Published at 24th of June 2024 05:46:09 AM

Chapter 191: Formation Broken

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Chapter 191: Formation Broken

Wang Hong raised the Golden Seal, bringing it down with force. A two-tier demonic ape, towering over a zhang in height, wielded a massive stone club and swept it horizontally towards the Golden Seal.

With a resounding "bang," the Golden Seal was sent flying several feet away, crashing down and crushing a few first-tier Demonic Beasts.

Undeterred, Wang Hong lifted the Golden Seal again, infusing it with greater Spiritual Power. The Golden Seal enlarged once more, descending upon the demonic ape.

The demonic ape raised its stone club once more, attempting to block the Golden Seal's descent. The collision generated a tremendous sound, and fine cracks appeared on the stone club.

As Wang Hong smashed the Golden Seal down again, the stone club shattered completely.

Facing another strike from the Golden Seal, the demonic ape surprisingly countered with a single-handed punch. A sharp "crack" echoed, signifying a broken arm. The demonic ape, displaying fear on its ugly face, retreated among the Demonic Beast group.

Realizing it couldn't confront the Golden Seal head-on, the demonic ape hastily sought refuge within the swarm of Demonic Beasts.

Wang Hong, unwilling to let it escape, pursued with the Golden Seal, smashing it down once more. The demonic ape, with only one functional arm remaining, desperately raised it to block the Golden Seal. Another "crack" rang out as the remaining arm was rendered useless.

As Wang Hong prepared for a final pursuit, a large hole appeared in the formation shield on the adjacent city wall. Over a dozen Demonic Beasts had already infiltrated.New novel chapters are published on

The city's Large Formation, already strained by continuous attacks from third-tier Demonic Beasts and precise strikes from second-tier ones, exhibited cracks in the Light Shield. Despite the cracks, the Large Formation quickly healed itself through the circulation of Spiritual Energy.

This time, however, the cracks were substantial. Over twenty Demonic Beasts managed to penetrate before the Large Formation repaired itself and closed the breach.

Among the infiltrating Demonic Beasts, four were second-tier, and the rest were first-tier.

Once inside the Large Formation, these Demonic Beasts climbed the city wall. Despite the efforts of cultivators defending on the wall, only ten first-tier Demonic Beasts and one second-tier were slain. The remaining dozen or so Demonic Beasts reached the top of the wall and attacked the Qi Cultivation cultivators stationed there.

The Binding Spirit Rope had nearly subdued the lion-tiger beast, which was now barely clinging to life.

Wang Hong retracted the Binding Spirit Rope, and its black surface emitted a faint red glow, having absorbed a considerable amount of demonic energy and essence blood. The absorbed energy could replenish a cultivator's expended Spiritual Power in a short period, reducing the overall consumption during battle.

Wang Hong had successfully killed the two second-tier Demonic Beasts and stored their bodies in his Storage Bag.

In this brief period, of the eighty individuals he led, five had perished, and several were wounded. The extended battles had drained the Spiritual Energy of the cultivators.

As time passed, numerous cracks appeared in the formations, allowing Demonic Beasts to breach the defenses regularly. Cultivators from all sections rushed to support and eliminate the intruders beneath the city wall.

Although fewer Demonic Beasts managed to climb the wall later on, the increased frequency of breaches exhausted the Spiritual Energy of the defending cultivators. Fatigue set in, evident in their pale faces and profuse sweating.

At this critical juncture, over a dozen late Foundation Building cultivators arrived along the city wall. Among them, Wang Hong spotted Shen Jian, the manager of Qingxu Sect in Jin'an City.

These cultivators distributed small bottles of one-tier Spirit Wine to every cultivator. While not abundant, the Spirit Wine was a lifeline in the current crisis, offering a chance of survival.

The wine was part of Jin'an City's accumulated stockpile, but with tens of thousands to distribute among, each person received only a small amount.

Several hours later, the frequency of large cracks increased, prompting Wang Hong to strike down another second-tier Demonic Beast that had infiltrated the Large Formation.

Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the air, causing the entire city to tremble. Accompanying this, the city's Large Formation disintegrated into scattered points of light.

The city's Large Formation had been breached!

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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