Published at 31st of May 2024 06:03:48 AM

Chapter 79: 79 Rookies.

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Kashan, and the container at hand made an unpleasant noise. My hands slipped and the containers hit each other.

Hearing that sound, Iris and Mr. Basilio rush over quickly.

"Mr. Laura, are you okay?

"I'm sorry, I'm fine"

"Not a face at all. Hey, that's what Basilio thinks, right?

If Iris waved Mr. Basilio, he nodded deeply.

I feel sorry for myself when I see the two juniors peering into my face worried. Seniors are disqualified from worrying about their juniors even though they are in a position I would care about if they were supposed to be.

"It's like I've been telling you since yesterday that I'm not here... It may not be the kind of dialogue we were able to talk about."

Since yesterday. While thrilled by that sharp pointer, I shake my head hastily at Mr. Basilio, who frowned bitterly.

"Yes, no! It's not the two of you... I have some personal concerns. Excuse me."

Though I made him smile that way, the color of his worries didn't disappear from the look on the faces of the two juniors.

Later last night, Arnold left the King's Capital. Because there was a massive fire in the village of Elf, for that reason. I haven't gotten any more information, but that's why I go around thinking about this.

Is it due to Elvira's autopsy, to a demonic raid, or is it another cause?

It was yesterday morning that Arnold was informed of his departure from the King's Capital. I've been deprived of my thoughts about it ever since. - But you can't even tell from what I've thought. And yet I can't believe I'm worried about my juniors with extended worries.

I called on the two of them in a higher tone than usual, consciously trying to change the air.

"Yes, why don't you go out to King's Capital today? We're actually going to see how the recovery pills are lining up on the market. Outreach, we may want to see again what kind of recovery pills we make are needed by people."

Iris and Mr. Basilio face to face with my words. They were the two who gave a bewildered look for a moment, but immediately nodded loudly.

Wang Du was showing the same buzz.

Guide the two juniors to the boulevard lined with outdoor shops. That way Iris let his eyes shine and laughed out loud like it was fun and he couldn't help it.

"Haha! Amazing man!"

Iris travels to sew between crowds with a small body. Mr. Basilio and I follow her little back so we don't lose sight of her like that.

Second, Iris stopped in front of one of the dewstores. It was a store full of healing pills overflowing in the store. The owner has a big scratch on his face, a strong man. Did the traveler scare you because of your appearance, and your feet were small?

When Iris stood at the store without hesitation, he intriguingly took the recovery pills lined up in the store. And I compared the healing pill to the shopkeeper's face several times.

"Hey! Did your uncle make this recovery pill?

"... oh? That's not true. Ma'am, does it look like you can do a delicate job of conditioning on me?

"Haha, I don't see it"

Iris doesn't show how scared he is at all, even when he is stared at. A personality that doesn't scare you, or a nostalgic personality. I actually still totally miss me and Mr. Basilio a few months after I met him.

Besides, with all due respect, Mr. Leanhardt also had a sharp eye for being her master, so I guess he's used to strong men. Iris continues his conversation with a joyfully strong shopkeeper.

I was watching that from a little further away with Mr. Basilio and two of them.

"Mr. Iris has something natural, doesn't he? In formulation, in the way you deal with people."

"He's an innocent kid."

Haha, and when I gave him a laugh, Mr. Basilio loosened his eyes, too. My eyes staring at Iris are so sweet.

Mr. Basilio took a small breath, humming his voice and cutting out the story.

"Truth be told, I was anxious to do well with Mr. Iris as soon as the training started. But now I feel like my sister. You can't leave me alone, or something."

- I'm starting to feel like my sister.

It is something I felt watching the two of them from the side, but I am somewhat relieved that they came out of my mouth. Age is far apart, but it's synchronization. I was hoping that we would have a supportive or incisive relationship.

"I feel like I understand. Iris is my sister."

I guess they've actually been adored. It's only a few moments since I saw him with Mr. Leanhardt, but he looked as if he was a comfortable friend as a family.

I'll see Mr. Basilio next door. Iris is some of the sister temperament for the two of them to look like brothers and sisters, but the “brotherhood” on Mr. Basilio's board seemed to me to be one of the factors.

Maybe he has someone down there today.

"Do you have a basilio like that down there today? I feel like my brother is on the board..."

"Yes. Actually, one brother and one sister at a time"

Mr Basilio replied with a bitter smile.

Heh, and turning his eyes round, Mr. Basilio continues his words with a deeper bitterness.

"They always say they're both very solid, unlike me, and they don't rely on their brother. When I took the exam, I cried more than I did."

On the day of passing the exam, I recall Mr. Basilio, who said, "The King's formula was my mother's dream". From that side of the shadow, I was secretly worried about my relationship with my family, but today I was relieved that we seemed to be close to each other.

Nevertheless, the figure of a gentle brother, Mr. Basilio, and a firm sister and brother is easy to imagine.

"You're close."

"Right. For the sake of the precious daughters, I must work hard."

Gyu, and Mr. Basilio had a wrinkle between their eyebrows. For the first time I see him, his heart hiatus at his rugged expression.

We have to work hard. The words Mr. Basilio uttered seemed to contain more of a hounding sound than an inspiration to himself.

I remember the days when I was searching for spiritual drinking water in Flaria and going around empty. Louisa's grin at me for being so gentle at that time came to mind.

Before Mr. Basilio works too hard, it would also serve as a senior to pull you out of your shoulder.

"I think Mr. Basilio is already working too hard enough. So don't try too hard."

Unexpectedly a few steps, I walk over to Mr. Basilio. The wrinkles completely disappeared from his eyebrows, staring at me with his rounded eyes.

"I've worked too hard to see around, and I, I've worried about a lot of people. It's also on the edge of something that we met this way because of it, don't forget about me and Iris. Rely on me if you have to."

