Published at 24th of June 2024 05:49:16 AM

Chapter 110: Formation

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Chapter 110: Formation

"You currently have a way out. As long as you don't step out of Qingxu Sect until you have enough strength, what can these sinister forces do to you? If a sect can't even protect its disciples, how can it establish itself in the Cultivation World?

If anyone dares to interfere with the six major sects, then that organization has no reason to exist."

At this moment, the Old Taoist revealed strong confidence. A powerful aura inadvertently emanated from him, oppressing Wang Hong to the point where he struggled to breathe.

In this moment, the image of the Old Taoist in Wang Hong's mind underwent another transformation, appearing even more towering and majestic.

"Elder, will my family and friends outside be implicated?" Wang Hong respectfully asked.

"No, they charge per head. If they receive payment for one person's Spirit Stone but kill two people, it would be a loss. Of course, if the client has specific requests, that's a different matter."

With this assurance, Wang Hong felt a bit relieved, although he was unsure who had placed the commission.

Pondering over recent events, besides killing some people in the secret realm, he hadn't offended anyone. At least until he reached the Foundation Building stage, he couldn't leave.

"Shadow Kill specializes in assassination, but it doesn't rule out other methods. Here's a second-tier defense talisman; use it for protection. Take care of yourself."

The Old Taoist disappeared, along with the remaining small fish on the stone table.

The image of the respected senior that Wang Hong had built up in his mind diminished significantly.

Wang Hong stood in the courtyard for a while, contemplating. His primary task was to enhance his strength, swiftly reaching the Foundation Building stage. The sect's Foundation Establishment Pill was nearing completion.

Currently at Qi Cultivation ninth layer, he needed to advance to the tenth layer quickly, which posed no difficulty. He still had three Green Spirit Peaches left to consume.

To refine his spiritual energy, the white crystal fruits, especially the ones recently matured after he gave some to Wang Yi, would be useful.

The fifteen white crystal fruit trees he initially planted had grown, supplying him abundantly. The newly planted five acres of white crystal fruit were still saplings and would take time to bloom.

He also needed to strengthen his subordinates. With a group of Foundation Building cultivators under him, he would dare to confront the Shadow Kill Organization.

However, a more immediate concern was changing the formation in his residence. This was his home, not a market. Even if the opponent was a Golden Core Elder, it didn't mean anyone could come and go without notice.

His privacy had no guarantee. He had to visit the market to acquire a more robust formation.

Wang Hong piloted the Flying Boat once again, leaving Kaiyang Peak. Instead of going directly to the market, he first visited the Task Hall on Heavenly Authority Peak.

He needed to inform Wang Yi about the situation. If things went awry, and Wang Yi suffered consequences, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

The Task Hall was always bustling. Any disciple wanting sect resources had to contribute and earn contribution points to exchange for various items.

Contribution points were the internal currency. With enough points, one could even request high-tier cultivators for assistance.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, it was finally Wang Hong's turn.

"Senior brother, I'm Shui Ruo'er from Yuheng Peak. Feel free to find me if you need anything."

She smiled sweetly, her voice pleasant as she spoke to Wang Hong.

"Sure, thank you, junior sister!"

Leaving the Task Hall, Wang Hong marveled at how well the Golden Core Elders managed things. The attitude of the duty cultivators in the Task Hall had improved significantly.

Exiting the hall, he headed towards the market at the foot of the mountain. He needed to get some Spirit Stones, as he had depleted them in his previous expenditures.

Taking advantage of the deserted surroundings, he slipped into a small grove, changing his appearance before emerging. Now, Space had many Spiritual Herbs for sale. Wang Hong selected some common ones, interspersed with a few rare ones.

Each batch was worth two to three thousand Spirit Stones. After visiting nearly twenty small shops, he managed to sell his Spiritual Herbs.

Entering Myriad Treasures Tower again, he reverted to his original appearance. His Storage Bag now held nearly fifty thousand Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong found the attendant and asked for a recommendation on a formation. He needed one suitable for Qi Cultivation stage, serving as protection for his cave mansion, with the highest possible effectiveness.

Since he knew nothing about formations, he preferred the shop to make the recommendation. While most shops might not suggest the best, they usually recommended the most expensive products. As long as the business cared about its reputation, the items shouldn't be too bad.

Feeling a bit inflated after earning five thousand Spirit Stones, he didn't mind spending a bit more.

The attendant introduced him to a set of Small Five Elements Formation, even stating that some Foundation Building cultivators used it for their cave mansion's protection.

This formation utilized the interplay of the five elements, creating interconnections. If any point was attacked, it would trigger a chain reaction throughout the entire formation. This meant that at any point, the full strength of the entire Large Formation could be used.

Just hearing the description, Wang Hong felt that this formation was exceptionally powerful. He paid twenty thousand Spirit Stones on the spot to purchase it.

Back at Kaiyang Peak, Wang Hong spent another ten days setting up this intricate formation in his residence. After completing the arrangement, he personally tested it. Without using the correct passage technique, he spent a day but still couldn't break through the formation.

He felt the twenty thousand Spirit Stones were well spent.

Satisfied with his work, he took two medium-grade Condensing Qi Pills, activated his cultivation technique, and slowly absorbed the medicinal power. Two hours later, he absorbed all the medicinal power, and his cultivation level slightly increased.

Taking out ten white crystal fruits, he placed them on the stone table in the courtyard and enjoyed them slowly.

"Kid, how many of those transparent little fish do you have? Share some with this old Daoist."

A voice suddenly appeared behind him, nearly choking him in surprise. Turning slowly, he saw the skinny and unkempt Old Taoist holding a white crystal fruit.

Wang Hong struggled to replace his stiff expression with a bright smile.

"Elder, when did you arrive? You should have informed me earlier so that I could open the formation and personally welcome you, showing the utmost respect in front of the senior."

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