Published at 24th of June 2024 05:47:14 AM

Chapter 156: Hell on Earth

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Chapter 156: Hell on Earth

After giving Little Peng a lecture, Wang Hong, with a smirk, finally poured a glass of wine for it.

Little Peng couldn't quite understand why Wang Hong always had to deliver a lengthy speech before pouring him a drink. When did Wang Hong develop this peculiar habit?

Little Peng didn't dwell on it too much. As for Wang Hong's words, it only half understood, not paying much attention. In its opinion, being a bird required a straightforward approach, not the fussiness of Wang Hong.

It promptly downed the glass of wine in one go, then promptly got drunk.nove(l)bi(n.)com

In its intoxicated state, Little Peng became lively, hopping around the courtyard with some unpleasant bird calls accompanying its erratic movements.

Coincidentally, Elder Brother arrived at this moment. He witnessed Wang Hong welcoming him into the courtyard, and the two engaged in a cheerful conversation.

Seeing Elder Brother reminded Little Peng of the last time it got beaten by him. A surge of anger welled up in its chest; after all, it was destined to become a majestic bird and couldn't tolerate such humiliation.

The more it thought about it, the more infuriated it became. Empowered by the alcohol and feeling a significant improvement in its strength, it staggered towards Elder Brother.

When it reached Elder Brother, it abruptly spat out a mouthful of saliva.

Anticipating such a move, Elder Brother had already guarded against it. With a shake of his Spiritual Power, he redirected all the saliva back onto Little Peng's face.

Then, Elder Brother swiftly approached and grabbed Little Peng by the neck, poised to strike. Little Peng struggled as Elder Brother tightened his grip.

Flapping its wings forcefully, Little Peng managed to push Elder Brother a few feet away. It had gained some strength from consuming numerous Golden Body Pills and Body Refining Pills under Wang Hong's care.

Feeling victorious, Little Peng became even more excited, howling as it lunged at Elder Brother.

"Heh! Indeed, strength alone won't work against a Demonic Beast. Looks like I need to use some tricks," Elder Brother remarked.

Summoning a large net, Elder Brother enveloped Little Peng as it charged towards him.

With no combat experience, under the influence of alcohol, Little Peng foolishly collided with the net.

Despite its raw strength, it couldn't break through the specialized net designed to capture Demonic Beasts.

The net tightened, securing Little Peng in a firm grip. Elder Brother lifted it up.

Defiant in its drunken state, Little Peng struggled within the net. Elder Brother, carrying the bundled Little Peng, flew out of the courtyard.

"Forget it, I suddenly don't feel like killing today. I'll take it back and fatten it up before I do," Elder Brother made an excuse and flew away with Little Peng.

As the cold wind blew during the flight, Little Peng slowly regained consciousness, realizing it was still bound in the net, with its legs and wings intact, and its feathers untouched.

Little Peng breathed a sigh of relief, never expecting such a hellish place in the mortal realm.

It stole a glance at Elder Brother and decided it was best to stay away from this bird-slaughtering demon in the future.

In the courtyard, Wang Hong saw Elder Brother returning with Little Peng, which looked dispirited and disheveled.

He couldn't help but ask, "Elder Brother! What did you do to it? It's just a beast."

Elder Brother's face darkened. "I just took it to the slaughterhouse for a visit."

"Oh! Let's continue drinking," he said, waving to Little Peng.

"Little Peng, do you want a drink?"

This time, Little Peng kept its distance and didn't dare approach.

"Junior Brother Wang, the Sect should be arranging a new group of Foundation Building disciples for training soon."

"Training?" Wang Hong was not very familiar with the affairs of the Sect, nor was he particularly well-informed. He had not heard of this matter.

"Yes, after each disciple successfully reaches Foundation Building, they must complete a training task to ensure that they not only focus on cultivation, but also understand the dangers and cruelty of the Cultivation World."

If a disciple only focuses on cultivation and lacks corresponding experience, they will not be very useful. After all, Foundation Building disciples are the backbone of the Sect. The Sect hopes that each Foundation Building disciple will have the ability to take on important tasks in the future, as the future Golden Core Elders will also grow from these Foundation Building disciples.

Strength can be gradually enhanced through cultivation, but abilities and experience need to be cultivated slowly.

It seems that hiding in the Sect indefinitely is not very likely, unless he always conceals his cultivation level at the Qi Cultivation stage. However, this is not possible. Hiding one's cultivation level can only be temporary and is not a long-term solution.

"How long does this kind of training task usually last?" Wang Hong asked.

"It depends on the type of training task, usually at least three years, and at most five years."

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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