Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:02 AM

Chapter 234: Food Heist

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Chapter 234: Food Heist

Since Wen Lan reached the Foundation Building stage, Wang Hong had secretly arranged two more followers to undergo Foundation Building as well.

However, renting a temporary Foundation Building cave mansion seemed a bit too conspicuous.

For a small shop like his, having people consecutively advance to Foundation Building would inevitably raise suspicions if it got out.

As of now, the two newly established Foundation Building followers were secluded, focusing on strengthening their realms, and nobody outside was aware of their progress.

In a hidden chamber within Boundary City, a late Foundation Building cultivator from the Beast Spirit Sect with the surname He, along with five other Foundation Building cultivators, including the young man from the previous encounter, were discussing their plans.

Upon receiving the recent information, He had investigated the two Qingxu Sect cultivators' situations and found himself a step behind; one of them had already returned to the Qingxu Sect.

Only Wang Hong, the alchemist, remained in Boundary City, but they hadn't found a suitable opportunity to act against him yet.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

Because Wang Hong, as an alchemist, rarely needed to leave the city for missions, and he couldn't just wander outside the city without reason.

When he was in the city, Wang Hong resided in the Qingxu Tower's compound and rarely ventured beyond its gates.

Although Boundary City was somewhat chaotic, targeting the top figures of the six major sects required significant courage and strength. The Beast Spirit Sect, despite its enmity with the Qingxu Sect, couldn't muster both.

Qingxu Tower represented the Qingxu Sect's prestige outside, openly attacking it would be a direct affront to the sect itself, and they dared not do that, as life was precious.

"Everyone, after our recent investigations, we know that Wang Hong, despite usually staying at the Qingxu Tower, occasionally visits a shop on East Street. We can ambush him on his way there. However, his visits are irregular, and there's no set pattern. I've assigned someone to discreetly monitor him, and as soon as we get any news, we'll be informed," said He, the cultivator with the surname He, sitting at the head of the table. The five below were his sect members, though some were recent additions from other sects.

"He, what about the strength of that shop? Shouldn't we just wipe them all out together?" one of the sect members below inquired, eyes gleaming with greed.

"That shop's strength is only average. Previously, there was only one mid Foundation Building cultivator guarding it. Recently, something unexpected happened; one of his guards also achieved Foundation Building successfully. If we count Wang Hong, there are three Foundation Building cultivators in totaltwo early-stage and one mid-stage," He said slowly.

"In that case, we shouldn't worry. We have six people in total, one late-stage, one mid-stage, and four early-stage. We're more than capable of handling them," another sect member chimed in.

Wang Hong led the way with a large bird drooling behind him, closely following his every step.

Upon entering the shop, Little Peng followed suit.

Seeing the bird's eager appetite, Wang Hong took it to a corner, removed the roasted Demonic Beast, and allowed it to feast there.

He also took out a small bottle and placed it nearby, containing only about two cups of liquid to ensure the bird didn't get too drunk.

After taking care of Little Peng, Wang Hong approached Yin Ze's counter to retrieve the essence blood.

"East Master, I've just received a sample of Tier 2 Demonic Beast essence blood. Could you please check if everything is in order?" Yin Ze asked, handing a small bottle to Wang Hong.

Wang Hong took the bottle, opened it, and inspected it carefully before confirming its authenticity. "Yes, this is indeed the right one."

Just then, six Foundation Building cultivators dressed in black robes and wearing sinister masks entered through the main door. They remained silent, forming a semi-circle around Wang Hong's location.

Customers inside the shop sensed that something was amiss and hastily put down their belongings, fleeing the scene.

Seeing the danger, they didn't need any further prompting to leave. The six masked individuals didn't stop them and allowed them to escape.

Yin Ze had already sent a message to the others at this point.

"Gentlemen, do you have any business here? Please speak your request, and I'll do my best to accommodate," Wang Hong greeted them politely, hoping to buy some time for the others to arrive.

Meanwhile, his Golden Light Bowl Spiritual Weapon was concealed in his hand, hidden within his sleeve.

"To prevent any unexpected surprises, let's start by killing him," the lead cultivator spoke and simultaneously unleashed a Flying Sword towards Wang Hong.

The others wasted no time either, activating their Spiritual Weapons and launching attacks toward Wang Hong.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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