Published at 24th of June 2024 05:51:25 AM

Chapter 30: Two Years

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Chapter 30: Two Years

Time quietly passed in cultivation and learning. Two months later, under the combined effects of Elixir and Spirit Grain, Wang Hong successfully advanced to the second level of Qi Cultivation.

During these two months, what surprised Wang Hong the most was the reputation gained by his Spirit Wine. Initially, the neighbors in the vicinity tried the Spirit Wine he distributed and found it decent.

However, when they discovered it was priced at just ten Spirit Stones, the response changed from decent to incredible. The news quickly spread, leading to long queues of people eager to purchase.

The primary benefit of Spirit Wine was its rapid replenishment of spiritual energy, especially crucial in battles where spiritual energy was quickly depleted. Possessing an item that could swiftly replenish spiritual energy was like having an extra life. Just one bottle could fill the spiritual power of a mid-level Qi Cultivation cultivator.

Similar Spirit Wines with the same effect were sold for twenty Spirit Stones per bottle. Sensing the situation, Wang Hong raised the price to twenty Spirit Stones per bottle. He also secretly went to the Mortal Market and bought tens of thousands of pounds of Strong Liquor, steeping it with Ginseng and Lingzhi.

Wang Hong couldn't explain why the Medicinal wine he brewed had such excellent effects. Perhaps it was the special Spatial Environment with rich Spirit Qi, or maybe the extended storage time played a role, or perhaps both.

Even with the price increase, the enthusiasm of buyers did not diminish. In the end, he had to implement a purchase limit each person could only buy one bottle per day. He also announced that the stock of this Spirit Wine was limited, and prices would increase after a year. This further intensified the rush, leading to increased sales of other items in the store.

After handling these matters, Wang Hong immersed himself in cultivation and learning.

Two years later...

Wang Hong squatted in front of Thin Tall Person's book stall, flipping through the stack of books. To his disappointment, he couldn't find any books that piqued his interest. Over the past two years, he had bought and read all the cultivation-related books from this stall.

Picking up a random book on cultivation gossip news, he casually flipped through it and said, "Hey, Ma Gan, why do you keep selling the same few books all the time? Get something new."

Thin Tall Person slyly smiled and said, "There is indeed one, a family heirloom from my clan, a treasure collected by my old man."

With a mysterious air, he pulled out a book from under the stall and handed it to Wang Hong. The book had an ancient design, slightly yellowed, with worn edges. As Wang Hong opened the cover, clear large characters came into view: "Newly Compiled Erotic Art." Wang Hong flipped through a few pages, instantly blushing. Glancing around and seeing no one paying attention, he quickly returned the book, earning a mocking laugh from Thin Tall Person.

Having spent a long time with Thin Tall Person, Wang Hong knew this guy by the nickname Ma Gan, but he had never heard his real name. He was a disciple of a small cultivation clan and had reached the sixth level of Qi Cultivation.

Currently, the most mature plan was to use cultivation techniques to convert Inner Strength into Spiritual Energy.

Several individuals had been practicing this method. They cultivated Inner Strength according to their martial arts techniques, then transformed it into Spiritual Energy using cultivation methods. However, the efficiency was extremely slow. Those soldiers who practiced in this way were still only at the first level of Qi Cultivation.

As the saying goes, one paves the road as one goes. Perhaps in the future, a better method could be found.

Maybe recruiting a new batch of independent cultivators with Spiritual Roots would be easier to train. However, their loyalty couldn't compare. These soldiers were comrades in life and death on the battlefield. It would take a long time for new recruits to fully integrate.

Moreover, since they trusted him and entrusted their lives to him on the battlefield, Wang Hong couldn't easily betray their trust.

Even if they couldn't cultivate, even if there was no way forward, Wang Hong would ensure they had a carefree life in their later years.

Wan Family was located not far from the market street. The clan possessed several Foundation Building cultivators, three Alchemists, and an Elixir Shop, making them a relatively influential force in Azure Void City.

Wang Hong handed ten Spirit Stones to the guarding cultivator and stepped into the Dao Transmission Hall. He had visited here several times before.

Around the hall, thirty or so people were already seated, and Wang Hong casually found a cushion to sit on.

In the center, there were more than ten empty seats that no one dared to occupy reserved specifically for Wan Family disciples.

After a while, a group of young people entered, all dressed neatly. Leading the group was a man in white robes, tall and handsome, but he had a habit of looking at the sky with his nostrils. This person was Wan Family's legitimate son, Wan Da.

Subsequently, several independent cultivators arrived, and then a bell rang, instantly quieting the somewhat noisy hall.

A refined middle-aged man walked out from the back, and everyone bowed in unison.

The elegant man nodded slightly in return, then swept his robe and sat down in the main seat.

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