Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:39 AM

Chapter 213: Dividing Spoils

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Chapter 213: Dividing Spoils

Due to the attraction of the two Inner Flying Boats, the outer eight Flying Boats, like peeling an onion, systematically killed the Demonic Beasts layer by layer.

Under normal circumstances, facing hundreds of thousands of flying Demonic Beasts, these eight Flying Boats might have been defeated. However, now they only needed to kill them layer by layer, facing a limited number each time.

This was due to the low intelligence of the low-tier Demonic Beasts, rigid and lacking adaptability.

The only Tier Three Demonic Beast on the scene could have commanded the group of monsters and become the leader of hundreds of thousands of Demonic Beasts.

Unfortunately, this Demonic Beast was currently coiled around a peak, sleeping soundly.

The continuous thunderous sounds on the scene didn't affect the sleeping Demonic serpent at all, who seemed to be the epitome of carefree sleep, solving a thousand worries with a nap.

The eight Flying Boats on the outer layer continued to divide and kill, and the piles of monster corpses below were no smaller than the peaks surrounding them.

However, the two Flying Boats in the center, where Wang Hong was, had a hard time. The bit of Spiritual Power replenished with Spirit Wine earlier had already been depleted.

Although reinforcements were right outside, in a crisis, delaying even a moment might still lead to the tragic end of the boat being destroyed and lives lost.

Wang Hong suggested to Shen Jian, who controlled the Flying Boat, "Senior Shen, even though the rescue is on the outskirts, I'm afraid we won't last until then."

"Now that we are all in the same boat, Junior Brother Wang, what do you suggest? Feel free to speak up; I believe everyone trusts Junior Brother Wang," Shen Jian said.

Shen Jian, now disheveled and no longer the composed figure from before, nodded in agreement after careful consideration of Wang Hong's proposal.

After gaining the approval of most people on the Flying Boat, they formed a consensus quickly, with only a few expressing dissent.

Shen Jian trusted Wang Hong, especially considering their joint efforts in breaking out of Jin'an City and Wang Hong's performance on the Flying Boat before.

The others on the Flying Boat had become acquainted with Wang Hong during the barbecue, and there was a bit of goodwill towards him.

In the most desperate moments, Wang Hong had given them hope.

What was even more miraculous was Wang Hong's prediction from some time ago, initially taken as wishful thinking, turned out to be true.

In a group of hundreds, getting everyone to listen to a suggestion from an ordinary person without status was challenging enough. Getting them to believe and act on it was even more difficult.

In the current emergency, the two Flying Boats quickly reached a consensus.

On Wang Hong's Flying Boat, everyone contributed more than eighty Tier Two Talismans, including twenty from Wang Hong and over a thousand Tier One Talismans.

Another cultivator contributed ten Thunderous Thunder, a rare one-time-use Spiritual Weapon with slightly more explosive power than Tier Two Talismans but challenging to refine.

Everything was prepared quickly.

Suddenly, a burst of flames shot out from the two Flying Boats, heading towards the front.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Numerous Spiritual Weapons also flew forward, clearing a path.

The eight outer Flying Boats noticed that the sphere formed by Demonic Beasts inside the encirclement suddenly moved in one direction.

Thinking the Demonic Beasts inside the sphere were trying to escape, everyone rushed to block their path, killing the Demonic Beasts layer by layer as they fell.

The items were divided into over three thousand piles roughly equal to the number of people. Each pile was two to three zhang in size, and it was estimated that everyone's Storage Bag would be filled to the brim again.

The value of each pile would inevitably have some discrepancies, so they decided to draw lots to determine ownership.

After dividing the spoils, many people found that their Storage Bags couldn't contain everything, so they piled the excess in the compartments of the Flying Boats.

Wang Hong took out an empty Storage Bag from his robe and collected these items.

"Junior Brother Wang, you're really prepared. You had a Storage Bag ready for the loot."

Kaiyang Peak Elder Brother, holding a pile of items with no place to put them, was surprised to see that Wang Hong had a Storage Bag ready for the spoils.

"How about I store these things with you for now?"

"No problem, but if anything goes missing, I won't be responsible!" Wang Hong chuckled.

"No problem. These things are practically worthless."

Valuable items had already been taken, leaving only some less valuable items that people couldn't bear to discard.

After dividing the loot, the group turned their attention to the gigantic serpent. A Tier Three Demonic Beast, if slain, would be a tremendous gain.

Even if they couldn't defeat it, as long as the ten Flying Boats cooperated, self-preservation wouldn't be a problem.

Previously, three Flying Boats outside Boundary City could go toe-to-toe with a Tier Three Demonic Beast.

Now, with ten Flying Boats and three thousand Foundation Building Cultivators, dealing with a Tier Three Demonic Beast should be manageable.

Wang Hong had read in the records that a cultivator surnamed Long used to surpass tiers in battle, killing Golden Core Cultivators during the Qi Cultivation period and Nascent Soul old monsters during the Foundation Building period.

Every time Wang Hong read about this, he yearned for such abilities!

Now, with their three thousand Foundation Building Cultivators, they intended to emulate the ancient practitioner's feat of surpassing tiers in battle. The only difference was that their numbers made it less glamorous.

After discussions, eight Flying Boats surrounded the serpent from four directions, while two remained in the sky. All three thousand people would attack the serpent's head simultaneously, hoping for a decisive blow.

This Demonic serpent, poisoned by various toxins from Wang Hong, had been struggling since the beginning and was now exhausted. The effect of some toxins had left it weak, fatigued, and drowsy, deepening its sleep. Currently, it was entwined in a dream with a female serpent.

Although Wang Hong had administered a substantial amount of poison, the intense sleepiness induced by the toxins had slowly dissipated during the Demonic serpent's slumber. Given some more time, the toxins in its body would likely be completely neutralized, and it would awaken.

Ten Flying Boats silently encircled the Demonic serpent. A cultivator dropped a fresh flower from a Flying Boat.

Seeing the flower descend, everyone unsheathed their Spiritual Weapons, slowly accumulating power. When the flower touched the ground, everyone would unleash a lethal strike on the serpent's head simultaneously.

With three thousand people powering up for the strike, the force of each person's attack was equivalent to at least tens of thousands of jin. The cumulative power of thirty million jin would completely shatter its head.

Just as the flower was about to touch the ground, the serpent, sensing the overwhelming killing intent, was bitten fiercely by the female serpent in its dream, waking up abruptly.

As it woke up, it found itself surrounded by ten Flying Boats in the sky, with numerous Spiritual Weapons hanging above its head.

What was happening? Where were the other Demonic Beasts? Just awakened from its dream, it needed time to regain its senses.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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