the demon claimed the lives of several soldiers?

Even though I know the answer, nature and its questions were popping out of my mouth.

"Ya, could you knock him down?

"So now I'm standing here alive"

Arnold says in a hearty voice. Of course, words like those containing such implications reassured me above all else.

Relax, I can finally get my strength out of my shoulder. There is still something left to worry about, including Mr. Alec's injury, but for one thing, is this a paragraph in this case - I thought so, it was a moment.

"... it's just that on dying, the word that the demon said caught my eye"

An unexpected word rocked my eardrum.

Words released by demons at the time of death. When I heard that, a bad feeling ran through my spine. The last word the demon unleashed - the will, I could imagine.

Grasp the fist of the cub. Looking up to remind him to continue, Arnold continued to dive his voice like this.

"The resurrection is right in front of him," he said.

- The resurrection of that one, right in front of you.

I had a distorted grin on my lips before I realized it myself. I realize that, and lean down in haste before he sees me in front of him.

Oh, I laugh. 'Cause like this, I promise too much. There is no such thing as a royal road. stale. Speaking of which, "Last Brave" was so criticized by some. - The expansion is too stale, he said.

"... is that right? What the hell does that mean..."

That was the best I could say.

You noticed agile how strange I was, Arnold leaning slightly at my neck and peeking into my face. To delude myself into it, I smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay"

- Undisputed, I meant it. I should have meant it, but I used that word to delude myself.

How long has it been since Arnold left the mixing room to report back to Mr. Caspel? No, it's probably not a big time. Outside the window the sun had completely fallen, but the deep darkness had not spread that far.

- The resurrection of that one, right in front of you.

The last word the demon said got stuck in the back of my brain and I can't leave.

Perhaps, no, no doubt, he is the ex-convict and demon king who threatens this world in a few years. Is it currently accumulating power for resurrection under the water? Is the recent demonic raid due to the precursor to the resurrection of the Demon King?

What a fact I was guessing for no reason, but I get upset when I get this clearly poked at too.

- The resurrection of that one, right in front of you.

The resurrection of the "Last Brave" Demon King is the middle of the story. There was also a sequence among demons looking to revive the Demon King, and the demons, who were in a position to be called executives, appeared relatively close to the human form, masterfully manipulating the humanities.

From the beginning to the middle, their struggle with the Demonic Army executives will dominate. But gradually, knowing that their true purpose was the resurrection of the demon king, the brave men go to the throne of the demon king in order to seal again the demon king, who is about to celebrate exactly the moment of resurrection. There you will fight many demons - but not one step away, and the Demon King will be resurrected in front of you.

For a while after the resurrection the Demon King appears everywhere taking over the human body in order to escape from the eyes of the brave men, and also to rest as much as possible his just resurrected and unstable body. In order to drive the demon king out of a human body, he needs the holy power of an ancient girl who is a heroine.

Ha, and I noticed that the conditioning tools were still scattered in front of me. The end time of the training has already passed. I wonder how much I was bluffing with my thoughts. Maybe I'm worrying about Chelsea.

I rushed off to clean up - at that moment. The door was knocked.

At this hour, who the hell?

With some vigilance, he asks "who is it" towards the door. Then the voice I returned from the other side belonged to someone I had not expected at all.

It's me, Arnold.

To the voice through the door, I panicked. And when I loosen the door, it opens. Then there stood Arnold, who held the crate so that he could hold it with both hands. Unlike earlier, he wears a familiar white coat.

"Mr. Arnold, what is it? Did you forget something?

"Can I have a moment?"

To put it that way, Arnold slipped his body through the gap in the door. And when I enter the mixing room with our face, I place the crate I was holding on the mixing table.

All of a sudden, it's also a slightly grumpy behavior that takes me to the spot. Arnold, who saw me like that, with his empty right hand by placing the crate on his desk, hand-invited me, hey.

