Published at 31st of May 2024 06:04:31 AM

Chapter 56: 56 Flower City, Fralia

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"Welcome to the Fralia Branch. Waiting for you, Lord Laura."

- Yes, what smiled at me was a man who was estimated to be over 40, the head of the Flaria branch of the King's family of conditioners. His eyes narrowed to the three-moon shape, but he felt sharp shooting through this one somewhere, and his smile unwittingly tightened.

About 20 days after I suggested Fralia's training to Mr. Caspel. In the meantime, the conversation progressed and the training was well prepared. And finally, I asked you to accompany me to Lukesh, where I came to King's Capital with the Vakes - childhood tampering snorted at me in two replies - to this day.

Me, Chelsea, Senior Lina, and Lucas. These four arrived in Flaria earlier.

I plan to take care of Emiliana's home in the city, but I would rather show my face to the Fralia Branch than come in the name of training a cook, so I, the facilitator, visited the Branch Manager's room on my behalf.

"I'm from Chevalia, it's Laura Ampere. I'll take care of you for a while."

"I will always leave one room, a conditioning room, open. It's a busy time so we can't show you around the city, but let us know if you need anything."

What a busy time. I make myself more and more smile at the words of the Branch Manager that accentuate that part of the story.

According to the story, there is a cook sent by the Fralia branch to a city in another country where he was attacked. I guess the small Fralia branch, which has four conditioning rooms for the branch manager, is in a rush to do something due to lack of manpower even if just one person is missing.

Although the phrase of the Fralia Branch Manager is slightly impaired by eclampsia, it is understandable.

"I'm afraid so. Sorry for the busy times."

There was no response to that word.

If you look from the other side, I am a little girl who has screwed in unexplained training during busy times. I see. You won't be able to complain if you decide you won't have to treat me politely.

I finished my greeting and left the Branch Manager's office early. Then, I see two cooks looking like they're watching this one in the corner of the hallway. I met reflexively and headed to the exit early.

I tried to make a mistake with them, at that moment,

"That's the assistant to the example?

"You don't know what genius thinks."

What followed was the word "spiritual drinking water". The words of the last one were not heard well because they were misplaced without stopping.

It makes me feel softly restless with a clear hostility.

I've never experienced anything like this before. I didn't have a flying talent or anything in my previous life, and even in this world, no one has ever turned a damp hostility to me from now on.

Depending on who sees it, this training is suddenly said by a whimsical assistant chef, and the people in the Fralia branch may be the victims of being swayed by their assistant chef.

You wouldn't have to blatantly slap your pussy that far from anything. This is a 15-year-old girl on the outside, and she opened both open doors, the exit of the Fralia branch, whilst twisting the bumps and words around her mouth.


The best person who found me out of the Fralia branch was Lukersch.

He comes running over to me. Trying to follow after that, Chelsea, Senior Lina came running over again.

It's kind of a strange sight. I can't believe I have childhood friends/seniors at work with me. What the hell were you talking about while I was gone?

"Have you been able to say hello to the Branch Manager?

"Yeah, the mixing room always leaves one room open."

Laugh and answer Lukersch's question. Then he was good, and lowered his eyes. That gentle smile stains my offered heart.

Chelsea accidentally took my hand from the side, healed by a childhood smile. And this again, with a smile that healed me, she said this to me.

"You know, there's a big garden over there! Why don't you go?

Large garden. In that word, Mr. Emiliana's words resurrect behind the eardrum. Sure enough, she says, Fralia should have been famous for flowers. If it is also a large garden, you may be able to fully indulge in Flaglia's specialties.

Senior Lina was the one who stopped us from following by accident on a nice suggestion.

"Wait, Chelsea. Though that's nice too...... should we go to Emiliana's home for now"

In front of you is a large mansion. And a big gate. In front of the gate stands a deacon and a thoughtfully elderly man. White jaw on gray hair. Should I call it romance grey, it's a butler who seems to be able to do his job to see it.

This mansion is Emiliana's home. You should have already told me about us in your letter, and once again after you decided to train Fralia, I brought you a letter that I interacted with Mr. Emiliana. As proof of her friendship, yes.

Yes, there shouldn't be any suspicious elements. Is it because of my carefree personality that I can't even speak up like this?

But even if he keeps messing around in front of the gate like this, he can be thought of as suspicious. I made sure Senior Lina pushed me on the back, and I spoke to the butler.

"Oh, um, I know Emiliana, my name is Laura Ampere..."

to my words. After a man showed a bare gesture like thinking for a few moments,

"... Oh! Master Laura, right? I've been waiting for you. We're here to talk."

I smiled furiously. Strength falls out of the body that was relieved of the response.

The butler looked through at the lukersches standing behind me and opened the gate to me, "Please accompany me," he said. And he leads us to the mansion.

The mansion's garden had splendid flower gardens. The sweet, soft scent that tickles the flutter and nostrils is somewhat similar to what we call honey in previous life. It smells better than good.

Deacon takes me into the mansion. The smell of flowers still fragrant in a calm tone interior based on white and tea. It was a plush, calming space.

Unexpectedly, the butler who goes forward opens his mouth.

"It seems that you have served your daughter well, and I have written to you to say that Lawra is a wonderful master"

"No, no. I'm the one who stays here to take care of you..."

It seems that Mr. Emiliana wrote much exaggerated about me in her letter. Master, my cheeks blush unexpectedly at the word. "You're a humble person," murmured the butler, and I was attacked with more and more embarrassment.

Ha ha, and laughing vaguely and flushing that topic, it was a pleasant silence to visit. I looked back and all three of them were intrigued, observing this part of the mansion as I said.

