Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:28 AM

Chapter 220: Little Pengs Advancement

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Chapter 220: Little Pengs Advancement

Wang Hong took out a low-grade Spiritual Weapon Flying Sword and infused it with Spiritual Power. He then controlled the Flying Sword to move back and forth on his arm, cutting without causing the slightest harm.

Although his strength had increased significantly before, his cultivation in the "Body Strengthening Invincible Golden Body Technique" had been progressing slowly. This time, he finally made a breakthrough.

Reflecting on it, Wang Hong realized that the soup not only enhanced his cultivation level but also greatly aided in refining his physical body.

He felt that every organ in his body was now filled with vitality, whether it was due to the effects of the second-tier beast meat or the millennium variant Astragalus, he wasn't sure.

However, after Little Peng drank the soup, it appeared lethargic and on the verge of falling asleep.

After a thorough examination, Wang Hong found nothing wrong and allowed it to rest.

He had read in some books that many Demonic Beasts exhibited such reactions before advancing to the next tier. Wang Hong suspected that Little Peng might be ready to advance.

Sure enough, after sleeping for more than ten days, Little Peng successfully advanced to become a second-tier Demonic Beast.

Wang Hong felt somewhat uneasy about this. In the Demon Clan, Little Peng belonged to a category with rather ordinary aptitude. Unlike human cultivators who faced numerous challenges to build their foundations, Demon Clan members, especially those with ordinary aptitude, advanced naturally over time.

Fortunately, the Demonic Beast advancement process was lengthy, and Little Peng had spent a considerable amount of time in the Space. Coupled with regularly consuming Wang Hong's Refinement Pills like candy, it managed to advance in such a short time.

Demon Clan had a unique characteristic: the height they could reach was determined by their bloodline. Demonic Beasts with low bloodline aptitude found it nearly impossible to become high-tier Demonic Beasts, no matter how long they lived.

For creatures like Little Peng, advancing to the second tier was already its limit. Without special opportunities, it could never hope to ascend to the third tier.

After advancing, Little Peng's intelligence improved significantly, and it seemed less foolish than before.

Wang Hong was genuinely happy for Little Peng and specially poured a cup of Spirit Wine to celebrate.

Surprisingly, after drinking a cup of Spirit Wine, Little Peng showed no signs of getting dumber. It even gestured towards the wine bottle and then to the empty cup, indicating its desire for more.

In the end, Wang Hong agreed to accompany Zhu Yan. With his current strength, he wasn't too worried about Zhu Yan, as long as he was cautious.

"Good! When should we depart? I need to prepare as well," Wang Hong agreed.

"Two days from now, how about that?" Zhu Yan suggested.

"Sounds good!"

After the agreement, Zhu Yan left Wang Hong's residence. After Zhu Yan's departure, Wang Hong quickly packed, as he could store a large number of items in the Space. The main reason he agreed to go with Zhu Yan was the second-tier talisman he had just refined.

Below the Golden Core level, there were few opponents that couldn't be handled with a handful of talismans.

Two days later, Wang Hong wore his soft armor, placed Little Peng in a Spirit Beast bag, and headed to the city gate to meet Zhu Yan.

Since the recovery of Boundary City, continuous efforts were being made to build the city walls, and now the walls reached a height of thirty yards. However, the city's protective formation was still under construction, estimated to be completed in about half a year.

Every day, several Flying Boats were dispatched to kill Demonic Beasts near Jin'an City, while also monitoring the movements of the Demon Clan.

When Wang Hong arrived at the city gate, Zhu Yan was already waiting there. After a brief exchange, they left Boundary City under Zhu Yan's guidance.

Flying with Zhu Yan for five days, they arrived at a canyon. The canyon was infested with snakes and insects, with occasional appearances of highly poisonous creatures. However, Zhu Yan seemed familiar with the area, leading Wang Hong through the canyon confidently.

An hour later, Zhu Yan brought Wang Hong to a waterfall with a clear pool below. The pool was transparent, and the fish inside were clearly visible.

"We're finally here!" Zhu Yan exclaimed.

"Here?" Wang Hong looked around but found no trace of the third-tier Jade Ginseng Fruit or the second-tier Demon Ape.

"You'll know soon, Junior Brother!" Zhu Yan said mysteriously.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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