Published at 24th of June 2024 05:44:26 AM

Chapter 251: Ji Chen

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Chapter 251: Ji Chen

After Gu Wei left, Wang Hong and Gu Qingyang performed the formal ceremony of becoming master and disciple.

"Wang Hong!"

"Your disciple is here!"

"Now that you have joined my sect, you must abide by our rules. There are twelve major rules in our sect, and every disciple must remember them by heart and never violate them!"

Then, Gu Qingyang, with a serious face, began to recite the sect rules: "First, never betray or disrespect your master. Violators will be executed. Second, do not harm your fellow disciples. Those who do will be expelled from the sect or have their cultivation level abolished.


Gu Qingyang sternly finished all twelve rules.

"Have you memorized all these twelve rules?"

"Your disciple has committed them to memory and will never dare to violate them!"

After reciting the rules, Gu Qingyang's expression softened slightly, and he said:

"Well, the punishments mentioned are only for those who violate the sect rules. Now that you have joined my sect, if you have any doubts or questions in your cultivation, you can come to me for guidance. I also have a Spiritual Weapon that I no longer use, and I will bestow it upon you."

Gu Qingyang took out a silver shuttle-shaped object several inches long, held it up with Spiritual Power, and handed it to Wang Hong, who hurriedly received it.

"Thank you, Master, for your generous gift!"

"This is a mid-grade flying Spiritual Weapon, named Silverlight Shuttle. It's main feature is its speed, with no other special effects."

Gu Qingyang explained that generally, Spiritual Weapons designed for flying are faster than those for other purposes. However, how much faster, as Gu Qingyang mentioned, was unknown.

"Also, I have some personal businesses that need to be managed by you and your fellow disciples in turns. Currently, your second senior brother is in charge, and it will be your turn in the future."

After offering benefits, Gu Qingyang also assigned him duties, implying there are no benefits without obligations in this world.Findd the newest novels 0n n/ovelbin(.)com

While Gu Qingyang and Wang Hong were talking, a beautiful figure walked in from outside, followed by Gu Wei.

This female cultivator had a graceful figure, with skin like snow and delicate features.

Despite her beauty, her expression was cold and detached, as if everyone owed her tens of thousands of Spirit Stones. It was unclear if this was her natural disposition or the result of some past trauma. No wonder the enthusiastic and lively Gu Wei was reluctant to meet her.

Hearing this, Wang Hong thought to himself, "If I had a Golden Core period father, everyone would be nice to me too, and all the low-tier cultivators in the Qingxu Sect would become my friends."

However, as a senior brother, he felt obliged to warn Gu Wei, "The outside world is different from the Sect. Some cultivators lurk on main roads to rob and kill."

Hearing this, Gu Wei indignantly said, "There are such despicable people in the Cultivation World? When I leave the Sect, I will kill these bandits to bring peace."

Wang Hong realized his words had little effect; without personal experience, one can never truly understand.

They quickly reached the cave mansion's exit.

"Fifth Brother, remember to come and visit me when you're free. It's so boring staying inside all the time."

Gu Wei waved goodbye to Wang Hong.

"Sure, I'll visit when I have time."

Back in his cave mansion, Wang Hong couldn't wait to go to the Cultivation Room to try out the flying shuttle given by his master to see how fast it was. A gift from a Golden Core Elder should be impressive.

In the Cultivation Room, Wang Hong took out the silver shuttle. It was streamlined, five inches long, and shone brightly.

He slowly infused it with Spiritual Power, and the Silverlight Shuttle gradually enlarged to ten feet long and floated in the air.

Wang Hong leaped onto the shuttle, standing steadily, and then infused it with more Spiritual Power.

With a "whoosh," the shuttle shot forward several meters before Wang Hong could react, startling him.

Luckily, his Cultivation Room was large enough to prevent a collision with the wall.

After flying around the room for a while, Wang Hong became proficient in controlling the shuttle.

To fully utilize the Spiritual Weapon's power, he needed to bond and refine it.

Shrinking the shuttle back to palm size, he held it, feeling attached.

So, this was the speed considered 'fast' by a Golden Core cultivator.

He spent two days refining the Silverlight Shuttle, and when he used it again, it was even faster and responded to his will as naturally as moving a limb.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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