Published at 26th of July 2023 05:03:53 AM

Chapter 134

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Camilla was thrown out of the window with the explosion caused by Kyuu’s electric shock, leaving Reihausd alone in the room.

“Ah, right.”

It wasn’t until I entered Reihausd’s room that I turned on the oracle window that I had forgotten for a while.

[The Gods are protesting on their chairs.]

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, goes wild.]

[The God of Love, Odyssey, condemns your unilateral act of terminating the oracle.]

As expected, it was once again an outrage.

“Excuse me… Now isn’t the time for that.”

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, is furious, asking where Cass is going and why you are in Reihausd’s room.]

[The God of Benevolence, Oman, is delighted to see Reihausd’s bedroom in disarray and his bed split in half.]

[The God of Art, Mond, is delighted and praises the God of Art, Mond.]

It seemed that the Gods misunderstood the changed scene.

“Well, let me explain to the Gods for a moment.”

After asking Reihausd for his understanding, I explained the urgent situation to the Gods.

“So what happened…”

[The Gods listen to you.]

[The God of Art, Mond, becomes sullen.]

“I will add a device that can send a signal to the choker. Conversely, you can send signals too.”

It was Reihausd’s suggestion when I said that Camilla would be alive. And it worked.

As I was meeting Cass, a signal rang and I noticed that Camilla had appeared.

‘I didn’t expect that she would come to me right after I announced the statue exhibition.’

I urgently asked Cass to call the Paladins.

‘I lied, but… I can’t help it because the situation is urgent.’

Cass isn’t the type to fight using his body, and although he has the powers of a high-ranking priest, he hates using them.

I thought he wouldn’t be of much help in this situation, and I was afraid that he would get hurt if he got caught up in it.

So I sent him off saying that I would be waiting for him, and I ran straight to Reihausd’s room with Kyuu, who just came out looking for me.

As soon as we entered, Kyuu gave Camilla a strong electric shock. And with the explosion, Camilla fell out of the window.

‘I expected it to become stronger because Diego strengthened it, but I didn’t know it’d be a bomb hamster.’

To the point where I don’t need Ciel’s power anymore.

After I finished explaining the situation, the phrase reappeared in the chat window.

[The Gods straighten their postures and sit down.]

[The Gods check their plans for the future.]

Reihausd came up to me and brushed his hair back.

“Looks like you explained it to the Gods. Is this the oracle you were talking about last time?”

“Ah, yes.”

Although his face was still pious, it also looked a little tired.

“In any case, thank you for coming straight ahead. Earlier, I was tempted to be quite ungodly, but I endured it with faith.”

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, clicks his tongue, saying that Reihausd must be lying blatantly.]

I nodded with a bewildered expression.

I thought I had heard something strange of him earlier, but it must have been my mistake.

Yes, let’s be mistaken.


I saw Kyuu looking at Reihausd and straightening its fur.

“Kyuu, it’s okay. He’s not an enemy.”

Just a pretty pervert.


After stroking Kyuu and calming him down, I said to Reihausd.

“Let us come down together. Camilla wouldn’t have died.”


“My goodness, what is that?”

“What on earth is that…”

When I arrived at the back side with Reihausd, where Camilla fell, and saw that the priests were bitten.

“Is it a demon?”

“Call the Paladins!”


I furrowed my eyebrows.

There was a transparent film that glowed black like the glass of a tinted car. It was formed in the shape of a hemisphere and encircled the shape of a person.


I glared at her.

Her face was earthy and her eyes were murky, but from the human form it was clearly Camilla.


Reihausd looked at me with a firm face and said.

“It’s a tremendous energy.”

The hemispherical membrane was condensed with terrifying energy that I could even see.

“A God’s power…”

Although Camilla’s body is imperfect, it’s a body created by Raid himself.

Moreover, it seemed that Bellatrix was prepared to be annihilated, as Diego had said, and bestowed all of her powers on Camilla.

‘It gives me goosebumps.’

It was a scene where even I, who possessed the power and divine power of the seven Gods, felt a tremendous sense of intimidation.

Bellatrix was now revealing her powers through Camilla.

Sizzleㅡsizzle, sizzleㅡ

At some point, a tremendous wave arose around the hemispherical barrier and attacked us.


“What’s this!”

The Paladins who were approaching in line were blown away by the wind like a typhoon and rolled around. The priests also couldn’t get up and were pushed back. It was such a storm that I couldn’t open my eyes.

I was able to barely stand by protecting myself with strong divine power and Reihausd with divine power.


However, I didn’t see whether Kyuu, who was on my shoulder, had been blown away due to the impact of the wave.

“Kyuu! Where are you?”

The wind continued to blow without stopping. The atmosphere fell dark and the sky was covered with dark clouds.

“Mother, please give me power. More power…”

I heard Bellatrix’s cracked voice.

“Please give me exceptional power.”

[The God of Lies, Bellatrix, is about to disappear.]

Red letters flickered in the chat window.

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, says that Bellatrix will unleash what remains of her divinity on Camilla.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, warns you to kill Camilla quickly.]


I could see Reihausd’s feet being pushed back.


I shouted with all my might to the invisible God beyond.

I met her, who came back after such a long time. Of course, it can’t be destroyed like this.

“Camilla isn’t your real daughter! She’s a fake soul created by Raid!”

I screamed all my lungs, yet the storm didn’t die down at all. It seemed that Camilla was also interfering with Bellatrix’s contact.

Although it was to be expected, the situation seemed to take a sharp turn.

“Saintess, be careful!”

Then, Reihausd’s rough voice was heard. And suddenly something huge flew in front of my eyes.


A whole tree uprooted from the ground was flying towards me at breakneck speed.

It was when I raised my hand, gathering Ciel’s power in my hand, thinking that I would surely die if I bumped into it.

A brilliant sword flew in and shattered the tree in an instant.

The tree turned into small pieces with an explosion sound. And just before the scattered pieces touched me, a strong hand pulled me into its arms.

My nose hit his hard chest and I looked up. I saw Kyle holding a sword and looking across the storm with cold eyes.

The wind blew his red hair, and his strong will shone deep in his eyes.

“Your Highness… the Crown Prince?”

Why is he here when he should be in the Imperial Palace…?

“I blinked, and I was in front of the temple.”

His low voice reached my ears.

I didn’t have time to decide if it was a joke or real. I said to him with a puzzled expression.

“Thank you for saving me.”

Around Kyle’s body, a blue energy was rising like an aura.

“What about your body.”

“Thanks to you, I’m fine.”

He looked at me with a friendly look to see if I was hurt, then let go of his hand. Kyle said that he was sparring at some point, but it was a meticulous look that was unlike him.

“If things are as I’ve been told, I’ll have to get rid of that first.”

After a while, he held the handle of his sword firmly with both hands and jumped off the ground. And he thrust his sword down hard into the storm.


A tremendous vibration and noise rang out. I could clearly see the front, where I couldn’t even see an inch ahead. The barrier with five colors mixed together, and the image of Kyle with a sword covered in blue light embedded in it.

Between the sword and the barrier, red flames and sparks flew non-stop. Even the Sword Master’s sword skill couldn’t break through the strong barrier.

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, says that Bellatrix’s divinity is being absorbed by Camilla.]

[The God of Destruction, Ciel, growls.]


She must be planning to find the statue by destroying Bellatrix’s divinity or the temple with the inherited power. For Raid’s power was needed for her to lift the curse of her heart and restore strength.

If she finds out that the statue isn’t here, she will go berserk.

My most important goal right now was to prevent Bellatrix from making the wrong choice.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!