"That's right. Yo!

Iris has stormed me in the back. "Iris!" she called her name aggressively, showing her teeth and laughing. At that time, the unconstructively tied ponytail swayed.

Speaking of which, I recall. I had a pretty elaborate haircut on exam day and pass announcement day, but here lately Iris has often just tied lightly or grated without arranging anything. Could it have been done by someone else?

- Pretty pink flowers were offered in front of my eyes, which I was so frustrated with, for example.

"Yes Laura, present! I got it for my sister in that store over there!

"Oh, thank you"

Ahead of where Iris pointed, there was a small florist. An adorable lady standing at the store was waving her hand toward us, so we also meet lightly to thank her.

Iris is much adored and good. I was secretly impressed while receiving the flowers offered.

"Leanhardt also said. The one who tries to hold you by himself without consulting you around is the stupidest -!


"My prick!

When Mr. Basilio tilted his neck, he answered proudly with a chest full of heh heh. Just having her makes the scene feel much brighter.

Iris seems to have settled down, too, and at that moment I walked out to take another look around the outhouse.

"That, Laura?

- They accidentally called me by my name from behind.

I look back at the voices I could hear. Then it was Senior Lina, as expected, who stood there.

"Hello, Senior Lina"

If you say hello, the seniors will respond with a smile again. Unexpectedly, a girl and a young man unfamiliar from behind her glanced at her.

Girl with prominent colorful mesh and a young man with a tungtung head. I remember that and the sense of ready-to-see - oh, I remember. They are undoubtedly the successful candidates for this year's apprenticeship exam, that is, the synchronisation of Iris and Mr. Basilio. Sometimes Senior Lina has the two, and since we met face-to-face at the time of the acceptance announcement, she has had no contact with me at all.

"Sempai, that kid Dale?

The girl in the flashy outfit called out intrigued. The hair color on the base is black, but I wear multiple colors and lengths of mesh there like red, blue, green, yellow - etc.

The girl noticed that she was much taller in the golden eyes looking down at this one.

"Franca, it's your senior."

"Eh, Uso! Kawaii!"

If you raise your voice out loud, what a girl - Mr. Franca has embraced me. I'm completely solidified by the sudden excessive body touch.

"Ha ha! It's hardening up! More and more kawaii!"

"Hey, Franca! The seniors are in trouble! Step away!"

I wondered if the loud voice of a young man passing by swayed his eardrum, and Mr. Franca's body left me. Apparently, the other one standing behind Senior Lina, the tung-headed young man, pulled Mr. Franca off me.

Senior Lina sighs deeply at the noisy two, breaking in between them and me. And

"Laura, this is Franca and that's Ziril. Newbie of the year... your sync."

Senior Lina said as she glanced at Iris and Mr. Basilio standing behind me.

The introduced girl, Mr. Franca, and Mr. Youth Ziril laugh at us. Both of them have gathered the gaze of the city's people since earlier because of their loud voices, but it was a smile that people loved.

In anticipation of the greeted Iris and Mr. Basilio getting out in front of me, Senior Lina offered a hand to both of them. This would be the first time the two juniors and Senior Lina have had this conversation as well.

"I'm Lina Beverstam. Nice to meet you."

"Iris! So this is Basilio!

Iris with a playable smile and Mr. Basilio with a modest smile. The two remained and also greeted the synchronization standing behind Senior Lina.

- Senior Lina has been on my shoulders for a long time as the four juniors began to interact with each other in circles. Leaning his neck at the sudden action, he is grabbed by his arm and taken away from the four to the side of the road.

Senior Lina, who stopped, asked with a wrinkle between her eyebrows.

"Laura, did you hear about Arnold? Last night, he jumped out in a hurry..."

I was thrilled with the topic that jumped out of Senior Lina's mouth.

Nod somehow in an unscrupulous motion.

"Yes. Something about an elf village in a fire... Does that mean Mr. Arnold's hometown?"

"I haven't heard the details yet either... But I'm sure we'll be in touch with Laura soon."

Senior Lina said, "Huh?" and lean his neck. I wonder what it means to be contacted by me, not by Wang Du. Is it still Elvira tangled?

The moment I opened my mouth to ask Senior Lina here,

"- Eh, seriously!? Laura, you're a cho genius!

Mr. Franca's tall voice rocked his eardrum. When I glanced at you reflexively, it seemed that Iris and Franca were talking to each other somehow. Those two may feel comfortable.

"Franca! You got a loud voice!

Mr. Tsilil, an honorary student who can flatter Mr. Franca, who raised his voice aloud.

"That kind of ziril has a better voice!

Haha, and Iris laughing innocently.

"Hey, guys, I'm getting noticed around......!

In the end, Mr. Basilio, the hardest common sense man.

While sympathizing with Mr. Basilio, I admire the variety of newcomers.

"... you really have a lot of healthy newcomers this year"

Senior Lina shrugged with a bitter smile. Inspired by Mr. Franca's voice, I sigh inside that Arnold's topic has completely flown.

But it wouldn't be a good idea to inflate the story with speculation that it's never where the person is. "Right," he nodded in Senior Lina's words, concluding that any one of them must be contacted.

"Chelsea's in charge. Mr. Keer seems like a quiet kid."

To an unfamiliar name, I trace my memory to try to remember the last of this year's newcomers. Sure, there must have been another grown-up girl with glasses.

Chelsea and I talk about the juniors again and again in the same room this year, but we haven't met the juniors whose synchronization is still in charge.

"Right. We need to study hard to avoid lagging behind our juniors, too."

They're totally getting along. Stare at the four juniors. Because of the synchronization, I thought it might be a good idea to set up a training venue jointly one day, what a blur.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!