Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:53 AM

Chapter 203: Grave Robbery Master Thief

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Chapter 203: Grave Robbery Master Thief

At this moment, the siege by Demonic Beasts had been going on for several hours.

The three-tier Demonic Beasts on the opposing side, along with our Golden Core Cultivators, had been engaged in battle from the very beginning, but now there was no sign of them. It was unclear where they had disappeared to.

The Demonic Beasts were no longer as ferocious in their siege, and our defending Cultivators were extremely fatigued.

The hours-long battle had already depleted the Spiritual Energy of most Cultivators.

Meanwhile, the four Flying Boats in the rear continued to vigorously slay the Demonic Beasts.

At this moment, the Foundation Building Cultivators on the Flying Boats each held a medium-grade Spirit Stone. They wielded Spiritual Weapons to kill Demonic Beasts while actively absorbing Spiritual Energy from the stones to replenish their own consumption.

These medium-grade Spirit Stones had been distributed to them in advance by the higher-ups of Boundary City, specifically for replenishing the expenditure of Spiritual Power.

The immense Spiritual Energy within the medium-grade Spirit Stones, while not as potent as second-tier Spirit Wine in replenishing Spiritual Power, was much faster than consuming first-tier Spirit Wine.

This was the benefit of possessing a vein of medium-grade Spirit Stone.

However, the quantity of medium-grade Spirit Stones in the vein was not abundant. Over this period of time, only a few hundred had been mined.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

This amount was just enough to give each Foundation Building Cultivator on the six Flying Boats one piece each, as they had the highest frequency of battle. Without replenishment, they would have lost their combat effectiveness long ago.

Meanwhile, Wang Hong and Wu Dayong's group had already killed more than ten groups of flying Demonic Beasts within the city.

Wang Hong had consumed Spirit Wine several times to replenish his Spiritual Energy. As for Wu Dayong, having been the shopkeeper for so many years, he had naturally accumulated quite a few good items and surprisingly had some second-tier Spirit Wine.

As for the eight Qi Cultivation Cultivators, Wang Hong simply sold them a bottle of first-tier Spirit Wine each at a low price to prevent them from lagging behind.

It wasn't that he couldn't afford to give them the meager amount of Spirit Stones for the first-tier Spirit Wine; it was just that they were not close enough to warrant such generosity.

The overall strength of the flying Demonic Beasts entering the city was initially slightly stronger than that of the human Cultivators in the city.

However, after killing more than ten groups of them, the balance shifted, and now both sides were evenly matched.

Outside the city at this moment, the four Flying Boats had finally penetrated the Beast Tide from the left and right, cutting through the middle and temporarily splitting the Beast Tide into two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two Flying Boats supporting the city defense boldly attacked from the front, causing chaos in the small section of the beast horde in front of them.

The six Flying Boats took advantage of the confusion within the Beast Tide, maneuvering freely and relentlessly killing Demonic Beasts.

As a result, the vanguard of the Beast Tide fell into disarray, losing the strength to continue the siege. The defending Cultivators on the city walls finally gained a moment to catch their breath.

"Really, even for medium-grade Spirit Stones?"

A swing of a Foundation Building Cultivator's sword could unearth dozens of Spirit Stones. A ten-to-one ratio was already quite generous, ensuring a considerable daily income.

"Of course, including medium-grade Spirit Stones. That's why I invited you. If you're lucky enough to mine ten medium-grade Spirit Stones, you get one medium-grade Spirit Stone."

Wu Dayong knew that, as an Alchemist, Wang Hong was wealthy. Offering only low-grade Spirit Stones might not have piqued his interest.

"Getting medium-grade Spirit Stones is indeed a fantastic opportunity to earn Spirit Stones. Unfortunately, after the big battle, I feel a bit unwell. I need some time to recuperate, so I have to miss this chance." Wang Hong expressed his regret.

"That's a shame, Junior Brother Wang. Your health is more important. Take care, and if the mountains remain green, there will always be wood to burn. I'll take my leave then."

With Wang Hong unable to join, Wu Dayong expressed his regret and left.

That night, the Spirit Stone mine was bustling with activity, with occasional cheers from Cultivators echoing within.

Legends of someone finding a medium-grade Spirit Stone or similar stories stirred waves of envy and admiration.

Boundary City, lacking protective formations at this time, had only around ten thousand Cultivators. After the battle today, there were significant casualties.

At this moment, most of the remaining Cultivators were busy mining Spirit Stones in the caves, and the number of Cultivators patrolling the city walls was extremely scarce.

It was precisely at this time that a dark figure quietly slipped out of Boundary City's walls.

After leaving the city walls, the figure did not go far but headed towards a pile of Demonic Beast corpses.

In this battle, the Beast Tide's total numbers far exceeded the previous siege of Jin'an City.

The last time the Beast Tide was launched, it was a surprise attack, with a limited number of beasts available due to some being stationed to guard the veins.

This time, however, it involved most of the Demonic Beasts from the Boundary Mountain Range. Although the time was short, the number of casualties far exceeded those from the previous two days.

Aside from the avian Demonic Beasts that died within the city, at least a hundred thousand Demonic Beasts died outside the city. After salvaging useful parts from their corpses, several hills of Demonic Beast bodies piled up outside the city.

Once the dark figure approached one of these corpse mountains, the bodies of the Demonic Beasts disappeared one by one. After a moment, the entire mountain of corpses vanished without a trace.

The shadow then moved towards another pile of corpses...

Early the next morning, the Cultivators guarding the city noticed a strange phenomenon: several hills of Demonic Beast corpses outside the city had mysteriously disappeared.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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