Published at 24th of May 2024 05:27:11 AM

Chapter 1.1

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In the glittering amber of the evening streetlights and the icy rain, I can only run…

My understanding of who I am becomes less and less clear, like my reflection in the puddles I run through. Wobbling, fading, breaking… I can’t even grasp my name.

But I know I need help.


Wait. Wait-wait-wait.

I knew exactly who I was.

I was Hanna, and the last thing I remembered, I was being wheeled into emergency surgery, the world all white and sterile and flashing. I guess I did need help, if we’re being technical, but why tell me that in such an overblown way? My family was in the waiting room, and–

What happened to my family? The memories shred around my pounding heart and the blurry images of strange faces, like fragments of dropped pottery…

That metaphor didn’t even track.

Still, those blaring words had one thing right: all of my senses felt like they were breaking apart. I was in that shiny hospital, then tumbling from step to staggered step in this dark, dank street, soaked with sleet, and back again, back again, back again. Crowds whirled around me. Bicycles. Staunchly-dressed people pushing baby prams and towing suitcases. Carriages pulled by horses. Somewhere far away, a train whistle screeched. Everyone was too distracted by the downpour to look at me.

And then, out of nowhere…


Something heavy crashed into me, throwing me into the puddles. Even if I barely got my hands out in time, that couldn’t save me from gravity grabbing hold of my head and knocking it with skull-splitting force into the cobblestone street.

Every fragment of the hospital burst out of my head, thanks to that. A constant spinning replaced them.

What in the actual hell was going on?

I scrubbed the rain out of my eyes, but was less successful at getting rid of the stars. My legs were dangerously close to the stamping hooves of a pair of white horses and whirling carriage wheels. If that cab was going fast enough, it must have swung in the wet street and hit me. And now it was making a break for it.

Through the popping black stars in my vision, I saw a young woman looking out of the carriage window at me.

The face of a young lady I think I recognise…but I can hardly recall the face of my own mother. She glares bitterly down at me.

A beautiful face framed with glorious red waves. How’s her skin so perfectly lit even on this rainy, grimy night? She’s incredible. The narration had one thing right: I did recognise her.

Where I recognised her from hit me harder than the cab.

Love Blooming. The last game I played before they wheeled me into surgery. The silly little magical boarding school dating sim I got hooked on.

Antoinette Delphine. Heiress. Villainess.

Right there, speeding away.

She was all I knew. All I was sure of.

That was the woman I loved.

And as the carriage races away in the rain, the world around me fades into deep, impenetrable blackness…


hanna // love blooming stan blog & antoinette defense squad founder // send fanfic prompts not hate // minors dni!



Hi tumblr! I’m Hanna. You might know me cuz my AO3 name, calligrafi-rose, keeps popping up in your fav’s archive. Or cuz a new drama post about me is trending in the Love Blooming tag. I promise I don’t bite. Muah~

I’m mainly a fanblog for Love Blooming, a lost-media fantasy otome game for the DS. I fill your fanfic prompts every once in awhile (#rosewritings). I love Antoinette Delphine and Marie x Antoinette and I won’t apologize for it.

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