Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:35 AM

Chapter 216: Gifted Pill

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Chapter 216: Gifted Pill

Wang Hong opened the door once again and handed the successfully refined pill to Wu Dayong. However, along with this, he received some unsettling news the bodies of Demonic Beasts outside their temporary residence had vanished once more.

This piece of information quickly spread within the temporary camp, sparking widespread discussions. Many cultivators personally went to investigate the scene but returned empty-handed.

After a day had passed, all fifteen Golden Core Cultivators came back, bearing some injuries but with no casualties.

Led by several late-stage Foundation Building Cultivators, they had traded the demon core of the Demonic Serpent with the Golden Core Cultivators, acquiring over a hundred high-quality Spirit Stones.

However, distributing these three hundred plus Spirit Stones among three thousand people proved to be a challenging task and took considerable effort.

Wang Hong didn't pay much attention to these matters. Although the value of a third-tier demon core was high, when divided among three thousand people, the share for each individual wasn't substantial.

Later, someone sent him a few thousand Spirit Stones as a gesture of goodwill, which could be considered better than nothing.

After a few days of rest, ten Flying Boats set off again, this time in two groups, to hunt down Demonic Beasts outside two cities.

Learning from a previous setback, they now divided into two groups, each with five boats, maintaining a distance of no more than an hour's flight from each other.

After two months of sweeping through the areas outside Boundary City and Jin'an City, there were no traces of Demonic Beasts left. They had successfully driven them into hiding.

During this period, the Demon Clan attempted a few counterattacks, but the human cultivators, having learned from their losses, engaged only when they were sure of victory. If the odds were against them, they fled without hesitation, never pursuing the enemy.

Moreover, the flying Demonic Beasts had suffered substantial losses in the previous encounter. They were no match for ten Flying Boats and three thousand Foundation Building Cultivators in a direct confrontation.

Once, the Demon Clan located the temporary residence of human cultivators, organizing Demonic Beasts from two cities to attack simultaneously. However, the cultivators abandoned the fight, retreating into the Flying Boats and soaring away.

Seizing the opportunity, the ten Flying Boats circled to Boundary City, wreaking havoc with a frenzy of attacks, causing chaos through burning, killing, and looting.

When the horde of Demonic Beasts hastily returned, the ten Flying Boats were already gone.

Proudly, it approached the cultivator, extending its wing to embrace him. Although it couldn't speak and lacked expressive abilities, it conveyed a sense of friendliness. If it could, it would have definitely bowed, burned incense, and paid respects to this cultivator.

Though the cultivator was somewhat perplexed, he could sense Little Peng's friendly intentions. Little Peng felt this wasn't enough to express its gratitude, so it flipped a Storage Bag out of its feathers.

This Storage Bag was obtained after many pleas to Wang Hong. It contained items collected by Little Peng in its daily life and some snacks given by Wang Hong.

From the bag, it took out a shiny crystal, wanting to give it to the cultivator. However, after some hesitation, it tucked the crystal back in.

In reality, this was an ordinary ruby in the mortal world. Though beautiful, it was no different from common stones in the eyes of cultivators.

After putting the stone back, Little Peng retrieved a pill from the bag, which was its snack. It used its wing to pick up an Essence Core Pill and offered it to the cultivator.

Initially hesitant, the cultivator intended to refuse, but Little Peng insisted. Finally, unable to refuse the bird's persistence, he accepted the pill.

Examining the pill closely, the cultivator realized it was a type he had never seen before. Speculating that it might be a pill specifically refined by Wang Alchemist for Spirit Pets, he nonchalantly put it away, thinking it wouldn't be too valuable.

At this moment, Wang Hong was in the Space collecting seeds from the demon-hunting tree. During this period, he could harvest a large pile of golden seeds every day.

As the seeds of the demon-hunting tree matured, they would shoot out a great distance. Due to the nature of Space's soil, once the seeds landed, they would root and sprout.

To accommodate this, Wang Hong had prepared many pieces of cloth, covering the entire area designated for planting demon-hunting trees on the ground.

After collecting the seeds on the ground, he went and brought some demon corpses for the demon-hunting tree to absorb.

Now, the demon-hunting tree was covered with various-sized green cocoons. Whenever a few branches were free, Wang Hong would bring more demon corpses to replenish them.

The demon corpses collected in the last round in the Space were not yet used up. With the current rate of absorption by the demon-hunting tree, it would take a long time to consume all of them.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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