Published at 24th of June 2024 05:51:54 AM

Chapter 11: Spatial Provisioning

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Chapter 11: Spatial Provisioning

Wang Hong entered the Dean's Office, finding Old Dean seated by the Tea Table, savoring his tea.

"Student Wang Hong, greetings to the Dean." After a few days' absence, Old Dean seemed more spirited, with noticeably fewer white hairs.

"Haha! Wang Hong is here! No need for formality in my presence. Treat it like your own home. Come, sit down and taste my tea. What do you think?" The warmth in their interaction might lead one to believe they were family.

Wang Hong took a seat nearby, and Old Dean handed him a cup of tea. Wang Hong, having been impoverished in the past, barely had enough to eat, let alone experience tea. This particular tea, with its initial bitterness followed by sweetness and a lingering fragrance, left an impression on his taste buds.

Expressing his appreciation for the excellent tea, Wang Hong's enthusiasm prompted Old Dean to share a wealth of knowledge about tea. Wang Hong listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with questions, leading to an enjoyable conversation.

After a while, Old Dean brought up official matters. "I observed your brisk and powerful strides when you entered the academy, full of vitality. But have you already taken the Immortal Pill?"

"Yes, indeed. I have taken the Immortal Pill and used it to break through to the Acquired stage," Wang Hong replied truthfully.

"That's good. I called you here precisely because of this matter. There are some rumors circulating outside; you might have heard a few. It's advisable not to venture out of the academy easily recently. While you carry the identity of an Immortal Older Brother, and no one would dare to harm you openly, there are those with misguided motives who might target you in the shadows."

Wang Hong nodded in understanding. In front of many people, he had taken the elixir to signify that he no longer possessed the Immortal Pill.

"Furthermore, there's an empty Small Courtyard on the west side of the academy. Move in; this is the key." Old Dean handed a key to Wang Hong.

Accepting the key, Wang Hong thanked Old Dean. As he was leaving, Old Dean also gave him a pound of tea leaves.

After the morning Battle Formation Drill, Wang Hong, without eating, went to the Library and borrowed a stack of Medical Books. Carrying them back, he muttered along the way, "It's true what they say: one regrets not having enough books when needed. I should read more in the future."

Back at the small courtyard, Wang Hong took out some Spatial Produce Rice Grains, which he had long wanted to eat but hadn't had the chance. These Rice Grains were as thick as a finger, golden-yellow, emitting an enticing fragrance of rice.

Wang Hong grabbed a handful, rubbed off the husk with a twist of his hands, blew away the chaff, leaving behind grains the size of fingertips, sparkling and white.

Wang Hong processed more than a pound of rice before tossing it into the pot. He brought the water to a boil first, then simmered it over a very low flame. Only the intermittent wafts of the rice fragrance were noticeable, making Wang Hong feel like his throat was reaching out.

Using an iron pot to cook rice, a high flame after the water boils easily results in burning, and the lid should not be opened in the middle; otherwise, the rice might turn undercooked. It has to be slowly simmered over low heat, producing fragrant rice with a good texture and a crispy rice layer at the bottom. Wang Hong was an expert in cooking, though he hadn't had many opportunities before due to his past poverty.

It took nearly half an hour for the rice to cook thoroughly. The cooked rice was translucent, fluffy, and each grain sparkled. Wang Hong didn't bother with any dishes; he devoured six large bowls, still not satisfied. Using a spatula, he scraped off the crispy rice at the bottom, holding it as a post-meal snack.

After eating, Wang Hong felt a subtle warmth in his abdomen, not as intense as when he had taken the Immortal Pill last time. Wang Hong meditated with crossed legs for two hours. The heat in his abdomen disappeared, and the newly opened Governor Vessel Meridian had become much more stable. At this rate, only five or six more times would be needed to completely stabilize it.

Wang Hong felt ecstatic. The power gained from cultivating after just one meal was equivalent to the daily practice of four or five days.

"Haha! As long as I eat two meals a day, I can achieve a cultivation speed nearly ten times faster than others. In the future, I can also pretend to be a genius."

Wang Hong made a few pancakes with Spatial Wheat and ate them, finding the effect similar to that of Spatial rice.

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