Published at 31st of May 2024 06:03:56 AM

Chapter 75: 75 Department of Education.

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- When I returned to Wang Capital, I was able to have a relatively calm day.

Regular business on weekdays. The monster's disturbing movements became more and more visible everywhere, and the business was busy inside if the major raids were not to “build up" what was not happening.

On holidays, go shopping with Chelsea to the King's Capital, exchange letters with the village of Emme - the Lukers, and visit with Arnold the former master who is still staying in the King's Capital. Your master cared about something and Elvira's condition, and that was the same for me, but he did this every time.

"So far, the symptoms are suppressed"

In addition to reassuring about the words, there were nights when the unspeakable sense of impatience struck me that the 'now', which was suppressing the symptoms, would eventually come to an end. Still, I had a good rest, and the days passed peacefully - but those days of serenity were about to come to an end.

Because I was informed about preparing for the next Wang Chemist Apprenticeship Exam.

- Me and Chelsea, seniors Lina and Arnolt, and several other seniors from the King's family of conditioner apprenticeships, who were summoned to Mr. Caspel's conditioning room before business hours that morning. Apparently, the next exam will revolve around the person gathered this time, and the preparation/day operation will take place.

"You all may have heard rumors already, but the next Wang Chemist apprenticeship exam is going to be bigger than usual. That being said, we're simply going to increase the number of recruits."

Ha ha, and Mr. Caspel laughing is always more and less hectic.

"Exam methods are as usual, written and practical exams. What I'd like you to do is prepare the combination tools and herbs that you use in your exams and guide those who take the exams that day."

While explaining that, Mr. Caspel distributes us a piece of paper. Seen, there was a division of roles in the preparation and operation of this study.

I searched for my name - I found it under the item Guidance of the Examiner. When I took the exam, I remember people who seemed to be Wang chefs standing on the road to the exam venue, but were they assigned the role?

"I apologize for putting a burden on my regular business. Thank you very much."

To Mr Caspel, who bows his head deeply, we smiled face to face. If my boss - and I always take care of that, too, Mr. Caspel - keeps my head down, I can't handle it in the dark.

Everyone is sometimes standing on this spot, breaking past exams, and we already know more or less the flow and atmosphere. As a result, Mr. Kaspel's explanation ended early, and he tried to return to the various mixing rooms - though.

"Lina, can I have Laura and Chelsea stay?"

Only the three of us have been stopped. I wondered for a moment why, but I immediately feel it. Arnold was talking about an “educator," he said. As the other seniors leave, I'm convinced of that to Arnold, who stays on the spot with a natural face of what wasn't called his name.

Mr. Caspel opened his mouth with a granny.

"I'd like to ask you all for the next apprenticeship educator."

Eh, it was Chelsea next door who raised her voice. Looking to the side, she glanced toward me after staring at Mr. Caspel for a few seconds with her eyes rounded. You don't have to open your mouth. Just that look and your gaze. "Laura, did you know?" I laugh unexpectedly, knowing it was common to ask.

"I know very well that you're making an impossible request. I just really don't have enough people right now..."

Mr. Caspel clouds his verbal butt and drops his gaze to his feet as well. It was common in the world of previous life for middle management to be tough to pinch up and down, but that seems to be the case in the world of KingsRoad RPG.

"How many people are you planning to hire? How many newcomers should I have each?

Ms. Caspel looked up to Senior Lina in a calm and precise inquiry. And now answer with a drop of sight in the material at hand.

"As an appointment, I plan to have about five people. Of course, I'm not going to lower the pass line score, but I hear all kids who cross a certain pass line are thinking in the direction of hiring."

Me and Chelsea, one of the yet to be seen seniors who trained in the regional branches before that, and even more so before Arnold and Lina seniors. Looking back on the last three occasions, it does seem to me that there is a large recruit frame of five.

"We've basically only hired two people before, so the next time we hire five people, there's not enough young people to be educators. Especially when it comes to Laura and Chelsea..."

"I don't mind, but can't you take Laura and Chelsea off? I think it's too burdensome for my second year. Isn't that what Senior Inaha just said?

Senior Lina leaves a few steps forward and asks Mr. Caspel. Senior Inaha, who came out of her mouth, I didn't realize the name, but from the flow of the story I was here until earlier, he would be one of the people who would help with the next exam.

It wasn't Mr. Caspel who answered Senior Lina's question, it was Arnold standing next to her.

"Including Senior Inaha, the“ apprentice ”above us is told from above to take a promotion exam to a regular Kings chef at the same time. It doesn't matter how many times you take it," he said.

Shin, and the mixing room calmed down for a few seconds.

There is a constraint that apprenticeships of the genus Wang must not be prepared by themselves. That constraint doesn't bother me that much if it's honestly my normal business. But - for once, I'm breaking that constraint. That was when the King's Capital was in a demonic raid. After that, I was in no rush to blame, but sometimes they took my legs in unexpected ways.

So you want to increase the number of formulators in a position to move a little lighter. The intention is understandable, but I find it quite obvious that they even say that I don't care how many times I fall.

"... an obvious shortage of manpower for a long time, but that's why many seniors do their best about themselves"

That's why the educator came around for us newcomers, and Arnold told me otherwise.

"As for the number of people sharing, Lina and Laura plan to have one for each and Chelsea. When there is a change in the number of recruits, again..."

Mr. Caspel has rounded his back more than usual and stared in the order of Senior Lina, me and Chelsea. Honestly, it was weird to snort back into that gaze, but we all know, so much so that it's not what my poor, exhausted boss said.

