Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:54 AM

Chapter 202: Little Peng Unleashes Power

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Chapter 202: Little Peng Unleashes Power

Several third-tier Demonic Beasts soared out from the Beast Tide, charging towards the Flying Boats. Each Flying Boat released a Golden Core Cultivator to confront these formidable creatures.

With the intervention of Golden Core Cultivators to block the Demonic Beasts, the Flying Boats continued their assault on the side of the Beast Tide, disrupting their offensive.

The two Flying Boats directly facing the Beast Tide were under immense pressure and could only fight and retreat.

Fortunately, the Flying Boats were equipped with defensive shields. As long as the shields held, the Cultivators on board remained safe, focusing on slaying the Demonic Beasts without concern.

The forefront Demonic Beasts, though robust and powerful, were scattered by the Foundation Building Cultivators on the Flying Boats, easing the momentum of the Beast Tide.

The two leading Flying Boats slowly retreated, finally reaching the airspace above the city walls, where they joined forces with the Cultivators defending on the walls to repel the Beast Tide together.

As the Beast Tide reached below the city walls, the ten-zhang-high walls were not easily surmountable for the crawling Demonic Beasts.

Only the flying Demonic Beasts couldn't be entirely stopped and rushed into the city.

Boundary City had a total of just over ten thousand Cultivators, and with the Beast Tide attacking, the entire city was mobilized.

Most Cultivators were deployed to the city walls for defense, leaving only a few thousand who were not proficient in combat patrolling various areas within the city.

As an Alchemist, Wang Hong naturally fell into the category of those not skilled in combat.

The lack of combat skills among these Cultivators had no direct correlation with their personal strength. For instance, Wang Hong possessed a unique expertise.

If someone lacked both strength and a notable skill, they wouldn't be classified among those not skilled in combat but rather on the frontline, assigned to cannon fodder teams.

At this moment, Wang Hong, along with Wu Dayong, led eight Qi Cultivation Disciples to patrol the city streets.

With a cup of Spirit Wine in its system, Little Peng began to swell. Seeing other Demonic Beasts daring to snatch its Spirit Wine, it became furious. With a flap of its wings, it soared into the sky, larger than the Black-winged Red-beaked Birds.

Little Peng, enhanced by Wang Hong's regular use of Refinement Pills, Golden Body Pills, and Essence Core Pills, dove into the flock like a tiger among sheep. With a single flap, it sent several Black-winged Red-beaked Birds flying. It grabbed one and split it in half, blood splattering.

Moving through the flock, Little Peng was unstoppable, showcasing incredible ferocity. This sudden turn of events significantly relieved the pressure on the Qi Cultivation Cultivators below.

Witnessing the power of the Foundation Building expert's Spirit Beast, the Cultivators felt a tinge of shame for their earlier doubts.

Seeing Little Peng in action, Wang Hong focused on controlling his Flying Sword to deal with approaching birds. Simultaneously, he used a Binding Spirit Rope to entangle the Bird King fighting Wu Dayong in the air.

Taking advantage of Bird King's distraction attacking Wu Dayong, the Binding Spirit Rope silently approached from behind. Demonic Beasts had weaker spiritual senses than human Cultivators.

By the time the Bird King noticed the Binding Spirit Rope, it was too late. It was quickly bound securely. Wu Dayong, well-practiced in coordination with Wang Hong, swiftly beheaded the Bird King.

After the Bird King's demise, the remaining lower-tier demonic birds, unrestrained, fell victim to Wang Hong, Wu Dayong, and the now empowered Little Peng.

After scattering the demonic bird group, Little Peng landed beside Wang Hong, head held high, exuding a triumphant air. Wang Hong patted its back and rewarded it with a pill.

Without much delay, Wang Hong and Wu Dayong, accompanied by a few Cultivators and Little Peng, charged towards another group of demonic birds.

While these demonic birds were slightly weaker than the previous horde attacking the city, leaving them unattended in the rear could jeopardize the safety of the city's defenders.

The battle on the city wall intensified, with demonic beasts occasionally breaching and being swiftly slain by defending Cultivators. Those that couldn't be quickly dispatched would occupy a section of the wall, providing an opportunity for more demonic beasts to climb up.

In such moments, the two Flying Boats would rush over, combining forces to eliminate the demonic beasts on the wall.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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