Published at 24th of June 2024 05:49:21 AM

Chapter 108: Old Daoist Ganba

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Chapter 108: Old Daoist Ganba

On the fifth day, just as Wang Hong was preparing to fetch Little Peng back from Ke'er Shimei, Senior Brother Tian and Ke'er Shimei had already brought Little Peng to his door.

Little Peng, who had been a bit down while in Ke'er Shimei's arms, jumped onto Wang Hong upon seeing him. It rubbed against him, showing immense excitement.

"Senior Brother Wang, Little Peng has been a bit listless these past few days. We were worried it might be sick, but it turns out it missed you," Ke'er Shimei explained.

Wang Hong, in a great mood upon seeing Little Peng, took out a food box from his Storage Bag and fed it a small fish cooked with Spirit Spring Water from the Space. He had prepared some in advance for convenience.

Senior Brother Tian and Ke'er Shimei, catching a whiff of the fish's aroma, couldn't resist sniffing and even swallowed a bit of saliva, feeling a bit embarrassed afterward. After all, they were eyeing the bird's food; it was a bit awkward.

"Oh, by the way, you still have a lot of the Elixir you gave Little Peng last time," Ke'er quickly changed the subject, handing over a bottle to Wang Hong.

Taking the Elixir, Wang Hong noticed their actions but decided to ignore it. After stowing away the Elixir, he took out two wooden food boxes and handed them to the two.

"I'm not a fan of fasting pills. These are something I made in advance for times when I'm too lazy to cook. Take two boxes and give them a try."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wang!"

"Thanks! We won't be polite then."

The two expressed their gratitude and chatted for a bit before bidding farewell. They were eager to taste the delicious food and had already suppressed their hunger for quite some time.

Since they didn't have a flying Magical Weapon, the two walked on a small mountain path. When there was no one around, Ke'er took a few quick steps and caught up with Senior Brother Tian.

Holding onto Senior Brother Tian's remaining arm, she said with a bit of coquetry, "Senior Brother, let's eat one box here. I'm so hungry."

"Alright! I'm a bit hungry too," Senior Brother Tian replied, looking at his junior sister's lovely face and understanding her hunger.

Senior Brother Tian took out the food box from his Storage Bag, and they sat by the roadside to eat. However, while Senior Brother Tian took a few bites of the fish, his mind seemed elsewhere.

"Junior Brother Wang's fish this time is really delicious. Much better than the ones he brought for us to accompany drinks last time."

Senior Brother Tian, now fully focused on eating, finally realized the deliciousness of the fish.

"Yeah! It's so tasty. Senior Brother Wang is so powerful, good at alchemy, and even cooks so well. Senior Brother, why can't you do anything?" Ke'er casually remarked while savoring the delicacy, wishing they could eat such delicious food more often.

"I... I can eat," Senior Brother Tian blushed a bit, thought for a moment, and couldn't come up with anything else he was good at.

"You two little ones sneaking around to eat. Don't you know how to show respect to your elders? Poor me, these old bones haven't had a grain of rice in three months, and I've lost weight."

A voice suddenly appeared above them, startling the two. When did someone get so close without them noticing?

They looked up to see an Old Daoist Master leaning against the branches above them, appearing as light as a fallen leaf as he descended.

"Sorry for our lack of courtesy, Senior. We didn't realize you were here."

Trying to maintain composure, the two bowed. If someone could enter the sect without wearing sect uniforms, it could only be a senior with Golden Core cultivation or above. Outsiders wouldn't casually enter and leave the sect.

At this point, the Old Daoist gently floated down from the tree and stood in front of them. Seeing that the Daoist had no ill intentions, the two relaxed a bit.

"May I ask what instructions Senior has?" Senior Brother Tian asked.

"So, you're Little Yang's disciple. Not bad, much smarter than those disciples he had before."

The Old Daoist commented while stuffing his mouth with small fish, demonstrating an impressive ability to eat and talk simultaneously without affecting each other.

"Let me tell you, the fish is good, the water is good, but your method is wrong."

The Old Daoist continued his critique while eating.

"Oh! Please enlighten me, senior."

Not knowing the purpose of this Old Daoist and facing his formidable strength, resisting was impossible. It was better to follow his words. People often liked to give advice in their areas of expertise, and it was quite satisfying for them.

"The kid is teachable! Bring out some fresh fish. I'll show you what real Spiritual Cook skills are."

The Old Daoist had already rolled up his sleeves and placed a large cauldron in the courtyard, emitting a strong Spiritual Energy fluctuation, much higher than a Spiritual Weapon.

"Is this a magical tool?"

"Seeing something rare and making a fuss. It's just a magical tool. Do you need to be so surprised? Quickly bring out the fish. I'm all prepared. What are you dawdling for?"

"Oh, right away! Right away!"

Wang Hong quickly took out a large jar from a prepared Spirit Beast bag. The jar was filled with Spirit Spring Water, and there were many transparent small fish swimming inside.

The Old Daoist skillfully gutted and cleaned dozens of small fish, keeping the scales intact.

He then put most of the fish into the magical cauldron.

"Bring the Spirit Spring Water."

Wang Hong handed over two bottles of Spirit Spring Water. Old Daoist took the bottles, opened them, sniffed, and handed them back.

"Don't use this to fool this old man. You didn't use this before. Don't hold back. You'll benefit later."

Thinking Wang Hong was reluctant to use the more precious Spirit Spring Water, the Old Daoist was quite discerning. Unable to help it, Wang Hong took out two bottles of Space-modified spring water and handed them to the Old Daoist.

Old Taoist opened the bottles, took a look, and poured the water into the cauldron.

"Where did you get this Spirit Spring Water?"

As expected, he asked this question. Wang Hong was organizing his words to answer.

"If it's inconvenient, you don't have to say. The Old Daoist won't bully a junior of the same sect."

"There's nothing inconvenient to say. I obtained it by chance in a secret realm."

He now had something not easy to explain, so he pushed it to the secret realm. Anyway, the next time it opened, it would be sixty years later.

The secret realm was vast, and every time disciples entered, they only had Qi Cultivation cultivation levels. No sect dared to claim that they were familiar with the secret realm. Even if they sent people to look next time it opened, with so many people entering at once, it was possible that someone would get there first.

After hearing about the secret realm, the Old Daoist didn't ask further questions. Instead, he ignited a pile of spirit charcoal under the magical cauldron.

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