Published at 24th of June 2024 05:50:41 AM

Chapter 54: Preparing for Battle

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Chapter 54: Preparing for Battle

On this day, forty-five individuals formed a neat formation, standing solemnly in the courtyard.

After months of relentless improvement, almost everyone had ascended to a higher level.

All forty-five were clad in a complete set of black metal armor, named "Extreme Night." Under the sunlight, it didn't reflect the slightest gleam.

These were all magical weapons tailored by Wang Hong through Gao Yue's meticulous measurements. From placing the order to completion, it took an entire year.

The full set of magical armor included: one helmet, two shoulder plates, two arm guards, one chestplate, one backplate, two leg guards, one crotch guard, and a pair of leather boots.

The armor, named "Extreme Night," weighed five hundred catties and was entirely composed of high-quality magical weapons. Its defensive capability approached that of a top-grade magical weapon, but its drawback was its excessive weight, impacting speed.

Despite being only a mid-grade magical weapon, its cost exceeded that of top-grade magical weapons.

Each set was priced at two thousand Spirit Stones, totaling ninety thousand Spirit Stones for the forty-five sets. According to the conniving merchant Gao Yue, this was considered a friendly price.

Additionally, each person was equipped with ten long spears for throwing, with weights ranging from one to three thousand catties based on individual strength.

In battle, if dozens of people simultaneously threw these long spears at a single point, with tens of thousands of catties in weight combined with the force of the throw, how many could withstand it?

Wang Hong stood at the forefront of the formation, looking at the team he had invested a considerable sum in, nodding with satisfaction.

"Everyone! Over these years, we've endured numerous humiliations from the Lin Family, being trapped in the city like turtles, afraid to venture out. We've also been harassed by ruffians disturbing our shop from time to time.

As upright men of seven feet, how can we tolerate such humiliation for long? To endure for a moment is heroic, but to endure for a lifetime is to be a bear.

Tell me, do we want to be heroes or bears?" Wang Hong emphasized, shouting loudly.

"Heroes! Heroes!" the crowd roared in unison.

"Good! Good! We've taken the heads of enemy generals in the midst of a sea of soldiers; we've collectively killed experts at the Innate Stage; we've slain an Immortal Cultivator with mortal bodies. Faced with formidable enemies, we fear nothing. All formidable foes before us will be crushed to dust!"

Pausing for a moment, he raised his voice even higher, "Where the blade points, I am invincible!"

"Where the blade points, I am invincible!"

"Where the blade points, I am invincible!"

All soldiers shouted along with flushed faces.

Even more daringly, Wang Hong used a large number of explosive talismans. The entire two-mile-long path leading to the exit in the cave was covered with these talismans.

During the escape, all it took was for the last person to continuously activate these talismans, causing the entire cave to collapse, leaving the enemy with no path to follow.

He believed that in the event of defeat, this would still provide an opportunity for escape.

This was a habit he developed in the militarythinking about failure before success. Bearing the lives and fortunes of countless people, he wanted to ensure there was always an escape route, regardless of the circumstances.

If, due to his impulsive actions, dozens of subordinates lost their lives, he would regret it too late.

At this moment, dozens of people gathered on this flat ground, casually enjoying an outdoor feast.

Several demonic beasts were skinned and cleaned, roasting over the fire. Soldiers who had learned spiritual cooking moved around, occasionally brushing on some sauce or sprinkling some spices.

The sauce and spices, when grilled over the fire, emitted bursts of blue smoke, while the rich aroma of meat and spices combined wafted far and wide.

Dozens of people sat around the bonfire in separate groups.

"Xu Ge, what if the Lin Family cultivators don't show up after all the precautions we've taken?" Skinny Monkey whispered to Xu Lun, sitting beside him.

In the cultivation world, seniority was usually determined by cultivation level, but Wang Hong's team had not adopted this convention internally. They still addressed each other in their original way, adapting to external norms.

Although Skinny Monkey had a slightly higher cultivation level, he was younger, picked up by the group on their journey. Hence, he respectfully called everyone "ge" (brother).

He said it naturally, and no one found it inappropriate.

Xu Lun casually poked the bonfire with a wooden stick.

"The Lin Family will definitely come. Killing Lin Junjie before might have been forgotten over the years, but after the general executed several Lin Family cultivators on the Life and Death Platform, the news spread.

This enmity is not about whether the Lin Family wants revenge but about necessity. If they don't seek revenge, the Lin Family's reputation will suffer, affecting their status in Azure Void City, and other families may look down on them.

So, it's not about whether the Lin Family wants revenge; it's a must."

Looking at Skinny Monkey's admiring gaze, Xu Lun took the opportunity to impart some wisdom, "When facing an enemy, first understand their intentions, then guide them. Where, when, and how to fightall these decisions are up to our side."

Skinny Monkey nodded in partial understanding.

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