Published at 3rd of February 2023 06:30:51 AM

Chapter 1814

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Regardless of the pain, Xiang Nan turned around and ran. He picked up a stone and threw it at Master Li.

With each shot, Xiangnan needs a short pause, which will make master Li closer to Xiangnan.

Master Li immediately gathered the first weather and let it float on the surface of his body to block the stone.

But at this time, the off-road vehicle at his feet suddenly moved sideways and flicked the tail, directly throwing Master Li out of the car.

Xiang Nan a Leng, can't help shaking his head, continue to run to catch up with long Qian son.

"Fool! A bunch of idiots

Master Li got up from the ground and roared, "who let you hide! That stone won't hurt me at all

The people in black on the bus lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Master Li looked up and saw that Xiang Nan and long qian'er had entered the mountain.

In the continuous mountains, a train is galloping through the mountain tunnel.

On the opposite mountain peak, Xiang Nan was sitting in the woods. He was tightening his chest with a black cloth torn from his robe to bind up the wound.

But the blood still soaked the bandage quickly.

Long qian'er cried anxiously: "go to see a doctor quickly. I'll take you to the hospital. We won't run away. We can't let you die of blood loss."

"It's all my fault. It's useless! If I hadn't been distracted several times in a row, I wouldn't have hurt you so badly. "

The more she said it, the more she blamed herself. She started to cry with her face in her hands.

Xiang Nan glanced at her faintly and said: "don't worry, the physical quality of the warrior is not as bad as you think. This small injury will stop bleeding soon."

"Moreover, the blood production function of the warrior is also very powerful. You should know that the warrior relies more on aura than blood."

"Excessive blood loss will weaken the warrior, but it will not endanger his life."

"Don't cry."

Long qian'er wiped her tears, leaned over with her mouth flat, and said in a low voice, "you didn't wrap it. Let me deal with it. I've been a volunteer before, and I've learned a little."

Xiang Nan nodded and released his hands.

That long Qian son dealt with bandage afresh, small voice way: "you don't blame me at all, it is I drag you down."

Xiang Nan said lightly: "do you think I should blame you? Think I'll be disappointed with you? "

Long qian'er said, "isn't it true that I'm so useless that I even dislike myself."

Xiang Nan shook his head: "your mistake is what I expected. You haven't experienced any special training or experience in dealing with this kind of battle. It's normal to make small mistakes."

Long qian'er bit her teeth and said, "but that's normal! I'm not a normal person, am I? Otherwise you wouldn't like me

"I shouldn't make a normal mistake!"

Xiang Nan laughed and said, "actually, I hope you can make more mistakes. I can correct you and your behavior and consciousness."

"The more mistakes you make now, the less mistakes you will make in the future. At least if I'm by your side at this time, I can guarantee your life."

"If you fight alone in the future, every little mistake may cost you your life."

Xiang Nan looked back at long qian'er and said, "do you know what a strong man is?"

Long qian'er shakes her head.

Xiang Nan said: "no one can guarantee that he will not make mistakes. The so-called strong man is that he can correct his mistakes as quickly as possible after every mistake and ensure that he will never make the same mistakes again."

Long qian'er was stunned and said: "this It's the first time I've heard that

Xiang Nan said: "of course, it was summed up by countless experiences and lessons. When I first stepped into martial arts, I was much more stupid than you."

That long Qian son tears into smile, way: "you still know to comfort me."

After thinking about it, she asked, "by the way, what is the sword Qi? How can I let it out? "

Xiang Nan said: "above the quenched body condition is the congenital condition. Only when the warrior reaches the congenital condition can he gather the weather first."

"However, the weather is very limited, the distance is scattered but not real, the flying distance is very short and the lethality is average."

"Only when we arrive at Guiyuan, can we let the weather gather first and not disperse, the power gather more, and the flying distance is longer."

"What state am I now?" Long qian'er said.

Xiang Nan Dao: "quenched body five heavy."

"Ah?" Long qian'er was stunned: "according to what you said, I shouldn't be quenched body."

Xiang Nan took a deep look at her and said, "this is what we have to figure out in this trip."

"I have found that you have a special constitution, which leads to your special ability. Your ability is to stimulate the potential of the warrior."

"This function is just as effective for you. When you enter the quenched body weight, you will instantly stimulate your own potential, so that you can jump to the quenched body weight five."Long qian'er is flustered.

Xiang Nan frowned: "Why are you not happy at all? It's amazing. "

Long qian'er sighed: "originally, I only have such a little potential. Does that mean that I can't be promoted to the sixth level of quenched body?"

Xiang Nan shook his head: "a person's potential is not fixed. Let me tell you something. For example, a person's potential can be so great that he can lift a car."

"But he can't do that now. If he can make the most of his potential after special training, he can lift the car."

"But it doesn't mean that lifting the car is his ultimate limit. If he practices martial arts and uses lingcao pills, his strength will be further improved and his potential will be further increased."

"Now you know, why do I say your ability is amazing?"

"According to your potential characteristics, your future promotion will be leaping, instead of growing in a small state."

Speaking of this, Xiang Nan said with emotion: "this kind of ability is the dream of countless warriors."

Long qianer looked at Xiang Nan strangely and said, "since I can stimulate other people's potential, why can't I stimulate your potential?"

"How powerful are you? No, at most it's just now. "

Xiang Nan bowed his head, laughed and said, "my heart of Tao has fallen asleep. You can't stimulate my potential, and you can't make me return to the peak."

"I have to overcome this difficulty myself."

"I was there..." Long qian'er thought about it and said, "as long as I help you all the time, can you do it in the future and make great strides forward?"

"Every time you upgrade, I will stimulate your potential."

Xiang Nan thought about it and said, "it should be possible, but it's not as exaggerated as you. Because of your personal constitution, your potential is much greater than that of ordinary people."

"You can jump from one to five at a time. If you stimulate me in this way, maybe I can only jump from one to two."

"Then why?" Long Qian son doesn't understand of ask. Xiang Nan said: "my potential has always been highly exploited, and it is more incisive than other martial artists." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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