Published at 24th of June 2024 05:47:32 AM

Chapter 143: Liu Changsheng

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Chapter 143: Liu Changsheng

After everyone had gathered, Zhang Chunfeng didn't hide anything. He took out the Storage Bag he had obtained and emptied its contents on the ground. This included the Red Sun Separation Fire Formation, and together with everyone present, they divided the spoils.

Zhang Chunfeng's actions earned unanimous praise from the group.

While everyone was joyfully sharing the spoils, Huang Yu hid in a secret chamber, took out a pill, and swallowed it.

After taking the pill, his expression finally relaxed. Though it was the second time he had been poisoned in this manner, the despair was just as real. There was no way out.

To make his act more convincing, he willingly subjected himself to the poison again, then entered the temporary base of the Shadow Kill. With years of preparation, he had set up many such temporary bases in various locations.

Emerging from the exit, he handed over the Storage Bag and other items to Zhang Chunfeng, even giving him a corpse. Then, through another secret passage, he made his escape.

With this, the former Huang Yu was officially declared dead. He assumed a new identity, giving himself the name Liu Changsheng, as he embarked on the path to pursue immortality.nove(l)bi(n.)com

After Qingxu Sect members divided Huang Yu's wealth, their mood improved significantly. The spoils from the Shadow Kill were indeed abundant. In the Storage Bag alone, there were over a million Spirit Stones, along with several Spiritual Weapons, comparable to the assets of some Golden Core cultivators.

For cultivators like Liu Jihu, who had just completed Foundation Building and were nearly penniless, the sight of such wealth made their eyes gleam with excitement. Each person could now receive tens of thousands of Spirit Stones, finally alleviating their current plight.

This time, Wang Hong made significant contributions and received a substantial share of the loot. However, people cast strange glances at him, maintaining a certain distance. Even though they knew there were no grudges between them and Wang Hong wouldn't harm them, a sense of unease lingered whenever they got too close. It was better to keep a distance.

Only Elder Brother remained composed, patting Wang Hong on the shoulder. "Junior Brother Wang, well done! We owe this success to you."

"It's purely a stroke of luck. If it weren't for my injuries, I wouldn't have been able to pull it off."

Although skeptical, the others relaxed a bit upon hearing this explanation.

"I have a Spirit Wine shop in Azure Void City. How about I treat everyone to a drink?" Wang Hong suggested, thinking that having a group of Qingxu Sect Foundation Building cultivators visit his establishment would be advantageous.

Contrary to everyone's speculation, Skinny Monkey, instead of being intimidated, had a happy expression. After a moment of confusion, he walked to the young man with a look of joy, as if he had seen a savior.

"East Master! You've finally returned."

Wang Hong hadn't been back to Azure Void City for a long time. Seeing Wang Hong, Skinny Monkey was overjoyed.

Wang Hong's appearance with such a lineup left a deep impression, even shocking the Qi Cultivation junior.

After a brief exchange via Message Transmission, Wang Hong understood the situation about the old man wanting to buy top-tier Spirit Wine.

Wang Hong approached the Foundation Building old man. "Esteemed senior, I happen to have some top-tier Spirit Wine. How about I sell it to you?"

"Of course, thank you, young friend!"

The old man couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. Having been difficult in front of so many cultivators of the same level, he now just wanted to leave quickly.

Wang Hong immediately took out a bottle of top-tier Spirit Wine and sold it to the old man. After the transaction, the old man left without looking back.

The customers who had been watching from a distance, expecting a spectacle, were surprised to find that the group of Foundation Building cultivators who came in were actually associated with the shop.

Disappointed at the lack of excitement, they were also shocked to discover the seemingly inconspicuous store had such a powerful background. Fortunately, they hadn't offended it before.

Wang Hong's display of strength and influence was successful. He only needed people to know about his formidable backing, and although only a few saw it now, such information would spread.

He invited his fellow sect members into the backyard, where a large lounge awaited them. After everyone took their seats, Wang Hong instructed Skinny Monkey to bring in a few casks of Spirit Wine.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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