I also wrinkle my eyebrows slightly more at the root of that behavior as if it were a pet or something. But I also know that the man in front of me doesn't even care about my mood. Now that I can't read Arnold's behavior, I sighed small here that I had no choice but to break, and rushed over to him.

Standing beside him, Arnold opened the lid of the crate. Then there is a smaller crate inside the crate, and if you open the lid, the chill air drifts slightly.

Peek inside. There was "something" in there that was made of ice.

"Is this...?

"It's the horn of the demon who was speaking the language."

Look away. Then I found out that it was the horns of a fat, long demon that was being ice pickled.

Hauntingly colored, horns. That looked familiar. But this is...

"Does this... resemble the horn of demons that Mr. Arnolt said appear in the heritage of the Platonovena region?

Upon inquiry, Arnold raised a slight frown and let him snort. It was vegan like I was satisfied with my words.

"Oh, they were very similar. The colors of the hair and the corners were different."

Similar design, but different color scheme. I see. Sometimes the design is seen in RPGs. In fact, even in "Last Brave," the color difference between the miscellaneous fish enemies at the beginning ended and appeared as a fairly strong demon. The color scheme is just different, but the names are different, and it should have been considered a completely different individual.

In a similar pattern to that, the demons that spoke the language with the demons that were spoken in this inheritance were probably very similar. Demons with horns that cure any difficulty if fried and drunk. I didn't expect to get close to its existence this time. Is it because this is an event orchestrated by God (because of the snubbing) that gives you a sense of some urbanism development?

Whatever it is, it could be valuable to approach Elvira's treatment. I threw away the crap idea and stared seriously at the corner.

"Can I ask you to make some adjustments?"

I was hardened by words that were suddenly dropped.

- Do you want to mix this corner?

Naturally, I can't give Elvira like this. Somehow we have to formulate it this way and if it is really restorative, then we have to draw on it. Of course, it could be enough that this corner is not resilient. To make sure of that, it's best to formulate it and get Elvira to take that restorative medicine.

I know. I understand. But suddenly he told me to "formulate it," etc., and I didn't seem to have consolidated my resolve enough not to be upset.

"... but if I waste it..."

"It will not be in vain. I can see that you can't use this demonic horn unless it comes out as effective as you think. It's a fine step forward."

Arnold speaks out in an unmistakable tone.

"Of course I'll formulate it. I don't want you to wear the formula, so please keep a good record of the formula. And then I want you to formulate whatever you want."

I was stared straight in the front by my black eyes. Neither that expression, nor the sound of a stiffer voice than usual, feels like I'm not saying no.

If I say no here in the first place, it will be a story of whether my determination was fake. Didn't you decide to help save Elvira and hence the world?

Swallow the saliva. And

"Wow, I see..."

I barely nodded.

To my answer, Arnold loosened his eyes slightly. No, rather than say I loosened it, it would be accurate to say that I took some power out of the expressive muscles that were stiff.

Call me when you want to formulate. So said Arnold in a calm voice, closing the lid of the crate. And when I hold it again, I walk to the exit of the mixing room.

Anyway, let's figure out how to formulate a few patterns first. You may want to try knitting out a heterogeneous method for recovering a state anomaly, one or so, from something that provides an effortless healing effect.

It was when I was circling the idea of Arnold's wobbly white coat hem as I captured it in my sight, cluttering. He looked back at this one, wondering if his white hem was unexpectedly numb. And

"Elvira will be coming to King's Capital soon. At that time, please say hello."

Back the door, I said.

- Yeah.

There is no more Arnold before I look up to my surprise, and the door closes with a pattan and modest noise. I, left alone, stood on the spot with my mouth half-opened.

Elvira's coming to the king's capital? What is Elvira, that Elvira? A future hero, Arnold's sister, suffering from autopsy, Elvira?

- I thought it would calm me down a little bit.

I have a feeling my busy days will start again tomorrow - no, for sure, I sighed heavily. For once, I was going to go home to Emme's village, and apparently that's not going to happen.

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