Published at 24th of June 2024 05:50:09 AM

Chapter 75: Great Harvest

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Chapter 75: Great Harvest

Looking at these more than a thousand Spirit Bees, although not dead, they were all weak and looked sickly.

Wang Hong had made some progress in learning Spiritual Medicine, so he attempted to reconfigure some medicinal liquids.

Based on the previous formula, he removed some aggressively medicinal components and added Spiritual Medicine that could gently replenish Qi, strengthen bones, and invigorate the body.

In the following days, Wang Hong only refined two batches of pills per day. He would then study the basic knowledge of Spiritual Medicine and continuously experiment on Spirit Bees based on the acquired foundational medicinal and pharmacological knowledge.

However, he did not formulate detoxifying Spiritual Medicine for the Spirit Bees. Instead, he enhanced their physique to resist toxicity and stimulate their bodily functions to develop resistance to severe poisons.

Afterward, every few days, there were still Spirit Bees dying, but the number of Spirit Bees dying from poisoning decreased.

In the end, when only three to four hundred Spirit Bees remained, they finally stopped dying from poisoning. Under Wang Hong's careful treatment with Spiritual Medicine, the physical condition of the Spirit Bees gradually improved.

Wang Hong pinched the wing of a Spirit Bee, aimed its stinger at his arm, and plunged the needle. However, the stinger broke, and his arm was unharmed.

He grabbed another Spirit Bee, took out a high-quality Magical Weapon Flying Sword from his Storage Bag, cut a small wound on his arm, and let the Spirit Bee's stinger pierce the wound. The surrounding area quickly reddened and swelled, followed by waves of sour pain, swelling, and a burning sensation.

Wang Hong endured this intense pain, carefully sensing the toxicity of the Spirit Bee.

After a moment, he took a detoxification pill, and the pain gradually disappeared, and the redness subsided.

Although Spirit Bees could now resist severe poisons, their inherent toxicity had hardly increased; it only allowed them to slowly mutate.


In Azure Void City, Qian Gui was at the counter, calculating his profits for the month. This was his favorite activity, and he did it at least once a day, sometimes several times a day.

Each time he calculated the accounts, a sense of accomplishment would arise within him.

Since aligning himself with Wang Kun, his annual income had increased by more than tenfold. The income from the first two sales of Spirit Wine alone exceeded his earnings from the previous year.

The increase in income also significantly improved the treatment of the clan's younger generation. Last year, a Qi Cultivation late-stage cultivator emerged in the family, and the prosperity of the clan was imminent. This elevated his prestige within the clan, surpassing all previous family heads.

To increase their income, why not?

Then, Wang Kun presented Elixirs, Spirit Herbs, Spirit Wine, and other items for trade.

After the transactions were completed, everyone elected the directors of the alliance. In the end, Zhao Ning from Zhao's Pill Shop was successfully elected as the director.

Under Zhao Ning's leadership, everyone conducted the first mutual aid trade. Since it was the first time and there was not much preparation, the traded items were not plentiful, but it was still a good start.

This time, with an ample supply of Elixirs and the addition of Spirit Wine, they earned a total of 450,000 Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong estimated that these Spirit Stones were probably the total liquid assets of these small merchants over this period.

Since the last injury, Skinny Monkey's cultivation had dropped to the fourth level of Qi Cultivation, but with numerous Spiritual Medicines, he had recovered. Despite his poor talent and cultivation level, he was still adept at earning Spirit Stones. In the past six months, after deducting costs, he earned 300,000 Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong decided to reward him with a few Green Spirit Peaches in the future to improve his cultivation level.

Including the income from Zhao Ning's Elixir Pavilion, this time they earned a total of 980,000 Spirit Stones, the most Wang Hong had ever received at once.

Thinking about expanding the space and gaining nearly ten more acres, his mood improved significantly.

When he first arrived in Azure Void City, with a few thousand Spirit Stones in his pocket, he felt like a wealthy hidden figure among Qi Cultivation cultivators.

Back at his residence in Azure Void City, the Ma Brothers were practicing Alchemy. According to Zhao Ning, their pill success rate had reached over thirty percent, at least making Alchemy no longer a losing business.

He Yuan, however, seemed a bit down lately. After recovering from his injuries and returning to the clan, his status had slightly improved. However, the clan had focused on cultivating a younger cultivator in recent years, making it nearly impossible for him to obtain a Foundation Building pill from the clan. Due to his older age, the success rate of Foundation Building would be much lower, and the clan naturally chose the younger, more promising cultivator for maximum benefits.

Wang Hong couldn't console him on this matter and decided to observe his performance later. After all, he hadn't obtained a Foundation Building pill himself.

The mutated Spirit Grains in the spirit fields of the courtyard, after using Space soil last time, were now flourishing and had grown to over a foot tall.

After checking all these matters, Wang Hong gave some instructions, had a brief meeting with everyone, and then didn't stay much longer in Azure Void City. He returned to the sect.

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