"Sir, ma'am, I've brought Lawra and her companion"

The door in front of me opens. That was a smaller room than I thought - even though it was a large, sunny room where a large desk and sofa could afford it.

A brunette man sitting in a simple but expensive chair directly in front of him. It reminded me of Vake for a moment because of his haircut called All Back, but it looks older than he is. Cut green eyes feel horrible at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see laughing wrinkles in your eyes. Standing next to it is a blonde blue-eyed woman. She looked a lot like Mr. Emiliana. No, perhaps Mr. Emiliana looks like her.

A woman very similar to Mr. Emiliana - perhaps, Emiliana's mother - smiled.

"Thank you very much. Nice to meet you, my name is Louisa Fralia and I'm Emiliana's mother. And this one..."

"It's Ubaldo. Looks like your daughter's been taken care of."

He was followed by greeting me by a man on the strong side who seemed to be Mr. Emiliana's father.

Unexpectedly wandering over the majestic figure of Mr. Ubaldo. Then, as I saw through my mood like that, Mr. Louisa whispered by tapping him on the shoulder several times.

"Hey, face, I'm scared"

"I was born, give me a break"

Mr. Ubaldo smiles badly. The lowered eyeballs made me think of Mr. Emiliana for a moment. I've always had the impression that Mr. Emiliana seems like a mother, but comparing each and every part may also take over the father's shadow intensely.

Mr. Louisa grinned deeper into the soothing air and opened her mouth again.

"Yeah, I changed it. I hear in a letter that Emiliana took care of you a lot. My daughter asked me to sleep and provide information. Of course, we're here to help."

Thank you for your words, Louisa, and bow your head greatly. Then I went on and there was also a voice of gratitude from behind.

Raising his face, Mr. Louisa's gentle blue eyes and gaze tangle. Then she left beside Mr. Ubaldo and walked over to us. And.

"I'll show you to Mr. Laura's room first. Come here."

Mr. Louisa urged us to leave the room. I followed it and lowered my head again to Mr. Ubaldo before turning my back on him, at that moment.

"Emiliana tells me that you had both physical and psychological support. Happy to know a friend like you. [M]...... thank you so much. Tell me if there's anything I can do to help."

I look back unexpectedly to the voices and words filled with emotions called from behind. Then Mr. Ubaldo looked clumsy somewhere, but he did laugh at us.

The reaction was delayed for a few moments to unexpected words, but I rushed to bow my head. To Emiliana's words spoken from Mr. Ubaldo's mouth, and to Mr. Ubaldo's clumsy smile, his chest became hot.

This parent has this child, and so on, but Emiliana must have been raised very dearly by these parents.

Out in the hallway, Mr. Louisa guides me to my room. On that road, she accidentally gave a soft laugh.

"Hehe, that guy, his face is scary, but his feelings are deep. I was looking forward to seeing Mr. Laura and the others."

Yes, the look on Luisa's face that looked back at this one overlapped the look on Emiliana's face next to Alec's. I really care about them, that's the look on their face.

I see this mother and child are very similar on the outside as well as the inside.

Walk in the mansion guided by Mr. Louisa while feeling warm by herself. There is no visible luxury like the royal castle, but it is a simple and very solid mansion. famous family from time immemorial, I got the impression that

"It was an old man named Tobia who was teaching Emiliana about spiritual drinking water. I live next door to a tool store. I've been talking to him, so I don't mind you visiting me at your convenience. If you seem anxious, let the people at the mansion go with you."

It seems that Mr. Emiliana was very polite in explaining the situation to me in a letter. I sincerely appreciated the tidy environment.

Two rooms were guided by Mr. Luisa. Apparently, in a room for two, and. When that happened, room splitting was to be divided between nature, me and Lukersch, Chelsea and Senior Lina.

"Anyway, take your time off today. There won't be much luggage, use the closet, etc."

In the wake of Mr. Luisa's words, we were to unload in each of our rooms for now. She's right, we don't have much luggage. The training period is given a maximum of 30 days, but when it comes to changing clothes, necessities, etc. in the meantime, nature and luggage become more numerous.

Neither did Lukersch have so much luggage when he came from Emme's village to Wang Capital, but his sudden accompaniment to training meant that here are his clothes, etc. - rather than Mr. Kaspel - prepared them. I still wear the gorgeous clothes of Wang Du, unlike the familiar clothes of Emme's village today, but this suits me well again.

"It's been quite a while since I've slept in the same room as Laura"

Lukersch mentioned that during the unloading.

Really? I trace my memory - it may indeed be a long time since I slept in the same room, nodding at his words.

"In the same room, it's certainly been a long time. When we were in Emme's village, we weren't that close because it didn't really mean we were staying at each other's house."

"I think since I played in one room or the other and fell asleep tired"

That happened to Lukersch's words, what a laugh. I opened my mouth again to thank him for this accompaniment to the silence where that laugh broke off.

"... I'm suddenly sorry this time, thank you so much"

"There's nothing like Laura apologizing. Instead, he went from me to Wangdu, and now if you hadn't counted on me, you would have stuck around."

I feel the kindness of Lukersch in the jokingly tone that makes me sick. To my childhood care I smiled and said "thank you" again.

I also get a voice from the Knights of Flaria - rather than from the members of the Knights of Chevalia sent to Flaria - with the generosity of Veik, who is still touring villages everywhere with new mages and flors. I'm sorry that I seem to sweeten up everywhere to his generosity, but if it comes to searching the woods for spiritual drinking water in earnest, I'd also like to use the help of the Knights to reduce the burden on Lukersch at all.

Anyway, let's visit an old man named Tobia who says he knows about Spirit drinking water. And we need to get a little closer to its existence.

Once again I was so determined that I grabbed my fist all the time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!