Published at 24th of June 2024 05:47:28 AM

Chapter 146: He Yuans Worries

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Chapter 146: He Yuans Worries

Wang Hong, in his efforts to help Liu Changsheng conceal his identity, willingly exposed his own use of poison. He believed that by revealing this skill, it would make it harder for others to catch him off guard in future encounters.

This move had its pros and cons. While it exposed one of his hidden cards, it also gained him a valuable ally. Wang Hong saw the benefits outweighing the drawbacks.

Had he not revealed his poison technique, the next encounter with Shadow Kill assassins might have only involved opponents at the Qi Cultivation Ninth Layer. Dealing with two Qi Cultivation grandmasters against a Qi Cultivation Ninth Layer cultivator would have been overestimating his abilities.

Now, it seemed likely that they would send Foundation Building cultivators after him, probably in the early stages of Foundation Building. Looking at Shadow Kill's past methods, dispatching two cultivators seemed more probable.

Facing two Foundation Building early-stage cultivators against a Qi Cultivation Ninth Layer cultivator, especially with the likelihood of a surprise attack, was a challenging situation. Dealing with them head-on was one thing, but evading hidden threats was another matter.

Fortunately, by eliminating the Shadow Kill branch this time, the next encounter would likely be months away. Wang Hong planned to use this time to quietly enhance his strength and accumulate more hidden cards.

After a brief exchange with Liu Changsheng, Wang Hong left, as there wasn't much to attend to at the Immortal Way Trading Company currently.

Returning to his residence in Azure Void City, it was now flourishing. The courtyard boasted five acres of spirit fields. Initially, before joining Qingxu Sect, Wang Hong had planted some Spirit Grain and Spirit Wheat. There was also an acre of spirit fruit trees, including a second-tier white crystal fruit tree.

The once-acre of spirit fruit trees, planted with mature fruit trees, now bore abundant fruits, highly enticing to anyone. The yearly harvest from this acre alone was worth nearly a thousand Spirit Stones.

At present, Wang Hong had no shortage of Spirit Stones, and he left them for his subordinates to enjoy as snacks.

Rumors circulated that some destitute loose cultivators tried to sneak in last year to steal spirit fruits. They were caught by patrolling subordinates, given a severe beating, and then thrown out.

As for the second-tier white crystal fruit tree, its growth seemed mysterious. Despite being planted some time ago, the fruits showed no sign of ripening.

The second-tier Spirit Grain in the spirit fields, which had been a bit sluggish, fully recovered after Wang Hong had Zhang Chunfeng bring back some Space Soil to fertilize the fields.

Now, the crops were thriving, with the wheat reaching a height of one zhang. Green rice spikes emerged, each spike large and promising a bountiful harvest in a few years.

He wished there was a sudden disturbance that required his martial prowess, something to make him feel more significant.

"I haven't thought about it yet. After all, there are still several years, right?" He Yuan felt that if he left, he would have to wander around, trying to earn Spirit Stones through activities like monster hunting, herb gathering, or guarding houses. Certainly, the income wouldn't compare to the leisurely life he had with Wang Hong.

"I have a proposal; I wonder if you would be interested."

As expected, He Yuan anticipated Wang Hong's announcement of his departure, feeling a bit disheartened. "East Master, please go ahead."

"I heard you've been preparing for Foundation Building and lack Foundation Establishment Pills."

"That's true. I've been saving up my contribution points and various Spiritual Objects given to me over these years."

Feeling like he had gained too many benefits in these years, He Yuan added, "East Master, you don't need to allocate so many contribution points to me every month. After all, I don't have much to do now."

"These are rightfully yours. Everyone receives the same amount; it's not specifically for you. Even though you're idle now, there might be times when I need your assistance."

Wang Hong saw nothing wrong with He Yuan being idle. It was like a country's military, even though it required significant funding each year, having the military idle was preferable.

"In fact, I called you here because I have a Foundation Establishment Pill. I can assist you in successfully reaching Foundation Building. Since I'm providing the Foundation Establishment Pill, I naturally expect you to serve for a more extended period," Wang Hong straightforwardly stated.

Thinking that Wang Hong might ask him to leave, He Yuan nodded at first, only realizing what Wang Hong meant after a moment. He was stunned by this tremendous surprise.

"I'm willing. I can serve for thirty years after Foundation Building, not just twenty or ten."

After a brief daze, he quickly expressed his willingness, stating that he could serve for thirty years. Though a bit confused earlier, he heard Wang Hong correctlyWang Hong was offering to help him successfully reach Foundation Building, not just providing one or two Foundation Establishment Pills.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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