Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:50 AM

Chapter 205: Roasting Meat

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Chapter 205: Roasting Meat

That night, the mining cave continued its intense excavation of Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong, however, was not engaged in mining. Instead, he was busy roasting a leg of a second-tier Demonic Beast. The flames from the spirit charcoal below rose, crisping the meat above as its aroma filled the entire room.

Using a small knife, Wang Hong sliced off a piece of meat and tossed it into his mouth. With a few chews, the outer layer was crispy while the inside remained tender, and the flavor filled his mouth.

Just as he was about to enjoy another piece, a resounding bell suddenly echoed. In haste, he flicked his sleeve, extinguishing the spirit charcoal.

However, he couldn't bear to waste the freshly roasted meat; after all, he had only taken one bite.

Grabbing the roasted meat, he hurriedly headed outside.

The ringing bell signaled the imminent Beast Tide attack, and everyone who heard it needed to assemble immediately at the designated location.

Arriving at the assembly point in a rush, Wang Hong found nine solemn Golden Core Cultivators standing on a high platform. Below them were over a hundred Foundation Building Cultivators.

Finding a spot to stand, Wang Hong suddenly remembered he was holding a large piece of roasted meat.

Deciding it was inappropriate to hold it in such a serious situation, he took out a large leaf, intending to wrap it up and store it in his Storage Bag. Who knew how long the upcoming battle would last?

One of the Golden Core Cultivators on the platform, a chubby man, wrinkled his nose, quickly spotting the roasted meat in Wang Hong's hands.

He vaguely remembered this Disciple of their sect. With a mere thought, he appeared beside Wang Hong.

Wang Hong, in the process of wrapping the meat with a leaf, suddenly felt a massive shadow blocking his light.

Looking up, he saw a chubby man with soft features staring at him seriously. It was Uncle Song, a Golden Core Elder from the Qingxu Sect.

"Respects to Uncle Song!" Wang Hong quickly bowed.

"In the midst of a great battle, you still have the leisure for such unrelated matters. Do you understand the gravity of your actions?" Song Wei sternly questioned.

"I acknowledge my mistake and ask for Uncle's forgiveness!" Wang Hong replied with genuine fear. He thought his actions, though not dignified, wouldn't warrant the attention of a Golden Core expert.

With so little to offer, Wang Hong wasn't particularly interested, so he randomly picked a few items. In return, he gave each of them a catty of Spirit Wine and then assigned them to guard their respective positions, waiting for the arrival of the Demonic Beasts.

At this moment, six Flying Boats had already engaged in battle with the Beast Tide. Following the previous strategy, they avoided the forefront and attacked the Demonic Beasts from the side. This time, each side had three Flying Boats.

On one of the Flying Boats, Song Wei, the chubby man, sat cross-legged in the cargo hold, enjoying the confiscated roasted meat from Wang Hong. Occasionally, he took a sip of Spirit Wine, also purchased from Wang Hong at Qingxu Tower.

Hundreds of Spiritual Weapons flew from these Flying Boats into the midst of the Beast Tide, creating splashes of blood.

However, the Beast Tide this time was too massive. Including the fist-sized flying birds, their total number exceeded a million.

The chaos caused by the side attacks of the Flying Boats was like ripples in a river, unable to change the overall trend of the Beast Tide.

Although unable to halt their advance, the six Flying Boats stubbornly held onto the side of the Beast Tide, fervently slaughtering Demonic Beasts in an attempt to alleviate the pressure.

On each Flying Boat, Foundation Building Cultivators held a mid-grade Spirit Stone, manipulating Spiritual Weapons to kill Demonic Beasts while simultaneously absorbing their Spiritual Energy, sustaining themselves for a longer duration.

When the Beast Tide reached under the city wall, tens of thousands had already been slain by the Foundation Building Cultivators on the Flying Boats.

The vanguard of the Beast Tide crashed into the city wall with undiminished speed, violently colliding with it. The impact shook the wall intensely, causing the forefront Demonic Beasts to bleed from their heads.

Wang Hong stood on the city wall, seeing the Beast Tide below. He immediately summoned the Golden Seal and smashed it fiercely downward.

This blow killed three first-tier Demonic Beasts. Simultaneously, he used the Binding Spirit Rope, specifically targeting the second-tier Demonic Beasts.

Any beast caught by the Binding Spirit Rope would be followed by a strike from his Golden Seal, shattering their heads.

However, being a Foundation Building Second Layer cultivator, Wang Hong was simultaneously controlling two Spiritual Weapons, one of superior grade and one of mid-grade. This led to rapid consumption of his Spiritual Power. If not for his exceptionally vast dantian sea, he wouldn't be able to control them for more than a few strikes.

Despite his profound foundation and considerable Spiritual Power, each time he used both Spiritual Weapons to kill a second-tier Demonic Beast, he needed to take a sip of second-tier Spirit Wine to replenish his Spiritual Power.

Despite others conservatively hiding their Spirit Wine and only drinking it in critical moments, Wang Hong believed that everyone had different thoughts, and their preferences couldn't be forced upon them.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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