Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:31 AM

Chapter 218: Entrusted Refining Tool

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Chapter 218: Entrusted Refining Tool

In Boundary City, now crowded with hundreds of thousands, Demonic Beasts pressed against each other.

When the Human Clan built the city, they hadn't planned for a large population, only enough for about a hundred thousand people. Consequently, after the Demon Clan took over, there wasn't enough space for so many Demonic Beasts, and many resided outside the city.

However, during a recent Flying Boat sweep, most of the Demonic Beasts outside the city were slain. The remaining few were now crammed inside, turning Boundary City into chaos. The city reeked, and expecting these low-tier Demonic Beasts to maintain hygiene, not litter, or refrain from defecating anywhere was impossible.

Roars of Demonic Beasts fighting echoed within the city walls. They fought for mating partners, clashed due to inter-species disputes, and chaos ensued.

At this moment, on the city wall, two low-tier Demonic Beasts were fiercely fighting over a piece of bone, surrounded by others cheering them on.

Suddenly, ten black dots flew in from the distance, and the city echoed with the roars of third-tier Demonic Beasts.

Countless Demonic Beasts surged onto the city wall, and groups of flying Demonic Beasts took to the sky.

The ten Flying Boats arrived at the city but didn't engage the Demonic Beasts below. Instead, they formed a fan shape and attacked the flying Demonic Beasts.

The remaining flying Demonic Beasts were no match for the ten Flying Boats. They were swiftly annihilated, leaving the sky open for the Flying Boats.

The Demonic Beasts within the city could only watch the aerial battle, helpless to contribute.

In the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, most of the flying Demonic Beasts were slain, and the few remaining fled far away, avoiding the Flying Boats.

With no aerial threat, the ten Flying Boats turned their attention to the Demonic Beasts in Boundary City.

The city walls and the Large Formation protecting the city weren't yet repaired, providing no hindrance to the slaughter of the Demonic Beasts. Over a thousand Spiritual Weapons rained down, scattering the Demonic Beasts on the city walls.

With no flying Demonic Beasts causing trouble, the crawling first and second-tier Demonic Beasts were at the mercy of the Flying Boats.

Only a few Demonic Beasts possessed innate Magical Arts capable of long-range attacks, but their reach was too short to reach the Flying Boats. The Flying Boats prioritized attacking the rare second-tier Demonic Beasts that posed a threat.

Often, as soon as these Demonic Beasts revealed themselves, they were swiftly killed by a barrage of Spiritual Weapons.

With just these ten Flying Boats, they had the strength to take down Boundary City before the second wave of reinforcements arrived. However, resources and manpower were scarce, and even if they conquered the city, there wouldn't be enough people to defend it.

Moreover, it would deplete their reserves of Spirit Stones. Without Spirit Stones, the Flying Boats would be grounded.

Now, with sufficient resources, capturing Boundary City was a straightforward task.

Soon, the ten Flying Boats created a massive breach in the city walls and pushed in another direction.

Watching the Demonic Beasts fall without resistance, the third-tier Demonic Beasts defending the city couldn't hold back any longer.

Roaring, they and the low-tier Demonic Beasts fled from the city in another direction.

Sorting through the materials harvested during this period, he found mostly refining tool materials. Unfortunately, after the two previous major battles, all the second-tier refining tool artisans had perished. Despite having many materials, he couldn't refine them into usable Spiritual Weapons.

Fortunately, among the reinforcements, there were a few second-tier refining tool artisans, allowing him to finally refine the materials.

After organizing everything, he left.

He returned to Seven Wonders Pavilion, where he had previously commissioned a Symbol Pen. Despite the original refining tool artisans being deceased, Seven Wonders Pavilion's reputation was still reliable.

"Are you here to purchase items or to commission refining tools, esteemed senior?" A shop assistant greeted him as he entered.

"I need to commission refining tools. Is there availability among your refining tool artisans?" Wang Hong inquired.

"I apologize. Our refining tool artisans are booked for tasks half a year in advance. Would that be acceptable, senior?" The shop assistant expressed regret.

"Well, in that case, I'll join the queue." Wang Hong replied with a hint of resignation.

"Thank you for your understanding. Please follow me."

The shop assistant led Wang Hong to a secluded room and excused himself. After a short wait, the proprietor of Thousand Crafts Pavilion arrived with a middle-aged man.

"So, you're Alchemist Wang. I've heard much about you," the proprietor greeted warmly, recognizing Wang Hong as the only second-tier Alchemist among the three thousand.

"Shopkeeper Mo, the pleasure is mine. Today, I'd like to commission the refinement of a few Spiritual Weapons. I hope Fellow Daoist here can assist me," Wang Hong said politely.

"Oh? What kind of Spiritual Weapons does Fellow Daoist need, and do you have the materials?" Shopkeeper Mo inquired.

"I do have the materials. I would like to refine a Long Spear. Would these materials suffice?" Wang Hong presented the previously acquired Starfall Profound Iron and a five-hundred-year-old Golden Ironwood.

"I'm sorry; I'm not well-versed in refining tools. Let this fellow Daoist Bai examine them for you." Wang Hong remembered that Shopkeeper Mo had brought a young man to appraise items last time, so he wasn't concerned.

The middle-aged man carefully inspected the materials and then asked, "Starfall Profound Iron, five-hundred-year-old Golden Ironwood. Is Senior planning to refine a melee weapon with these?"

"Exactly." Wang Hong felt relieved. If this Qi Cultivation Cultivator could discern this much, the second-tier refining tool artisan should be even more capable.

"Does Senior have any other requirements?" the middle-aged man asked.

Wang Hong stated his requirements, and the transaction was completed. However, it would take over half a year for the refinement to be completed.

Wang Hong patiently waited at home for half a year until the appointed time to collect the finished items.

Once again in the same secluded room, the same three individuals were present.

This time, the middle-aged Qi Cultivation Cultivator stood behind Shopkeeper Mo, holding a wooden box over a yard long.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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