Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:29 AM

Chapter 219: Refining the Leather into a Formidable Weapon

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Chapter 219: Refining the Leather into a Formidable Weapon

Middle-aged Qi Cultivator held a wooden box, his face flushed, veins popping on his forehead, appearing to struggle.

Wang Hong, observing his difficulty, took the wooden box and casually placed it on the tea table.

"Boom, clatter, clang!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he put the wooden box down, the tea table disintegrated under the pressure, and the teapot and teacups on it scattered on the floor.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Wang Hong, apologetic, picked up the wooden box and placed it on his lap.

"No need to apologize, it's just a tea table. Alchemist Wang doesn't need to worry about it," Shopkeeper Mo said, waving his hand and using a Storage Bag to collect the remnants of the tea table from the floor.

Wang Hong opened the wooden box, revealing a black long spear inside. He gently picked it up, feeling its weight, which was around thirty thousand pounds.

"This spear is made mainly from the Fallen Star Profound Iron and Golden Ironwood provided by the seniors. In addition, more than ten auxiliary materials were added, merging all the materials into one.

It possesses the flexibility of spirit wood, the hardness and weight of the Fallen Star Profound Iron. The spearhead and the body are seamlessly integrated, with a total length of sixteen feet and a weight of three thousand two hundred pounds. Its quality is classified as a middle-grade Spiritual Weapon."

The middle-aged Qi Cultivator explained to Wang Hong.

Wang Hong checked it thoroughly, found no issues, and felt satisfied. He then paid the remaining refining tool fee.

As an Alchemist, he directly took out several bottles of second-tier pills as payment, delighting Shopkeeper Mo.

"I wonder how long it will take for my refining tool to be completed?" After settling the bill, Wang Hong didn't leave immediately and asked Shopkeeper Mo.

"If it were someone else, it would naturally take at least half a year. However, for Alchemist Wang's commission, we can arrange it as soon as possible, within a month," Shopkeeper Mo said with a smile.

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Mo. I happen to have another item that needs refinement," Wang Hong said, taking out a large and a small piece of snake skin from his Storage Bag.

The middle-aged Cultivator took the snake skin from Wang Hong's hand, gently touching it and carefully sensing the Spiritual Energy fluctuations.

"Two pieces of third-tier snake skin. If we had a whole snake skin, it would be enough for refining a Spiritual Weapon armor.

Senior, do you want to refine it into a Spiritual Weapon armor?" Although the middle-aged Cultivator was responsible for reception at the Thousand Crafts Pavilion, handling third-tier materials was still a first-time experience, making him slightly excited, but he quickly regained composure.

"Yes, are these materials sufficient?" Wang Hong asked.

"If it's a full-body armor refinement, it's naturally not enough. This quantity can only refine a half-body armor because, after refinement to remove impurities, it will shrink a lot," the middle-aged explained.

After refining the Pill again, the Demonic Beast meat simmering in the Alchemy Furnace had completely melded into the soup, bones and all.

He then added a piece of second-tier Demonic Beast meat, as before, waiting for it to completely dissolve before adding the next.

This process repeated for over a month, and he had only used a bit more than two hundred pieces of second-tier Demonic Beast meat.

Now, it was time to pick up the finished product as agreed with the Thousand Crafts Pavilion. He covered the Alchemy Furnace, stowed the entire furnace into his Storage Bag, and returned home after just over an hour.

Setting up the Alchemy Furnace again, igniting the spirit charcoal, he placed another piece of Demonic Beast meat inside.

After preparing everything, he sat down in front of the Alchemy Furnace. This time, he had a green vest in his hand.

Running his fingers over it, the fabric felt soft, like silk, making it hard to believe it was made from snake skin.

This was his second top-grade Spiritual Weapon, enhancing his personal safety significantly.

Wang Hong took off his outer robe on the spot, put on the vest, feeling its soft and comfortable fit, almost weightless.

Every day at home, he processed Demonic Beast meat. If there was an Alchemy task, he would directly take a few Pills from his inventory.

The variety of second-tier Spiritual Herbs he collected was already quite extensive, making it rare for him to encounter one he didn't have.

So, out of a hundred Alchemy commissions he received, ninety-nine were already in his inventory, and there was no hurry to refine them.

After processing a thousand pieces of second-tier Demonic Beast meat, he finally stopped this concentrated concoction.

This massive concoction weighed hundreds of thousands of pounds. It was divided into a thousand jars, sealed, and covered.

After packing, he and Little Peng shared two jars.

As it touched his lips, it felt silky smooth, leaving a lingering fragrance between his teeth.

Aside from its delicious taste, after consuming a jar, a warm energy rose in his abdomen, spreading throughout his body.

After digesting this heat, he found that his cultivation level had increased slightly, equivalent to the effect of taking about ten Nourishing Essence Pills.

And that wasn't the most crucial pointhis "Body Strengthening Invincible Golden Body Technique" had unexpectedly broken through.

He had been lingering at the first level of "Refining the Skin" Realm, and now, he finally broke through to the level of "Refining the Skin Small Achievement."

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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