Published at 24th of June 2024 05:44:20 AM

Chapter 253: Injury

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Chapter 253: Injury

As Wang Hong exited the Elixir Pavilion, a Foundation Building cultivator from the Gao Family was standing at the entrance, glaring at him fiercely.

"I give you ten breaths to leave, or bear the consequences yourself!" Wang Hong declared before departing.

"I want to see what you can do," retorted the Gao Family's Foundation Building cultivator, who couldn't just leave and lose face.

After ten breaths, a buzzing sound emerged, followed by a swarm of black shadows flying towards Zhao's Pill Shop. "Spirit Bees! Where did so many come from?"

"Indeed, who in this area raises Spirit Bees?"

A large group of Spirit Bees then attacked Zhao's Pill Shop, with the five Gao Family cultivators at the entrance bearing the brunt. They each summoned protective barriers, but these Green-tailed Spirit Bees had the ability to penetrate such defenses, rendering the barriers useless.

In just a moment, all five were covered in Spirit Bees. The poison of these bees wasn't fatal for Foundation Building cultivators but caused excruciating pain.

The five Gao Family cultivators, struggling against the bees, soon attracted the attention of the Azure Void City guards. Fighting was prohibited in Azure Void City, and getting caught by the guards could lead to punishment - a fine in Spirit Stones for minor offenses, or even the loss of cultivation level for severe ones.

"Stop!" shouted the captain of the guards from afar.

The five cultivators ceased their actions immediately, but the Spirit Bees didn't heed the captain's orders. The cultivators, in agony, continued to fight off the bees covering them. Seeing the city guards, they rushed towards them, bringing along the swarm.

"Stop! Don't come closer!" the captain ordered, readying his Spiritual Weapon to block their approach. Without knowing who controlled the Spirit Bees, they couldn't risk getting bitten.

"Whose Spirit Bees are these? Recall them immediately!" the captain demanded.

"They must belong to them," the Gao Family's Foundation Building cultivator accused, pointing at Zhao's Pill Shop, as several more bees flew into his mouth. His four companions, Qi Cultivation cultivators, had already collapsed, twitching on the ground.

"The shop doesn't own such creatures and we are unaware of their origin," pleaded Zhao's Pill Shop.

Skinny Monkey, trusting Wang Hong completely, didn't worry about the outcome of any potential conflict.

After a short chat with Skinny Monkey, Wang Hong left to check on two seriously injured individuals at his residence.

Upon returning to his residence in Azure Void City, everyone eagerly came out to greet Wang Hong.

After some casual conversation with his subordinates, Wang Hong went to see the injured He Yuan.

He Yuan, lying in bed, appeared emaciated, with dry hair, hollow eyes, and a lifeless complexion.

"You've finally returned, East Master. I am useless," He Yuan weakly greeted Wang Hong.

"No need for formalities. You've suffered," Wang Hong replied, sitting beside him. Upon examining He Yuan with his Divine Sense, Wang Hong felt a surge of anger.

The Gao Family had not killed He Yuan outright, but their methods were cruel, leaving him in a state worse than death. He Yuan's bones were shattered, meridians broken, and his organs, except his heart, were ruptured. His dantian, the sea of his spiritual power, was also shattered, making it impossible to retain spiritual power.

Such injuries were beyond the help of ordinary healing pills, effectively rendering He Yuan crippled.

Wang Hong took out a jade vial from his storage bag, pouring out a snow-white, crystal-clear pill. He Yuan, however, felt hopeless. Despite having taken many second-tier healing pills, there was no improvement.

He Yuan had faced many ups and downs in his life, but his dedication to the path of cultivation had never wavered. This time, however, he truly felt despair, having tried countless methods to no avail.

Only a few healing holy medicines could save him, but such natural treasures were highly sought after, even by high-tier cultivators. Who would use such a precious item to save a mere Foundation Building cultivator like him? Crippled and dependent on the last bit of vitality in his body, He Yuan had no means to obtain such spiritual objects.

[Read at /shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]

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