Published at 24th of June 2024 05:48:51 AM

Chapter 123: Commission

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Chapter 123: Commission

He now possessed two Spiritual Weapons. One was a powerful auxiliary-type Spiritual Weapon, a Copper Mirror obtained from a youth in the Beast Spirit Sect. It had the ability to slow down a person's movements, and he had almost lost his life because of it.

The other was a low-grade Flying Sword, merely average in terms of power.

His defensive Spiritual Weapon was already damaged, and he needed to find a new one. Although his physical body could withstand attacks from Magical Weapons, he discovered that the Flying Sword, even as a Spiritual Weapon, could still cut his skin.

In battles against others, a defensive Spiritual Weapon was indispensable.

Additionally, he wanted to find a close combat weapon that could leverage the advantages of body refinement.

As his strength increased, the Long Spear weighing several thousand kilograms felt light in his hands. Moreover, the Magical Weapon level was a bit low. In case he encountered sharper Spiritual Weapons, there was a possibility of being cut by them.

All these items required a considerable amount of Spirit Stones, and sometimes even with Spirit Stones, they couldn't be obtained.

Wang Hong once again arrived at the market below the Heavenly Authority Peak. After experiencing a Grand Competition, the atmosphere here was quieter than usual.

Most likely, those who needed to make purchases before the Grand Competition had already done so. After the competition, many people would be stimulated, lacking the mood to come out for leisure, choosing instead to stay at home for secluded cultivation.

He entered the Myriad Treasures Tower, and a maid immediately greeted him.

"Senior, greetings! What treasures do you need to purchase?"

"I would like to see your shopkeeper. Can you help me inform them?" Wang Hong got straight to the point without unnecessary words.

"May I ask, Senior, do you have any specific business with our shopkeeper?"

If there wasn't a valid reason, they wouldn't readily inform the shopkeeper. After all, what significant matter could a Qi Cultivation Disciple have?

If they bothered the shopkeeper with every little thing, considering the size of the shop, the shopkeeper would be overwhelmed. What was the point of hiring them if that were the case?

"I have business, a big deal to offer to your establishment."

"Senior, could you please provide more details? If it's not convenient to disclose, could you at least mention the approximate amount? It will help me report appropriately."

The maid asked politely, avoiding offending the customer and not rushing to inform the shopkeeper based on just a few words.

Hearing Wang Hong's explanation, Sima quickly grasped his cautious approach. Being an old fox who had lived for over a hundred years, he easily understood the nuances.

"In that case, I won't insist. When does Fellow Daoist Wang plan to auction them, and do you have any specific preferences or suggestions regarding the auction?"

Wang Hong considered his objectivesto make the information widely known and to sell Spirit Stones.

Considering these, he needed to release the news before the auction, allowing time for it to spread and ferment.

"I suggest scheduling it a month from now. Before that, Myriad Treasures Tower needs to help me spread the news."

In the Mortal Realm, a month might be enough for the hype to die down. However, in the Cultivation World, where cultivators had relatively long lifespans, closing up for several days was common, making the efficiency of actions slower.

"Alright, no problem with that."

The two then discussed some additional details.

"After I auction the Foundation Establishment Pills, I plan to purchase some Spiritual Weapons. Does Myriad Treasures Tower have suitable ones?"

Wang Hong thought it would be a good opportunity to inquire directly from the shopkeeper. If there were suitable weapons, he could buy them now; otherwise, he would look elsewhere later.

"May I know what type of Spiritual Weapons Fellow Daoist Wang is looking for?" Sima, the chubby man, was delighted. This meant that the Spirit Stones from selling Foundation Establishment Pills would flow into Myriad Treasures Tower.

"Do you have any defensive Spiritual Weapons and close combat Spiritual Weapons?"

"We do have several defensive Spiritual Weapons, but as for close combat Spiritual Weapons, we don't have them readily available. However, we can customize them for you."

"What do the defensive Spiritual Weapons look like?" Wang Hong decided to see if any of them were suitable.

Sima signaled a maid standing at the door, and she entered the VIP room.

"Retrieve three defensive Spiritual Weapons for Fellow Daoist Wang to inspect."

The maid left, and after a short while, she returned, carrying a tray covered with a red cloth. Surprisingly, the cloth could block Divine Sense, preventing Wang Hong from seeing the contents.

Let's end it here for today, feeling exhausted.

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