Published at 17th of October 2019 05:27:50 AM

Chapter 57

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In Xia Wei's eyes, the peaceful school had suddenly become a battlefield.



  Although there was nothing between her and Tao Yu, Jiang Zhi Zhou had seen the love letter she had never sent.


  Therefore, she could confidently say that drama was afoot.


  She tried to make herself smile brightly, so as to break the ice. "It was my mother's birthday today. I came home to celebrate."


  "Oh, I get it." Tao Yu nodded, his eyes resting on Jiang Zhi Zhou. "Did Mr. Jiang come back with you?"


  Before Xia Wei could speak, Jiang Zhi Zhou interrupted. "I came back to discuss our marriage with her parents."


  Tao Yu was stunned. Though Xia Wei had already told him that she was dating Jiang Zhi Zhou, he had not expected them to get married so soon. That said, many people in his age group were currently celebrating flash marriages, so he supposed it was no big deal.


[Crystal: Flash marriages are when one goes from strangers to marriage within the space of a few months, sometimes due to financial or social pressure.]


  He turned back to Xia Wei, his smile calm and clean. "Congratulations to you. Are you planning to have the wedding in A City or D City?"


  "We haven't yet decided." Frankly, she hadn't yet thought about the wedding at all. Wait, shouldn't they get their certificate before that?


  Jiang Zhi Zhou added, "We'll probably do something at both. I'm thinking that we'll have the wedding in A City, then a second reception here."


  Xia Wei tripped over her own thoughts. He had already considered the place?! He still hadn't proposed! Can you please think about proposing first?! She hadn't even seen a ring!


  Though her heart was fuming, her face remained calm. Tao Yu led the conversation to the school's stray cats. "Last time we talked, you asked me to consider having all the stray cats sterilized. The school organized a fundraising campaign, and we raised a substantial amount of donations from both teachers and students."


  "Wow! Did we manage to completely subsidize the cost of surgery?"


  "We've even got some leftover. We're going to set up a stray cat fund to treat any sick strays."


  "That sounds wonderful! Our school's students are really caring!"


  Jiang Zhi Zhou added, "You should make sure that the flow of money is as transparent as possible, so everyone knows where the money is going."


  Xia Wei tsked. "Don't be such a cynic. Our teachers and students are hardly greedy!"


  Tao Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang is quite correct. The flow of money should be transparent. I'm currently in control of the funds, and will make sure to keep public records for every account."


  While the three of them were chatting, several students happened by to feed the cats. They saw them standing here and watched them curiously.


  Xia Wei was somewhat embarrassed to be stared at and decided to withdraw. "Then we'll be off. See you next time."


  "Alright. Help me wish auntie a happy birthday."




  Xia Wei led Jiang Zhi Zhou out of the school. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and asked, "When are you going to see him again?"


  Xia Wei took a moment to react before realizing that he was referring to the last sentence she had said to Tao Yu. In her heart, she suddenly felt a little speechless. Looking over at him with a corner of her mouth curled up in a half-smile, she said, "That was a casual turn of phrase. A courtesy, understand?"



Jiang Zhi Zhou raised his eyebrows and said nothing. +

  They stayed in D City for three days. Xia Wei dragged him to every famous place in D City, and of course, all the best food stalls and restaurants. Though there were plenty more delicious places around the school gate, she didn't have the courage to drop by the school again. +

  Early in the morning on the fourth day, Jiang Zhi Zhou drove Xia Wei, a cat, and a dog back to A City. +

  Having not been home for a few days now, Jiang Zhi Zhou's first thoughts were of cleaning the apartment. Xia Wei sprawled over the sofa, unwilling to move. "You've sure got a lot of energy. Aren't you tired after playing for three days? Let's clean up tomorrow." +

  Jiang Zhi Zhou frowned in disapproval. "Why clean tomorrow when we could do it today? And you, don't lie on the sofa. It hasn't been wiped down for three days now, who knows how much dust is on that thing." +

  "...Mr. Jiang, we've been away for three days, not three years. How much dust could there possibly be?" +

  Jiang Zhi Zhou realized that the two of them would never reach a consensus on this issue. He rolled up his sleeves and dove into cleaning by himself. In Xia Wei's opinion, Jiang Zhi Zhou was some sort of neat freak. When he'd first thought that the bathroom was leaking, he had blown up after just two days of waiting for a fix. +

  This sort of guy really might not be able to live in a room that hadn't been cleaned for three days. +

  Since Xia Wei was still sprawled all over the living room sofa, he cleaned his own bedroom first. Once he was done, rag in hand, he marched over to Xia Wei's bedroom. +

  Xia Wei remained on the sofa for a while before suddenly remembering that her underwear was still lying all over her room. She bolted up from the sofa and flew into her bedroom. +

  Fortunately, Jiang Zhi Zhou had not paid any attention to her underwear. Unfortunately, he was holding the calligraphy she had been practicing. +

  It was neither the Great Compassion Mantra, not the Three Character Classic, but instead the the name of Jiang Zhi Zhou. +

  She herself didn't know why she had chosen his name. Perhaps she had had this hobby since childhood - to write her favourite person's name down in a striking manner gave her an unspeakable sense of pride and satisfaction. +

  But! All that said! If the person himself saw all that, it was like a Level 10 shame play! +

  "Arrrgggh, why do you always rummage through other people's things!" Xia Wei rushed over and snatched her papers from his hands. Jiang Zhi Zhou had been standing there stock-still, seemingly shocked. When he turned around, there was still surprise in his eyes. But when he opened his mouth, a joke came out. "Have you written my name so very many times?" +

  Xia Wei's face couldn't help but burn. She tried to brave through it, telling her heart to stay strong. "It's because your name is easy to write and practice! Anyway, why did you dig through my stuff?!" +

  "I didn't. It was right there on the table, I saw it at a glance." +

  Xia Wei: "..." +

  He hadn't seen her lingerie at first glance, but this instead. How sly. +

  Jiang Zhi Zhou slipped his arms about her waist and looked down at her. His shallow breath flitted over from her cheeks like feathers. "Did you know that this move of yours was very, very seductive?" 1

  Xia Wei: "..." +

  "It's just your name. Don't go making up motives where they don't exist!" Mr. Jiang had been first in line for the strongest brain analytics award for quite some time now. +

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