The three of us looked at each other and then slowly nodded at the same time.

"Ha-ha, I really don't believe it...... I still can't believe I'm talking to Laura and Chelsea about educators..."

I was told about the educator, the next holiday. Senior Lina, with Chelsea, I was enjoying my tea at a cafe in Wangdu.

After enjoying shopping the whole way, I stopped by to take a break - and it turned out to be about nature and the educator.

"Well, well, I have no choice. Seniors must be busy with their promotion exams, and I heard it's not a good idea for educators and newcomers to be too old away..."

"Yes, the promotion exam! I'm talking about you taking me off target! Even though I'm already eligible for the promotion exam! Nothing. I hope I wasn't going to take the exam yet!

Senior Lina, who reveals her anger while drinking popular juice lately, and Chelsea, who forgives such seniors.

"What side is Arnold on in the first place, Mr. Caspel? You can help me, too. That would reduce the number of people in charge of Laura."

Senior Lina must also know that there is no way that a decision can be overridden when I say it's time to go further. Rather than being seriously angry, it was a voice and expression that threw an unseen dissatisfaction at Arnold.

I think it's very gratifying to have seniors who make us so angry about ourselves. I was feeling so smug, Senior Lina's eyes accidentally captured me.

"But maybe the educator isn't for him... How's Senior Educator Arnold? Laura."

"Yeah, well, I'm not the kind of guy who tells me to be polite."

"Right. I have no love, and I feel sorry for my newbie if he suddenly gets put under him!

Yeah, Senior Lina convinced while one snorted. "But I think some places are good to take care of," he continued, laughing bitterly as he was told, but pinching an extra mouth here could make the air worse. Besides, I can largely agree with Senior Lina's words. There is a great chance that a rookie will constrict himself if he is suddenly followed by Arnold, who is difficult to stick with.

Attempt to change the air a little to the fallen silence.

"Oh, speaking of which, Mr. Arnold asked me if I wanted anything. Shall I insist on a little delicious treat?"

Senior Lina glanced at my words as a result of trying to brighten up the air flowing between us a little bit and there was a play somewhere.

"Then why don't you take a peek at the new store you've been able to do lately? I've been wondering."

Nodding at the seniors' words, we left the cafe behind.

Take the boulevard while being led by Senior Lina that she knows the place. As I recall during that time, Chelsea threw the question at me.

"Why would Mr. Arnold want anything? - What did he say?

"A little help with Mr. Arnold's work..."

Haha, and smile and delude. It was an ambiguous answer, but neither Senior Lina nor Chelsea seemed particularly concerned, and yes, they seemed convinced.

Apparently, I can already see the store I'm looking for. The moment Senior Lina pointed to the unfamiliar sign, "There it is," right near that sign, she found a familiar figure. Senior Lina seems to have noticed as well as me, and she leaks a louder voice with a "whoop".

"Arnold, why are you here..."

Senior Lina uttered the person - Arnold's name - as she roared. That way Arnold notices this one, too, and returns a nod that doesn't even say "Ah".

It is rare to meet in the King's Capital on holidays. I wondered where the hell you were going - I came to think that there was an inn across the street from Arnold where your master was staying. Perhaps, but isn't he going to head there?

Unexpectedly speaking.

"Mr. Arnold, are you going to your master's?

"Oh. To talk to you."

Often the two of us visit the master, but it seems Arnolt is going to listen to him alone besides that. While I'm still worried about how busy he is on holiday, it's still Elvira's condition that bothers me.

"Um, Elvira..."

"So far, no symptoms have appeared. We're slowing it down in the village now."

Spill a relieved sigh at Arnold's answer. So far, as the precedent suggests, no certainty has been obtained that it has fully healed, and although we are in a state of watching how things are going, we can nonetheless say that it is definite that the Spirit's drinking water will show more or less effect on autopsy.

If you look up at Arnold's face, he's not smiling, but he looks much better. Proof that you're getting a good rest.

"Are you going somewhere with Lina and the others?

"Huh? Yeah, that's right. I was just about to show you to a store that I was able to do recently."

Exchange unexpected chats with Arnold. This was the first time I'd ever had a chat like this with him without any productivity if I told you. That's even more surprising that we've been talking about it from Arnold.

"Speaking of which, haven't you decided yet?


"Thank you. I told you to make up your mind because I'm gonna buy you something."

They ask me exactly what I was about to decide, and I kind of go crazy and laugh. "I'm thinking," he nodded slightly, answering Arnold, who had strangely raised his eyebrows and looked at this one.

I guess I shouldn't be stopping much Arnold from trying to get to your master. Seniors Lina and Chelsea have also been kept waiting - I checked sideways, and I was watching this one in front of the store where it was intended - and opened my mouth to break up.

"Bye, Mr. Arnold. Again."

"Ah. Rest tight."

I left that word and stared back at Arnold, who turned his heel.

Compared to the previous one, the air and expression, which are still quite wrapped up, have become calmer. Although the situation still does not permit alarm, the burden has nevertheless become much lighter, both physically and mentally.

"Arnold, you've been in a good mood lately, haven't you? You mean rounded up."

When did he come next door, he spills as Senior Lina stares away at Arnold's back. As I nodded at the words, I secretly thought that Arnold was more of an original him now than a rounded one.

The treatment of autologous diseases is still being investigated and coordinated. But this one is difficult to navigate, and to be honest, I haven't found the "next hand” in the spirit's drinking water. So there are those weak parts that stick around that make me glance at my face, but nevertheless - I sincerely hope that these busy and serene days will continue.

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