Published at 24th of June 2024 05:45:00 AM

Chapter 235: A Defeat in the First Battle

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Chapter 235: A Defeat in the First Battle

Wang Hong saw six individuals approaching and immediately retreated in Little Peng's direction. At the same time, he sent a message to Yin Ze through Message Transmission, instructing him to hide on the side. This wasn't a fight he could get involved in.

Little Peng, the foolish creature, didn't realize it was time for a brawl. When Wang Hong called out to it, it thought he wanted to share his grilled meat and started eating even more enthusiastically.

Seeing that the six people had already summoned their Spiritual Weapons, Wang Hong swiftly moved to Little Peng's side and grabbed the entire roasted Demonic Beast. He then hurled it forward.

Little Peng, having its food stolen, finally reacted. Its eyes followed the flying meat and then watched as the meat was shattered by several Spiritual Weapons.

Even if it was dim-witted, it now understood that trouble was brewing, especially since these people had destroyed its food, which only fueled its anger.

At this moment, the six Spiritual Weapons had already flown above Wang Hong and Little Peng, whistling as they descended towards them.

Wang Hong had already activated the Golden Light Bowl, which floated in the air, creating a protective golden shield around him.

At the same time, he held a Long Spear in both hands, aimed it forward, tightened his lips, and kept his gaze fixed on the incoming Spiritual Weapons.

Little Peng, on the other hand, flew in the air. Since all six Spiritual Weapons were targeting Wang Hong, it seemed like it had nothing to do with it. It swiftly swooped down towards one of the six, the weakest-looking one among them. Even when not drunk, it still had a bit of cunning left in it.

As it passed by one of the low-grade Spiritual Weapons, it flapped its wings and sent the weapon flying.


The remaining five Spiritual Weapons collectively struck the golden shield formed by the Golden Light Bowl, which only held for a moment before the golden light dissipated.

"Crash!" The Golden Light Bowl fell to the ground, covered in cracks.

The remaining Spiritual Weapons circled around, gathered their strength, and struck towards Wang Hong once more.

Senior Brother He and the others wore smiles on their faces, knowing that under this assault, Wang Hong was bound to meet his demise.

At this moment, Wang Hong's pupils constricted. He took a deep breath and tightly gripped the Long Spear with both hands, slightly relaxing his grip to allow for better movement.

Suddenly, he sidestepped, and the Long Spear in his hand danced like a blooming flower, deflecting three of the Spiritual Weapons in succession.

However, the fourth and fifth Spiritual Weapons carried immense power. They rattled Wang Hong's arms, and then, with a sudden burst of speed, one of them struck him squarely in the chest.

Although this time the impact was less severe, Wang Hong was already injured. The effort of deflecting three Spiritual Weapons had taken a toll on him, causing intense pain in his chest.

Now, with this additional blow, his internal organs were not just ruptured but completely shattered. The blood he coughed up contained fragments of his organs.

When Wen Lan saw Wang Hong in danger, he rushed to his side, attempting to shield him with his own body.

Wen Lan was pierced through the chest by the Flying Sword and seemed not to have died yet. He lay on the ground, blood seeping from his wound, his chest still rising and falling.

At the same time, two more Foundation Building cultivators arrived. They had been meditating a bit farther away and arrived slightly late.

Seeing Wen Lan on the ground and Wang Hong injured, they were infuriated. Both of them summoned high-grade Magical Weapons and attacked the opponents across from them.

Unfortunately, as newly promoted Foundation Building cultivators, their realms were not stable, and they did not have Spiritual Weapons. They could only use high-grade Magical Weapons.

Wang Hong struggled to his feet from the ground. In the meantime, Poisonous Bees kept flying out of his sleeves.

He paid no attention to them and instead took advantage of the moment to retrieve a pill bottle from his Storage Bag. Without bothering to open it, he crushed the jade vial, causing three pills to roll out and threw them into his mouth.

As two Flying Swords flew towards him again, the two underlings' high-grade Magical Weapons were once again shattered within a short period.

The Poisonous Bees continued to swarm out of his sleeves, surrounding the two Foundation Building cultivators. However, their defensive Spiritual Weapons momentarily blocked the bees.

Countless Poisonous Bees relentlessly attacked the defensive Spiritual Weapons of the two cultivators. Although they hadn't broken through the defenses yet, they left the two cultivators trembling with fear.

Panicked, the two cultivators quickly recalled their Flying Swords, attempting to strike down the Poisonous Bees. Regardless of whether it would be effective, at least it would calm their frightened hearts.

There were still one medium-grade and one low-grade Spiritual Weapon, both continuing their assault on Wang Hong.

Wang Hong was their primary target in this mission, originally thinking it would be an easy task, but they hadn't anticipated so many twists and turns.

They had no idea what kind of defensive treasure Wang Hong possessed, enduring multiple attacks and still surviving.

According to the information they had received, Wang Hong was just an Alchemist with a Foundation Building initial-stage cultivation, yet he exhibited formidable combat prowess.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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