Published at 31st of May 2024 06:04:39 AM

Chapter 51: 51 Apologies and promises

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Day 7 of homecoming. Tomorrow's carriage leaves me for the last day of my vacation.

Now think about what the hell you're going to use your last day for - the existence of a notebook brought out of your master's study came to mind. I should still apologize properly and ask you to lend me on top of that. You're dishonest with your master when you keep your mouth shut and go back to Wang Du, and most importantly, you're going to be worried sick and unable to sleep.

I was in a better mood than usual and left the house. Hold on to the little hemp bag with the notebook, too, and move the heavier legs desperately this way than usual.

Still, to the sigh of a zero drop, it was once I stopped my leg. A short distance away, I noticed two familiar figures. That's Lukersch and Petra!

I ran into something unexpected. I tried to sneak my footsteps out of the way so they wouldn't notice me.


Shit, I got eyes on Lukersch.

Take control of the childhood tampering that is likely to rush over here with your right hand and get closer to me. Instead of Lukersch leaving Petra and talking to both of us in the distance, I'm thinking that by approaching Lukersch and Petra and letting her listen to the conversation as well, I won't cause unnecessary worry or misunderstanding.

"Laura! Where are you going?

"A little at your master's. Tomorrow I'm leaving, and you and I need to talk."

The two of us, I say emphatically. Then for a moment Lukersch's lips were pointy as twisted. I must have been going to follow you in some cases, glad you got ahead of yourself.

Petra and I gaze over Lukersch's shoulder. She smiled awkwardly somewhere. Let's say the intruders disperse quickly.

"See you later, Petra."

The moment Lukersch looked back at Petra in my words, I tried to tell her "good luck" with a mouth-only move. Then she nods slightly blushing her cheeks. I think I passed it on.

I rush naturally to leave the two of them quickly. Then, naturally, we get close to your master's house. I was standing in front of your master's house when I realized that my body had remembered.

One, take a big, deep breath. I try to knock a few times, hesitate. I repeated that a few times, and as it stood, when the sun went down, it was half-baked and I knocked on the old door vigorously.

"Oh, Master -?"

My voice flipped. Cough up and tone your throat. - Although my throat was very rough.

To my call, the master glanced at me from the bedroom.

"Oh, Laura. Lord, let's go home tomorrow."

"That's right. So, say hello."

"Whoa, he's still a tough apprentice. See, goodbye."

It was one obsolete notebook that was given to throw. I almost dropped it for a second. When I receive that somehow, I turn a few pages. There was a familiar master's letter, which said something surprising about how to formulate it.

I thought it was a conditioning note for the recovery pills, but I looked at the ingredients section and reconsidered that it was different. Because what was written in the ingredients section was mostly poison.

"What's this?

"Berta! It's a poison preparation notebook. There was a time when I was very thorough at formulating poisons."

Your master's poison preparation notes. Even as I was surprised by its existence, I felt I heard some noisy words and looked up at the master in front of me as an aside.

"... you didn't sin, did you?

"I won't offend you! You rude apprentice! As well as the combination of restorative drugs, the combination of poisons is deep. Simple intellectual curiosity. … it will help the Lord to get involved in something."

Apparently, you're worried about me. The master's care spread twitchy to his chest. On the other hand, it felt like the note wrapped in the hemp bag in my right hand added so much weight.

Screwing hurts my conscience. I still can't keep it quiet and bring it up.

I stepped on the ground with my trembling feet from nervousness and opened my mouth.

"Thank you!... Um, Master"

Hmm? and offered his neck tilted master a big hip break and a hemp bag intact.

Overhead I saw signs of my master hanging his neck, but pitifully not in such a condition that I could give him a very good face, and I continue my words staring at the old floor.

"Sorry for the silence! I found this yesterday from your master's study...!

Heh, and I lost the weight that was on my hand. Your master must have taken the asbestos.

Casali, and modest cloth rubbing sounds shake the eardrum. I gave you my notes. And then what I heard was the sound of turning the page. In the meantime, your master did not utter a word.

A painful silence in my ear. A long, long, forever felt silence. It was your master's deep sigh that broke it.

- I was stunned.

I bit my lower lip a long time trying to contain something that was coming up.

"... Lord, you're an idiot. I should have brought it out in silence."

I accidentally raised my face to a much gentler voice than I expected.

Then he can't help it, and he meets his bitterly laughing master. In those red eyes, if not my thoughts, I had feelings like mercy for my disciples.

I'm relieved too. In the meantime, I open my mouth to overlap my apologies anyway.

"If I shut up and bring it up, it's going to be soggy all the time... I'm so sorry"

Stupid. To be honest, your master laughed, fu. He did laugh at me.

Strength falls out of my tighter body. He showed me an obviously reassuring face. The master finally raised his voice and laughed, and then gave me his notes here.

"Take it. It'll help. … but can you give me a moment about that?"

The loose air strains again.

That, I'm sure, is what it says in the notebook. Is this what your master wrote?

I thought that far and shook off my thoughts for the first time several times. Your master will talk to you soon, let's not pry into the dark.

When I nodded without words, your master lay down his eyelids.

"I'm sorry to keep quiet. Well... as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't a very good past. We'll set up such a place soon."

I'm upset by the appearance of an impatient master I've never seen before, and I can't speak one word with care. While scolding himself as a pitiful disciple, he began to snap his neck in his chest when one thing he wanted to ask his master swelled. Is it more appropriate to ask, rather than ask?

I hesitated to tell you that on this occasion, but if I miss now, I'm going to miss the timing and I won't be able to hear it, opening my mouth with a snack.

"Um... can I call someone other than me on the spot"

If you can, I'd like to call Arnold on the spot and listen to him with me.

The master didn't even ask who he wanted to call, he just nodded.

"Master, su... thank you"

Trying to utter words of apology for a moment, I bow my head greatly that words of gratitude would be more appropriate than that. Besides, your master didn't react, "I'm going to get some outside air, I asked you to leave a message," he walked past me and left the cabin.

Being left alone, I unwittingly sat down vigorously on the chair that was beside me. Gi, and the chair screamed, but I honestly don't have enough room or strength left to do it.

I see the notebook given to me again by my master. Let's load it carefully in the carriage on the way home and talk to Arnold when we get to King's Capital.

With that in mind, I stared at the door my master had left for a while.

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