Published at 31st of May 2024 06:04:16 AM

Chapter 66: 66 Reporting

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On the day I returned to Wang Du, I visited Mr. Caspel's mixing room with a report of my expedition training. Even so, the report is just a piece of paper that tells you where you've been and what you've accomplished. The Spirit's report on drinking water will be made from time to time.

Mr Caspel welcomed me with a smile when I appeared in the report.

"Welcome back, Laura. And congratulations!

"Thank you. Thank you so much for letting me through."

Mr. Caspel shakes his head with a smile on his face. I was relieved to see my distracted boss smile that he was back. But I find a darker neighborhood under his eyes than usual, and I'm still worried that this whole thing might have bothered me. I stroked my chest down again saying that it was good to be able to bring back the corresponding results, only knowing repeatedly that it was impossible for me to pass.

"No, it's this way to thank you. Thanks to the" Spirit's Drinking Water "found by Laura and the others, we can save more lives than ever before. That's for sure."

Staring straight at me, I nodded as I felt somewhere embarrassed. I'm not used to being praised for my accomplishments directly from the front.

At the same time, however, it was true that I was feeling proud. I don't consider myself handy, but I've never seen “I” memories come in handy in this way. I hope I can continue to be able to stand around like this - there are still a number of walls I need to get over, because I'm in a strong and new game state in the situation.

"It's just about the way it's formulated."

I tried to report a distracting fact, then. The door to the room was knocked. Plus, "Go ahead -" Mr. Caspel replies in a mild tone, and the door opens. I was standing there...

"Oh, Arnold."

Arnold, it was that person. I was going to go report it to you individually later, but I didn't expect you to go out from the other side.

After he glanced at me, he lined up next to Mr. Caspel without words.

"... Well, Laura. Again, tell me about the Spirit's drinking water as far as you can tell now"

Mr. Caspel's purple eyes and Arnold's black eyes stared at him and his spine stretched unexpectedly. Naturally, but their expressions are serious in themselves.

Mmm, and I cough one up and open my tease mouth. The voices that came out of my mouth were lower and stiffer than usual if I was nervous.

"The drinking water of the Spirit is present in the junction made by the Spirits. If the Spirits don't try to invite us of their own free will, we won't be able to get there for the rest of our lives. We were lucky enough to be invited by the Spirit to discover."

"What are the criteria for being invited?

Arnold immediately raises the question. If I looked up at him properly, my eyes met with the darker, narrower eyes than usual.

"Apparently the spirits like humans. To be precise, they were like their parents… It seems that the Great Spirit, who now decayed and became a great tree and returned to nature, preferred creatures such as humans and animals. I heard you were inviting and helping people with that personality loss, injury, or major illness. The spirits helped us where we were injured."

Mr. Caspel nodded intriguingly at the answer, and Arnold put his hand on his chin as he contemplated.

"To that juncture, once you're invited, will you let me in again?

It is Arnold who has cast his doubts again. I snort.

"Yes. The spirits will guide you. I've already entered the kingdom three times."

- I have asked the spirits via Lukersch to guide me to the place of the spirits drinking water even when I come alone, but I do not yet know if that will really be fulfilled. Maybe I'll have to borrow Lukersch's hand from time to time, but I'll still be able to get to that place.

Continue with your words as you sideways confirm that Mr. Caspel gave a relieved look to my answer.

"In the first place, he said, the drinking water of the Spirit is meant to give strength to the Spirits, of whom the Great Spirit is like my Son. When the Great Spirit was alive, he shared his power directly, but after he returned to nature, it seemed he was sharing it via spring water..."

Even my explanation, which is obnoxious, seems to have properly understood both Mr. Caspel and Arnold. "It's like milk to give to a child," Mr. Caspel made it plainly express.

"The basic potency is recovery. I just haven't found a way to formulate it yet. I've tried to formulate it with a healing pill that has a stretch of potency, but if the spirit's drinking water is too powerful, it's been cancelled."

"Oh, I see..."

It would not be my fault that Mr. Caspel's eyes sparkled for a moment. He seemed like the type of person who would be excited about the unknown formulation. A master appeared, a similar type of conditioned maniac in the back of his brain.

Having completed a full explanation, I look up at Mr. Caspel as he shuts his mouth and peeks at his complexion. Then Mr. Caspel opened his mouth to see if he had guessed it.

"Laura. Can we share the spirits' drinking water we brought back? I've tried everything..."

"Yeah, definitely. The formula we tried is summarised in the notebook. Use it if you like."

My boss's words were something I didn't even wish for. Mr. Caspel wanted to help us, so we cut the training early.

Handing Mr. Caspel a notebook describing how to formulate it, he immediately opened it. And the purple eyes start to move busily. I put one hand on my chin and started whispering with some bumps.

I was surprised to see Mr. Caspel for the first time, and then realized that I had never seen Mr. Caspel as a cook, not as a boss. I'm usually fooled by that light-hearted attitude, but he should also be a pretty good person. I don't know about age in detail, but from the looks of it, it would still be in the late 20s to early 30s or something like that. Then we are in a position to bind the young King's conjugators - apprentices and assistants. Isn't that a pretty good idea?

I would also like to try Mr. Kaspel's guidance next time I get a chance, etc., while I try to speak up to my boss who has completely entered my world in horror.

"Um, Mr. Caspel...?

No reply. His gaze is fixed on the notebook.

I think it's okay to leave now because I'm done reporting the streets.

Worried about what to do, Arnold, standing next to Mr. Caspel, sighed one before moving out. The leg is toward the door.

When he put his hand on the door knob, he looked back at this one.

"You won't hear us anymore when this happens. Let's go."

"Oh, yes. Excuse me, Mr. Caspel."

Exit as prompted. I tried to speak up just in case, but I still didn't hear back.

I was surprised because it's something that suddenly enters my world, but I might be able to borrow wisdom and skill from that look.

Speak to Arnold, who is a few steps ahead, while sneaking his chest up on expectations. I need to talk to him about Elvira.

"Um, Mr. Arnold. I need to talk to you, can't you take Elvira to the Spirit's drinking water?

Arnold nodded as he looked forward. It was an unmistakable reaction.

"I was thinking the same thing. Keep your plans in tune."

I heard about the Spirit's drinking water. It seemed like he was thinking of something, but he came to the same idea as me. As always, I started thinking about my future plans, thinking that it would be quick and helpful to talk, while I might not get that much prep time.

- And suddenly Arnold stops a few steps ago. The moment I managed to stop my leg while I was about to crash into its back, the qualitative envelope I was currently offered. I instantly found out that it was a letter, but Arnold opened his mouth before I could be sure who it was from and what it was.

"It's from Mr. Berta. For me and you. I'm sorry, but let me read it first."

- Mr. Berta. The name belongs to my master.

Letter from your master, addressed to me and Arnold. That's what came to mind when I heard it was a notebook I found in the study at your master's house. And a sad red eye that whined to give me a little time.

My heart starts carving my heartbeat quickly as soon as possible. Gu, and I received a letter that was offered by biting my lower lip. And open the envelope - faster, Arnold opened his mouth again.

"Apparently you'll be here soon. And they're going to talk to me. - About your own grandson, who died of autopsy."

He died of autopsy - about his master's grandson.

Surprisingly, the envelope that slipped out of my hand said: Dear my disciple,

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!